
How many people have you turned on to Leo and how many were successful?

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I'm just curious why so many people seem to be resistant to Leo's videos. Over the past 2.5yrs I've tried to turn maybe a dozen people onto with basically zero success aside from my wife.  Except for 2 out of that dozen, these were people who I really thought would be into it and honestly expected a positive response.  Those 2 were people who I sent the root of all addiction video to bc they were trying to quit smoking.  From the other 10 though I've either gotten no response at all or something like "I just can't listen to that guy", or "this is stuff I've known for years", the latter of which obviously isn't true judging by the state of their life.  I'm having a hard time reconciling the profundity and importance of the videos with how apathetic people are about them. 

So just out of curiosity, what would you say your success rate has been when trying to introduce friends, family, coworkers, etc., to Leo's material?


Also while I'm on this topic I just want to say thanks to @Leo Gura for all the material.  You've had more of an influence on me than any other single individual over the past 2.5yrs and my life has improved tremendously.  Although I'm somehow both more confused and less confused simultaneously about metaphysical stuff lol.  So thanks man!  You're planting the seeds of a brighter future for people and humanity as a whole!

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I havent even bothered yet tbh, his videos are too long for most people to sit through and some of them are way too radical. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I've had some pretty good succes actually. I've definitely turned some friends onto this. So it's very much possible ;)

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I haven't even bothered since nobody I know is interested in personal development much less advanced topics like nonduality and consciousness. 

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tried with at least 10. So far 1 was interested but only in finances and relationship / sex parts but least something :D 

Generally not much, I think this is probably something that people have to look up themselves once they realise they need help, like most of us did, otherwise they can't be bothered to watch these long videos or do stuff like meditation. 

I have tons of people around me who would benefit massively from the life purpose course, meditation, proper eating etc but man...people can be so stubborn even when you present a most viable solution to their problem...seems to me like most of them don't care about solution, all they need is someone to keep bitching to most of the time.

But then, given their situation, education and past brainwashing, It couldn't be any other way. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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I have thought about this subject for a while. I have talked in length about personal development and spirituality with my friends who are mostly orange-green type of persons, and they even have personal developement habbits in their life and they resonate with the ideas but... it never really sticks.

I feel like the ONLY real reason for that is the fact that they wont recognize the ever so subtle pain of experiencing the world as an ego. I cant just tell them "Hey! I know for a FACT that you are not happy, and it's not personal, it's in fact impersonal and I have it too". Thats something everyone has to admit themselves first. 

My friends have so much going for them and they mostly live a passionate life, so it is super easy to ignore that sadness and longing for unity. The few friends that have really noticed that sadness, know about non-duality. Not a surprise. 

Most folk have the reasonable philosophy of "life is like a rollercoaster: ups and downs" and its true even! But only on the surface. Thats where most peoples sticking point is.

They accept the sadness (without understanding the reason for it) and the happiness ("Im happy because of these favourable conditions") as "thats how life is". 

"Dont fix it if it's not broken" is the reason personal development does not stick. 


Edited by molosku

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I "converted" one excited friend who already was into PD to deal with his panic attacks. He went on listening to Leo's guided meditaitons.

I shared the very first spiral dynamics video on my facebook recently. A few people seemed mildly interested (someone pointed me to Haidt moral foundations theory for comparison), one of them debated stage green with me and said I might have helped him in finding the purpose of life, so that was kinda a success :D One said he can't listen to that guy (asked about reading material), a few said it's bullshit. A dear friend of mine went to great lengths to (say it's shit in an elaborate way) argue spiral dynamics. He had real good counterarguments. 

I've shared the "Do nothing" meditation in the past, because it was breakthrough for me. I got almost no reactions. 

My more sceptical friends will say Leo is shit, not intellectually rigorous enough (I tried sharing the video where he explains the web of beliefs with some people I wanted to "get it"). They're kinda right but also miss the point (unless it's us who's missing their point). 

Generally, most people won't go on listening to all of Leo :D , but they might be interested in a topic or two. And a lot of them will be annoyed by the form rather than the content, which is ok, really. I'm annoyed by a lot of other (more new-agey, less smart) teachers too. 

Edited by Elisabeth

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Its hard. And I have my list of failed attempts at making Leos community bigger. 
But what is always important is that you present as something that is fundamental to your life, as something you have fun with,  as something that fills alot of your time, as something that flows through all facids of your world while not forcing it on other people. 

They are gonna get curious. And when they actually have inner motivation to explore that is when things get juicy.

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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It will come to them when they are ready. 

Although I got my dad on to Leo and we now have regular laughs at his comedic side 

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