
If the ego is an illusion, what are we?

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I have come to agree that there is no "CEO" living inside my body making all the calls. I used to bieleve that the CEO created all my thoughts but upon further inspection I realize that this is not true, but now I'm struggling with what I really am and what's controlling me, I bieleve Leo talked about all the cells that make up your body but I'd appreciate if someone could explain in depth as I'm really struggling to think this through.

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As there is no cloud inside a cloud, and there is no tree inside a tree. Same way there is no man inside a man. :) -Mooji


Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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Your subsoncious mind controls your consciousness. There are things that pull strings behind your subconsious mind.

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I just wrote a few lines - maybe you find them helpful? 



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The ego self is one aspect of you, one dimension. You have others beyond the mind all togheter, beyond the pysical body. You will either believe me or not, it doesn't matter. Experience it yourself, rise in consciousness and you will know. The possibility is there, the potential is there.

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You are that which knows/witnesses all your experiences. You are not an object however gross or subtle it might be. Cling to nothing and dwell on this understanding. That's all you can do. The rest is upon grace 

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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If you can spend time than this movie is really great for that subject. It is only part 1 and given that every explanation is far from being experiencing it itself, but it might come as close as it could. 


Edited by Till

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I don't understand either and I'm coming from a place of anger. Logically I agree and through some direct experience I have generated my own understanding of this but still I'm confused and angry. I don't want to change and I don't know why. 

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2 hours ago, Widdle Puppy said:

I don't understand either and I'm coming from a place of anger. Logically I agree and through some direct experience I have generated my own understanding of this but still I'm confused and angry. I don't want to change and I don't know why. 

Effective daily Meditation will help dissolve those ego-traits or other activities that bring love, passion, excitement into your life or other arts or activities that allow you to flow more the present moment and less with the thoughts.

The more you do these things the more you become who you truly are, the less thoughts manipulate, shape and control your reality. Psychedelic can help too but if you are aware that you are angry and confused that in itself is already an indication for change.

The start is always challenging, its always going to start out with effort to become effortless.


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2 hours ago, pluto said:

Effective daily Meditation will help dissolve those ego-traits or other activities that bring love, passion, excitement into your life or other arts or activities that allow you to flow more the present moment and less with the thoughts.

The more you do these things the more you become who you truly are, the less thoughts manipulate, shape and control your reality. Psychedelic can help too but if you are aware that you are angry and confused that in itself is already an indication for change.

The start is always challenging, its always going to start out with effort to become effortless.

Yes, it's a paradox which confuses me and I see runs deep as well. It feels like sometimes I have this effortless effort while other times it feels like I'm doing everything, trying to hard and full of tension. So I'm supposed to give a strong effort but it should be effortless. Effortless effort. 

So the ego isn't the mind which are thoughts and the act of thinking and labeling. The ego isn't the body which is I suppose reality and our connection to this reality is our awareness, physical sensations, our senses. I'm confused about what the ego even is sometimes. 

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As I understand it, consciousness is an infinite, intelligent, singularity, which means consciousness is self-aware, and that's all there is. And so that is what you are. (Reality, by extension is just consciousness thinking about itself, making it an infinite hallucination/dream).

To embody your 'true' self (consciousness) instead of the ego you've been identifying with all your life is what enlightenment is. Problem is, you can't get there through the intellect, because that which knows must remain unknowable.

Well, that's the best I've got anyway :)

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3 hours ago, WorknMan said:

As I understand it, consciousness is an infinite, intelligent, singularity, which means consciousness is self-aware, and that's all there is. And so that is what you are. (Reality, by extension is just consciousness thinking about itself, making it an infinite hallucination/dream).

To embody your 'true' self (consciousness) instead of the ego you've been identifying with all your life is what enlightenment is. Problem is, you can't get there through the intellect, because that which knows must remain unknowable.

Well, that's the best I've got anyway :)

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