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Can "One" Enjoy the Movie?

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I am currently still in the ego/body-mind state aka not enlightened

say when I get enlightened (realize that there is no I - and see myself as the eternal awareness) 

can "I" then just "sit back" and watch the "movie" of whatever my body-mind unit does on its own accord?

or does One shift back/forth between the dual and non-dual states and occasionally may "participate" in the life of the body-mind unit?


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Is not like that. 

Yes, one is able to see all the movies he/she pleases. 

Take this in mind: duality is a stuck system of patterns taught by society, a disease, a condition, something like near-sighted. Blockages in the body/mind to follow only a certain limit of patterns. 

Once one realizes that is more than that right thing pattern, one start exploring and challenges his/hers own known limits. 

The language in itself has patterns in the notions to block the body/mind without questioning reality. This is magic so to speak, blockages. 

We are born tied to an external experience in the womb of the mother. We at first grow and experience the Plexus of the mother, this is the first stage of the "seed's" indoctrination

In life, one can experience more than the ancestral patterns of humanity. This starts to happen when one decides to tap in his/hers own source when one enters again energetically through the belly button and comes out reborn. 

In the movie The Matrix, in the first stage before the disconnection of the matrix in that rainy day in the car, they take out the Neo's bug he has in the belly (this is a metaphor of the ancestral memory, the condition). 


Inside each of us, there are 2 main roads, physically speaking. One road is that the right side of the body taps from the plexus up, and the government when we were young, they vaccinated us the left shoulder to get stuck in a specific body/mind wiring. All this can be beaten with practice, mostly with Breath. 

Let me not spoil the whole techniques on how to do it, just because I think is not ethical. One will enjoy 1000 times more the journey and the success when he/she left the tunnel on the other side, than taught by outside sources. 


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thanks guys! really helps


love learning more and more everyday


there is no limit :)

i guess there could be a way to raise a child... (sadly, outside of society) but yeah, raise it, so that she/he remains "enlightneded" and is more reinforced/refined from a younger age..


maybe my ignorance, but i am sure many kids in Buddhist or Indian countries do raise kids right in the midst of this teaching... or maybe it's too much for a child to absorb and get? 


#infinitepossibilities so it's definitely a version :)

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@SoonHei Sure you can still enjoy "the movie" after awakening. Nothing changes in reality except for the way you see it. You will know it's a movie when others see it as a reality of true substance. But if it were real it would not change. So reality is illusion.

Consciousness is a waking dream state. And just like the dreams you have when you sleep sometimes you're aware you are dreaming. And sometimes you are not.

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hi question

i suppose you're enlightened? or have had awakenings?

please answer from what you know either from direct experience or your knowledge this:

you said "Nothing changes in reality except for the way you see it."

do you mean nothing changes on day-to-day when one is "living in the illusion" yet awake to it... like awake that one is "dreaming" so to speak?

so when do those states occur, where one feels infinite love - job - peace - bliss 

is that a state which someone who is awakened/enlightened goes to when they decide to meditate or be more present? shift back/forth between those states?



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29 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

so when do those states occur, where one feels infinite love - job - peace - bliss 

@SoonHei It happens when you let go of the illusion of this reality as being real. When you do a higher reality is revealed to you. I know that sounds kind of scary to let go of reality. That's why so few awaken. Compassion becomes prevalent. Love, peace and bliss. Sure that too. But there is no ownership. Yes love would be infinite. But not the kind of love that depends on physical circumstances. This love is from the absolute. That "higher reality" which is infinite and so the love is also. 

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hmmmm. i hear that often, that one that moment comes to "let go" fear surfaces... not just any fear... like the WORST fear/state comes up

i suppose this is a defensive mechanism of the ego which is built-in

i know it's probably very difficult in the moment / while it's happening
but would it be correct to say that if one somehow pushes themselves and let's go - then she/he should expect / try to focus on the fruit of letting go - which is liberation?

like the fear to not let go is that one feels that upon letting go, she/he will die? is that what it feels like?  (from what i have read - haven't done very deep self-inquiry yet) 

but one should realize that letting go (even though it may feel like death) won't be death BUT many people go into depression after running into this higher reality - do they not? liberation is not a given - it may occur briefly while in that state and then one returns back to duality, then having seen the absolute recently - one needs to start the process of surrendering or letting go for their attachments to life?

may ask another question in a topic version if this wasn't clear... but i just want to understand the "process" so to speak... yes, it's likely a non-process.. :P

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1 minute ago, SoonHei said:

i know it's probably very difficult in the moment / while it's happening
but would it be correct to say that if one somehow pushes themselves and let's go - then she/he should expect / try to focus on the fruit of letting go - which is liberation?

