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Self-Actualizing... NOW | but how?

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I am reading a famous book most of you may have read called THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart T.

In the book, it is said repeatedly that we always searching for happiness/truth/enlightenment in the future... we want a certain something to transpire first and onlu after that said event occurs will we get our happiness/enlightenment/awakening... 

Is the author saying that as someone who has not done all this self-inquiry work, someone who is very much attached to my current level ego's likes/dislikes etc, that as this current ego-full person, I can somehow reach deep within myself NOW and be enlightened? 


Won't that mess me up more? as in, having seen the absolute in my current untrained state - how can i integrate that back smoothly into my life like the author has for example? 

in his case, and in the case of many others, enlightenment was achieved during their darkest of times, when they are ready to let-go, surrender, die and not care/worry about it... 

so in order to get a quick glimpse of the absolute, does one have to go deep into themselves (IN THE NOW) - and somehow reality is revealed to them? or anytime a glimpse is seen, it is via ego-death.. be it a full blown awakening, or a quick glimpse, ego-death is the common ground required?

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@SoonHei From what I understand, Eckhart Tolle is trying to say that the mind's momentum has nothing to do reality 'now'. All of the mind's preferences come secondary to Being, yet we live for the most part, completely mind identified, in a sense of delusion.

Can you sit and just 'Be' or does your mind's momentum want to keep you idly preoccupied with some menial task? 

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