
It's difficult to deal with people stuck in Purple and Red.

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When Purple people recognize me as part of their tribe, it is initially ok. But, eventually I see limitations of their tribal mindset. I see them waging unnecessary flame wars against people who they conceive as opposing tribes. I don't see opposing tribes, but they do.

When Purple people recognize me as part of their opposing tribes, they are immediately aggressive or passive aggressive toward me. Their aggression kind of annoys me. So, I leave.

When Red people recognize me as an obstacle or a prey, they are nasty. I excise them out of my life. They do not see limitations of their power ideology. Having more power doesn't mean shit doesn't happen. Power doesn't solve every problem.

I'm ok with Blue-Orange. Blue-Orange people are not nearly as aggressive as Purple or Red although I may not agree with their views. Green is a mixed bag. Some Green people are calm and relaxed. Some Green people are angry activists who push their ideologies down people's throats. Perhaps, those angry activists are not actually Green but a mixture of Purple and Red.

I have yet to experience more people from Yellow and Turquoise. I've seen some Yellow people deal with Purple aggression calmly. They seemed like optimized machines. Think about a human being fighting enemies without allowing their physical movements to be affected by fear of death. That's optimized machine. As I progress from Green into Yellow, I realize that I need to lower my ego defense even further to become solid Yellow.

Yellow = egoic martial art? Below is a video of an optimized fighting machine.


Edited by CreamCat

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Wait how can you tell if someone is purple?

From my understanding, purple is jungle tribes.

Red is hooligans and gangsters

Blue is closeminded average joes

Orange is secular people who like money and sex

Green is people who care about the world

Yellow is intelligent lone wolves (Yes I know that Yellow is about realizing that people are at different stages)

Turquoise is mysterious spiritual people

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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1 hour ago, StardewValley said:

Wait how can you tell if someone is purple?

When people behave in explicitly tribal manners, it's pretty obvious. After you study tribes for a bit, you will recognize tribal behaviors in many places.

What's good for a tribe is good for a tribe member. What's bad for a tribe is bad for a tribe member. What's worst for a tribe and its tribe members is its opposing tribe.

They rage tribal flame wars. It's pretty obvious when you see tribal warfare.

Their thoughts are pretty magical, so they don't use logic. If logic is bad for a tribe, logic is bad. They believe any idea conducive to the survival of tribal identity. If an idea dissolves tribal identity, it's bad for a tribe. If truth is bad for a tribe, truth is bad.

Logic and truth dissolve tribal identity. They desperately hide from truth.

For example, let's assume that you belong to Apple tribe. You are an Apple fanboy. You worship Apple products. You believe anything conducive to survival of Apple tribe's identity.

Edited by CreamCat

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@CreamCat Seems like you may be confusing Blue and Orange with Purple and Red. Also, tribalism is a very common trait in tier 1, all the way to Green.

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Any type of identification wth any “thing” is a subtle form of tribalism-division. When you form an image of yourself as being “pink” you then create an opposition to “tan”. You have then divided yourself from another. In division is the self sustaining movement of ego(to measure) or compare yourself with another. A defensive movement of fear. Do you see that? 


As long as you form an m image about yourself as being “the turquoise rabbi”?, you have already prevented the beauty and necessity of relationship from flowering. To identify yourself with any-thing (idea-concept), and to identify-judge others in accordance to that self imposed image (abstraction), is to ‘isolate, alienate, and fragment’ yourself away from the whole of man kind and the environment. 


This is merely a movement of fear expressing itself in the pattern of measure (comparison) which obviously implies fear, (the compulsion to self-sustain the continuity of ego.) A nourishing-perpetuation of psychological becoming. 


Where there is this movement of measure-comparison, there is the inevitable fear, and where there is fear, we form images, and when we from images in accordance to that fear, there can never be RELATIONSHIP


Life is relationship, so if there is no relationship actually, life then has no significance. 

Edited by Faceless

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8 hours ago, GreenDragon said:

@CreamCat Seems like you may be confusing Blue and Orange with Purple and Red. Also, tribalism is a very common trait in tier 1, all the way to Green.

@GreenDragon When I see Blue and Purple, they are different. Blue is absolutist. Blue emphasizes law and order. Purple doesn't mind chaos if chaos destroys its opposing tribes. Purple is not particularly interested in enforcing law and order.

Also, Orange is not as selfish as Red. Orange at least has some conscience and doesn't want to hurt other people intentionally. Red is psychopathic. Red would stab your eye with a fork just for practice of power if it can without getting caught. Red screws people over for practice so that they can get away with bigger thefts in the future. Orange can be opportunistically selfish.

Edited by CreamCat

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10 hours ago, martins name said:

@CreamCat where do you live to mostly meet people like that?

@martins name Western societies have plenty of angry Green activists who team up with Purple and Red. I live in asia, but my country is highly westernized. Look for angry activists. You'll find Green, Purple, and Red.

Also, there are many Red psychopaths among corporate executives.

Edited by CreamCat

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There is still plenty of Purple and Red culture in the Middle East, Africa, South America, South East Asia.

You deal with it by studying Spiral Dynamics and becoming a Spiral Wizard.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I can’t stand those beige motherfuckers always whining about survival and shit

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One has to be  a chameleon my friend, when talking with such people, morph your values into theirs, morph your language also. Make sure they see that you understand all their stuff. Why they do it. And only than you will be able to influence.... just some of them, the ones that have started to have suspicion of their current stage, just carefully, and with careful language point to the limits to their current stage ... If some go out of their stage, more will follow. This is way harder than it sounds. But I've seen it work.  Be careful not to be seen as an obstacle, traitor, enemy,ill minded. This stuff is sticky, hard to wash.That's my observation.

Edited by Clayman

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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Want to really deal with those stuck at those levels? 

You will have to conquer those levels. 

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