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The law of attraction is an infinite quantum strange loop.

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I have been diving into topics like spiritscience, quantum mechanics, the law of attraction and others a lot lately. This obession of mine created an creative burst of theorizing by which I found that the law of attraction is an infinite quantum strange loop. You are welcome to post constructive comments and things I overlooked as I would like to get this theory down even better than I got it at the moment. 

I wrote the following: 

The infinite intelligence controls the quantum in minor exchanges within particles to arrange and shape everything within that reality. There is no limit to the amount of minor changes it can make controlled within a certain amount of time or space. This means that it can change any object or part of one or multiple objects and change it’s complete structure and substance within the physical as we experience it. So a stone bowl could become an enormous boat. Or a complete town could be replaced with an orange. The replaced particles would not simply disappear but exchange themselves between another particle within time and or space. (as those particles can also split themselves and exchange in the same way) There is no limit to how many or few exchanges can be made within a certain amount of time or space that can be measured. Anything can become anything in this world. The greatest weapons we have in our reality is our thoughts and emotions. The law of attraction is not just a law. Your skill in applying it and training it matters. A LOT! There is no limit to how good you can be at the law of attraction. It is possible not only to make objects appear in your life without experiencing it transmute. But it is also possible to see things literally be willed or believed into something completely different from itself right before your very eyes. We could change our coffee cup into a Rolex watch. Or replace our body fat for six pack abs and empty air space. There is no such thing as creation within our universe. There is only an infinite amount of exchanges happening at the same time. Our own reality is much greater than we can perceive with our own senses. There is so much more happening within 5 meters all around you than you could possibly perceive or understand. Time and space and all within are literally bending around you and you are bending around them. Or small parts of everything within your experience and reality are bending in that way. This is the strange butterfly effect of karma for example. More positive equals the return of more positive. You can change particles with intention and emotion. An act of good karma is an act of positive intention and emotion. Thus that is why people love people with good karma. Karma is not only practiced within actions but also within thought. One person might think about something or act against someone else’s idea of what is good but as long as this one person believes that his intentions are morally good and justified within his reality the intention and emotion remain the same thus making this action or thought a positive one. Creating a positive butterfly effect regardless of the negative idea’s of others about that action or thought. Positive reinforcement manifestation of the law does not necessarily rely upon what society thinks is good or bad nor upon what society believes is good or bad as a collective. Norms and values of the collective social niches and groups do not have to reflect the actual reality of what is completely positive and ideal within that social, economical or political reality. The actual intention and emotion of the people contained within this group controls that social, economical or political reality. No forms or expressions of reality and senses have any reason not to be included within this law of attraction. The law of the quantum attraction is an infinite strange loop.


Thanks for reading! 


Best regards,

Roald Jurrian kamman

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@RoaldKamman There are no particles. We are free to see in ourselves, and in others, what we want to see. Loa is true, because there are no laws. Sit next to someone who is without particles, without laws, without limit. Infectious. “I’ll have some of that please”. ❤️



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enjoyed the read. i agree and understand what you're saying here. i have had this insight too


i think of it all as an infinite unbounded rubik's cube which is scrambled in places and "unscrambled" in other places and those "unscrambled" places is where this current version of our reality appears where we identify those unscrambled pieces as various forms all around us, including ourselves

about law of attraction, i absolutely believe in what you're saying about manifesting a rolex in place of a coffee cup... or even willing an object into existence.


jesus was known to show miracles and that is what it really was... he was willing that stuff into being or healing the wounded or whatever else he did


the main thing is believe. undying, undead, nodoubt belief that it can be done. it's not just merely thinking about the belief and then expecting it to happen... it is embodying the belief... to the degree that it becomes equal to your belief that if you're standing infront of a train when it's coming in at 120km/h, and it hits you head-on, you will "die" (yes, not you as you're eternal, but your body/current life will be over)
now tell me, do you have a shred of a doubt about that statement ? you dont!


that is how much you need to believe in that to work - that if i close my eyes and "will" an object infront of me, it will appear


this is easily manageable in dream-space, especially when you have had a Lucid dream.. u can do/will whatever you want and it manifests


it's just that in our current living reality - we dont expect that to happen


your thoughts/beliefs are all


manifest away.. be it that sexy gym body or whatever u want.. u must believe in the results and the method or system to work before it works

Love Is The Answer

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