
Anybody else doesn't care about own birthday?

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I don't care about my birthday. I don't need to celebrate it. I don't usually broadcast it but some people always remember and congratulate me and I appreciate but I could easily do without it. I might treat myself to something but I usually do it on other days of the year anyway, I don't wait for a birth~day.

Obviously I care even less about other people's birthday too. I don't want to come accross as cold or uninterested, I can understand it might be important to them for whatever reason but the bigger of a deal they make the more it gets me thinking why I don't feel the same way. I still contribute to collections at work, congratulate, write on the collective card etc...to family and friends I send a personalised message, to children I buy gifts but there is no excitment in it (a part when it is children's birthday actually)

I wonder if I will change my mind as I get older and to bigger numbers? 41 at the moment.

Anybody else here feels the same? Any insights on why?


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For “the me” (experience, knowledge, memory), every second is “birth” and every second is “death”

The art of living is continuously dying and being born. To Live there must be death, and to die there must be living.

To die we must understand the significance of living, and in actually understanding living, we understand the significance of dying. 

These are really one movement of creativity. Without death nothing is creative, and without creativity, there is no sacred. 


Edited by Faceless

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I'm very uncomfortable on the so called day of my "birthday" . I have tried to hide it as much as possible, but some people still know. I have to pretend that I'm very happy and appreciative, but I ain't really. I'm annoyed , dissapointed and a little bit gloomy inside. The next day I feel great though :D

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I don't feel uncomfortable. It is just weird having this extra artificial attention upon me for only a day. I used to hide the awkwardness but I am being totally honest for the past few years, try to explain there is no excitment, nobody understands, not even myself. People think I am miserable. I am far from miserable.

@Samra A very merry unbirthday to you. To us.

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I don't even know how old I am.

:D kidding 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I despise all birthdays and holidays. I particularly resent having to call my mom on mother's day (even tho I love her to death!!!)  That said, I find April Fools' to be tolerable. It's the expectations that kill all the fun. 

Edited by martin_malin

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@SpyAquamarine I care for birthdays in so far as much as I get free stuff. Getting free stuff is nice, whatever the reason, although I won't care if I was was to get no presents. Presents are a welcome bonus to a day that would otherwise be a presentless day. Another thing which I like about birthdays is that they are often an excuse to go out for a meal and have a good time. 

I dont genuinely care about the concept of a birthday, but I do like the positive things that can accompany a birthdays. I have a similar attitude towards other holidays and celebrations (Christmas, Eid, Easter and etc). 

Right now I'm 17. When I was younger, and even now to a degree, I wished there was something inherently meaningful about the day your were born. I found the idea of star signs cool [I'm a Leo]. But when I got older I started to see that there was nothing observationally special about birthdays. Horrorscopes are so obviously vague and constructed in a way so that they can apply to anyone.

Calendars are just human constructs, and there seems to be very little significance to the position of the Earth in its orbit around the sun at the moment you left your mother's womb.

And yeah, I hate having to remember people's birthdays too.

How is this related to self actualization again lol? 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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You don't have to remember people's birthdays. You can just record the birthdays on your calendar software.

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2 hours ago, lmfao said:

I found the idea of star signs cool [I'm a Leo]

We are all Leo, and Leo is us, all Leo's are one


Sorry bad joke

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6 hours ago, lmfao said:

I care for birthdays in so far as much as I get free stuff. Getting free stuff is nice, whatever the reason, although I won't care if I was was to get no presents. Presents are a welcome bonus to a day that would otherwise be a presentless day. Another thing which I like about birthdays is that they are often an excuse to go out for a meal and have a good time. 

This proper tickled me ? I love how honest you are. Ditto by the way...


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The american capitalistic culture makes it all the events a way to spend money in order to be big according how big the party will be, to spend for gifts, spend for food alcohol and shit like that .. . Birthdays halloweens, holidays, marriages even fuckin funerals now are de facto ego parties to match dresses and parade cars... Also in america they tend to spend 10.000-40.000$ to "honor their missing family member" . . . Practically they ensure their capital by spreading this orange doctrine with nonstop propaganda in the movies , advertising, tv radio etc.... Not to give a fuck about your bday means you're beyound that so congrats

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15 hours ago, SpyAquamarine said:

Anybody else here feels the same? Any insights on why?

Absolutely! Very blue-ish and rigid tradition although heavily commercialised and materialised just like all festivities, holidays and special days in the year.  As an introvert, the thought of being surrounded by people singing "happy birthday" seems as appealing as sticking a penis into a beehive.  

Here is also the component of getting more material possessions that I don't want or need simply because the "tradition" dictates. Even getting money gives me exactly zero happiness boost. 

Guess it comes down people appreciating traditions, milestones and quite often wanting a distraction from the boring daily routines. For a materialist, there is nothing more sacred and precious than receiving free stuff. 


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37 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

As an introvert, the thought of being surrounded by people singing "happy birthday" seems as appealing as sticking a penis into a beehive.  


It's horrible isn't it! Even people attending a 'birthday meal' on my behalf give's me quivers. "Let me be, on my own in a room and contemplate the next year of my life", that's exactly what I do. 

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I use them as casual mile markers only. Not of my life, but rather my growth progress. 

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18 hours ago, martin_malin said:

I despise all birthdays and holidays. I particularly resent having to call my mom on mother's day (even tho I love her to death!!!)  That said, I find April Fools' to be tolerable. It's the expectations that kill all the fun. 

I don't celebrate holidays either and my mom doesn't expect a call because it is "her' day

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17 hours ago, lmfao said:

@SpyAquamarine I care for birthdays in so far as much as I get free stuff.

I probably felt the same at your age. Right now, I am minimalist and I dread 'stuff'. I dread getting a gift that I don't want, don't need and don't know what to do with. I dread that people are putting so much effort and money in something I don't care. The day to day interaction means a lot more to me.

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7 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Absolutely! Very blue-ish and rigid tradition although heavily commercialised and materialised just like all festivities, holidays and special days in the year.  As an introvert, the thought of being surrounded by people singing "happy birthday" seems as appealing as sticking a penis into a beehive.  

Here is also the component of getting more material possessions that I don't want or need simply because the "tradition" dictates. Even getting money gives me exactly zero happiness boost. 

Guess it comes down people appreciating traditions, milestones and quite often wanting a distraction from the boring daily routines. For a materialist, there is nothing more sacred and precious than receiving free stuff. 



Edited by SpyAquamarine

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