Hello from Russia

Is there a good playlist outhere for kundalini yoga?

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Hi, so I've been doing some conventional yoga for a while and got some good results from it in terms of body-awareness, movement awareness, overall more "balance" and mindfulness and I feel like I might be ready to start some serious yoga practice, to try this "chakras stuff" for myself, to see if that is real and if it works, to experience it. 
I've been mainly using youtube videos with instructors for my "casual yoga". Mainly "Yoga with Adrivene" if ur familliar with her. Can you advice me something simillar but someone with more knowledge\focus on kundalini aspects of yoga? Or maybe it's not a good idea to practice such thing  by video and I need to read some book from Leo's booklist first?

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Kundalini, in essence, is:

The energy for the nervous system that has the root at the base of the spine. So extending the focus attention after 1.Breath into that zone, 2.bone tail, channeling the energy of the sound and feeling of breath, one is capable to increase physical/mental energy many many times over, depending on practice. Is like a muscle, but can achieve faster mass by enduring pain, accommodation to a new level of awareness followed by bliss, then start again, if one wants to grow to a higher level. 

Or if one wishes, then the process can be done in a large period of time, with not much trouble with pain. 


To get over faster and less pain: alcohol in microdoses, cannabis, maybe opium, psychedelics in microdoses, natural plants with analgesics, etc. 

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