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How to make yourself enlightened without being aware of it

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You will not be aware at all during this process, in fact, you will be completely asleep, as it is, there will be nothing left of you, which is why we can make you enlightened without being aware of it, so imagine that in some truth you are in some way as an enlightened being standing upon this earth representing the only spirit that exists in the whole universe, in some way because you are not aware of it, you are enlightened not because it is not you, but because doing the 'not you' which is a process of doubt and complete equanimous awaiting of pouring down of shit until you get pure water. So you are not aware of it because you are drowning in shit (so to say, your karma) and in this constant bathing of it, you are copping it all upon yourself like a shower of other possibilities, and then when there are resolved the only possibility is the one present in your stream of awareness in the present, which represents the pure water. So here the pure water is coming back to you, but in a way that involves much offloading as in some way your ego 'the shit' is going down in the hole becoming less and less aware fully at the mercy of cause and effect such as determinism discrediting those who believe they have control over 'matter' but really are itself trying to be intelligent.

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The outer dots are the ego/mind/selves/characters you experience in day to day life that constantly change/shift/focus.

The moment you remember how to LET GO and STEP BACK in the Center Circle-Center of Self/True Self you embody and see ALL AS ONE.

Not particularly attached or focused on any, yet Aware of all at the same time.

This is the Enlightened State.

This is Pure Awareness.

You must remember how to let go and step back to the centerness of being :)


Edited by pluto


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Once you tap into the body's red and green, what you saying is no true for the awakened. 

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Many times enlightenment is realized months after it actually happened. 

Example: “what the... I haven’t suffered for 6 months even though many “bad” things happened during this time.” :) 

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