
Jordan Peterson on Incels and Female Hypergamy

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@d0ornokey Its bullshit either way. I tried being sexual and "alpha" with women or making misogonystic comments (i tried it all), if you dont look masculine they dont take it seriously and laugh in your face, they would never actually get turned on, to them its a big joke if a guy they see as asexual does this.

Edited by MM1988

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18 minutes ago, d0ornokey said:


And stop believing this "quality attracts quality" bullshit.  

it means shared inner values attract shared inner values - and only if it’s about a real relationship. if the girl goes off with a drug addict, she might have some problems with her selfesteem. she needs someone like that for what reason ever, law of opposite attraction.

Edited by now is forever

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22 minutes ago, brovakhiin said:

Delusional and wishful, and yet i can go on a date whenever I like9_9 What about you Mr. Accurate Online Experiment?

inb4 "i must be super good looking"
nah actually im a skinny mf with a twisted scoliosis back

not trying to insult you, just show you that you can get your head out your ass and just step it up and start being more alpha instead of bitching around on /r/jordanpeterson

You are either in the top 20% or live in a non-western society with enforced monogamy.

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@MM1988 I would say most guys get some action maybe not exactly what they want the most  but still they get some.  Imagine 30 years old women, do 80% of them lack a partner? Probably not right? If so where do all these partners come from, they can’t all be lesbians.

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Most of this thread is exactly what happens when people of one gender assume that people of the other gender get romantic attractions in the exact same way. 

Men tend to look for women who are more physically attractive and as long as they are over a certain level of physical attractiveness, they will be attracted. It's a very objective qualifier. That's how men get attracted to women in the initial stages, using a small list of objective qualifiers. 

Women tend to have no list of objective qualifiers, if they're using their intuition. She will not necessarily even be looking for a guy. But then she talks to a guy, and she doesn't feel something right away. Then, she's by herself and she's thinking about that guy and she notices that she feels something pleasant. So, she thinks of him more, and more pleasant feelings come. And before the five minutes it through, she's very into that particular guy. It's not because he's a super-model. It's not because he's successful. It's not because of how much money he has. It's not because of any of those things.

It's simply because he is who he is. It's pure chemistry. 

But it is highly selective. Very few men will ignite that response in a particular woman. Everyone else will be neutral. 

But the fact that you've yet to ignite that response in someone, isn't because you're not in the top 20% of guys or whatever. It's because you don't spend time around a lot of women to even ignite that response in the first place. 

Plus, women tend to be attracted to men who mirror themselves including in level of perceived value. For example, I feel 100% platonic toward super-model looking guys because they're more attractive as men than I am as a woman. So, I don't want to feel lesser. I want to feel like a catch. So, I'm much more likely to get attracted to a guy who's even with me or slightly less attractive than me than I am to get attracted to a guy who's more attractive than me. 

But it will never be the physical looks that attract me. I'll be attracted to him because of how he makes me feel, first and foremost. 

So, all you guys have to do is open yourself up and go out and talk to women. Eventually, someone you meet who fits your list of objective qualifiers will develop an intuitive attraction to you. 

But don't let Tinder statistics bog you down. Women can't use their intuition over the internet. So, they have to use the more masculine mode of attraction on there to determine who they'll choose for a date by using objective qualifiers. But this isn't how real life works. Tinder is just technology, which paints a totally different picture of romance/dating that's not actually accurate. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, MM1988 said:



what a jerk - sorry but no wonder, he’s so into himself. no wonder. who could account that for reality? he’s talking about women like they were animals. maybe you should listen to women talk instead or watch some movies women watch. might be you understand them better. but no wonder people think like that if they listen to this crap.

i don‘t live in the us - so maybe in europe it‘s different. but i get what your dating problems are if everyone just takes everything for real what someone says on youtube.

too many barbies and kens out there ;-) you‘ve got a huge group pressure.

interesting how he applies what women often see in men to a situation he noticed in the gym. could be a woman talking about a male.

so just try to look for non orange women... i suppose there are some out there.

Edited by now is forever

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3 hours ago, now is forever said:

actually there are more women than man living on this planet. this problem might only apply to countries where they kill baby girls or do birthcontrol in support of male baby’s, they have a problem - a huge one.

Lol which is it, more men or more women? Countries like China and India definitely have more men due to selective birth control. The west has more women but I've heard many guys try to use that to imply that men have more value on the dating market and that women should be the ones doing the approaching. But the excess of women comes from their higher life expectancy - there's more elderly women than elderly men. So this stat has no bearing on the dating market. For people of reproductive age, the amount of men and women is for all intents and purposes equal.

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1 hour ago, Sea said:

Lol which is it, more men or more women? Countries like China and India definitely have more men due to selective birth control. The west has more women but I've heard many guys try to use that to imply that men have more value on the dating market and that women should be the ones doing the approaching. But the excess of women comes from their higher life expectancy - there's more elderly women than elderly men. So this stat has no bearing on the dating market. For people of reproductive age, the amount of men and women is for all intents and purposes equal.

ok outdated knowledge on my side - but yes it comes with age and that even already at the age of 25 in france for example. 

and women and men have a different time when they are on their drive.

my comment was related to the absurdity of being afraid staying single for the rest of your life because there might not be enough women because they might want to voluntarily join a harem. what nonsense.

or does every woman stick with one partner for the rest of her life?

the problem is more that there might not be so many women on the market because most of them are a little less progressive in aproaching male. and they are a little less outgoing. of course there are less women on the market, they have more to loose. 

i know it‘s cliche but this one was a little eye opening for me:

so women are cought up in the same game as guys - might be just a communication problem. sometimes even if it’s not about love or sex.

Edited by now is forever

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6 hours ago, MM1988 said:

Just take a photo from the most average, or below average girl you know on your facebook, make a tinder account with it and get your mind blown. You can confirm this for yourself in 30 minutes.

This is true actually. I have seen the actual online dating inboxes of several girls. If the girl is average looking or better her inbox will get absolutely blown up. It's hard to even imagine this as a guy. You really have to see it with your own eyes to fully grasp it. 



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@now is forever you are delusional if you think this trailer is relevant to the problem we are talking about here. This movie is about people who fuck and date around like rabbits and struggling to get commitment/a perfect partner.

Thats not the problem that the men Joe Rogan and JP talk about face. These are men who arent even in the sexual marketplace because their value is zero, and the number of these men is growing is every year. These men are basically seen as asexual beings by the oppoosite sex. 

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@MM1988 yes might be if you don‘t read between the lines - what‘s relevant though is why women are delusional about men who treat them like crap.

and i really like the thing about the media - most good lines are already in the trailer.

but yeah, sometimes wisdom is buried underneath a crappy movie.

everything else - is politics 

Edited by now is forever

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@SFRL Of course its true, I encourage anyone here with average or below female friends who have tinder to ask them to take look into their tinder account. You are in for a rude awakening if you truly think the top 20% women and top 20% of guys compete for each other. Thats not how it works. Average guys get fucked over.

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My question to you OP is why are you so firm in your belief that you belong in the 'average' 80% group? How old are you? Why have you given up already? I too used to believe that my lot in life belongs with the average joes but nowadays I have fun seeing incremental improvement in myself through hard work. This particular video helped me a lot in re framing my negative outlook on life




Edited by kingroboto

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4 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

What about a thread which would be about building intimacy and authentic relations with women?

What about such a thread? If you want such a thread to exist why don't you start one? I will be happy to participate in it.

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This thread gives me the chills though. I agree and resonate with @Emerald on this issue. You guys need to hang out with women just to make some friendships first. I knew all of my boyfriends before I dated any of them, either from work, school, classes or friend of a friend , or even my friend! I was friend with my partner for one year before we really went for it. You never know. I have never dated a stranger. You guys talk about women as if we are not human. We are not that different. Maybe try and get to know us first a little bit so you can see for yourself. You wanna be with someone who you can hang out with first. Make real connections , and sexual relationships will happen naturally. 

Edited by Samra

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@kingroboto I'm 29. Ive not given up yet but it looks dark. I'll try my luck with women for some more time but then I will go  into permanent virgin monk-mode. So far my life experiences match with the worldviews I and JP laid out here.

Edited by MM1988

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1 minute ago, Samra said:

This thread gives me the chills though. I agree and resonate with @Emerald on this issue. You guys need to hang out with women just to make some friendships first. I knew all of my boyfriends before I dated any of them, either from work, school, classes or friend of a friend. I have never dated a stranger. You guys talk about women as if we are not human. We are not that different. Maybe try and get to know us first a little bit so you can defeat yourself. You wanna be with someone who you can hang out with first. Make real connections , and sexual relationships will happen naturally. 

It is a really a yucky feeling to look at it, for sure. But these guys really do actually believe what they say and what the propaganda tells them. So, men who buy into the propaganda, put themselves in all kinds of negative mindsets and really do see women as both super-human and sub-human at the same time. It's almost as though they psychologically put women up on a pedestal and see them as automated worth-conveyors for men. Then, because they don't like the fact that women are on a pedestal in their minds, they psychologically drag their idea of women down from that pedestal and stomp on it to lessen the women's perceived power in determining their worth. 

Basically, it's them projecting their own tendencies toward objectification and dehumanization onto women. They think that women are attracted to men in a similar way to the way they're attracted to women. But women who are genuinely attracted to a guy, are anything but objectifying and dehumanizing. They like a guy just because of how he is, and NOT how closely he matches arbitrary objective standards. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Samra yes I do and I hit on quite a few of them as we got closer but got rejected every time, we are still friends though im not that immature.

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