@SoonHei Yes!:)

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25 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

but one should realize that letting go (even though it may feel like death) won't be death BUT many people go into depression after running into this higher reality - do they not? liberation is not a given - it may occur briefly while in that state and then one returns back to duality, then having seen the absolute recently - one needs to start the process of surrendering or letting go for their attachments to life?

Yea the ego can always have a backlash and revolt against liberation. But if you let go naturally and not forced by drugs I'd say there is a lesser chance of a ego backlash. It will still take adjustment tho. Integration. That's where the real work can start. Before an awakening happens your mostly searching around in total darkness and not sure what you're looking for..

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@cetus56 wow thanks


this is what i pretty much thought was the case in a new topic i asked a question in. thank you

could you please tell me sir from what you know about this state/level of search

example: aadashanti describes that he was sitting and meditating and trying to get the truth - experiince it / get enlightened

and he says, all of a sudden it felt that he will never get it, it wont happen, it was utter defeat he felt and then almost instantly - this transformed and he was enlighteneded

does this mean he had not had a glimpse/awakening before this?


same as mooji, before seeing papaji he had not had awakening/glimpse before?

so after this moment for adyashanti, he was in that state of permananet lasting enlightment (given his years of work and letting go / detachment exercises etc) 

but before this, they were like any of the regular seekers?


i guess what i am trying to ask is this... that the glimpse/awkening episode itself is NOT the end. its a MAJOR MAJOR BIGGEST milestone in the journey, which then requires intergration for the body-unit to live peacefully in the duality >?

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Once you enter non-duality, duality will not exist anymore - It did not exist in the first place, never have and never will. There is only One being, One awarness, One consciousness. This is a simple ancient fact, there is only This.

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@SoonHei No two paths are ever the same. Learn what you need from others but only self inquiry and surrender will give you direct experiance. Go inward. It's all in you.

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thank you

or is it really correct to say thank YOU? there is no YOU - there is only me...

so instead. i will simply say

Thanks :)

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@SoonHei This whole reality is you. From the largest galaxies to the tiniest speck of dust. :)

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39 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@SoonHei This whole reality is you. From the largest galaxies to the tiniest speck of dust. :)



so right now. i am aware of the whole body unit - my legs, arms, torso, head etc... i am aware that all of this put-together is what i can "me"

enlightment in a way, you feel that the whole of reality is you... i guess saying "feel" isnt correct.. you KNOW the whole reality is you...

does one feel that physically or it's a deep knowing?

i asked this above question about myself right now... do i physcially have a feeling i am my body? not really.. but i "know" i am my body. 

Gimme that MINDFUCK but then let me intergrate it slwoly in my duality life

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19 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

you KNOW the whole reality is you..

@SoonHei It's hard to put into words. Like you may think for instance that you are in reality. But that's an illusion. You are reality. Not "in" it. Reality is you/you are reality. No separation. That which has no beginning or end as the experiance of reality. If you wanted to think of it dualistically one could call it "the infinite side of reality".

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@SoonHei In dualistic terms- this reality we share has a beginning and an ending. We experiance space, time, matter and ego for a short while. But the true reality that is infinite and changeless is found inside us not outside. If you look inside you will find it. It's always there in it's changeless state. It is literally an absence of all that is known. It is the wellspring of all things. Yet it contains nothing.

Where would an artist put the paint if there were no blank canvas?

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@cetus56 love it. thank you


and i guess the end of all answers statement...

one stops asking or wondering where that blank canvas came from or how? 

it is just accepted as something which we will never know?

i cant recall who said it, but one of the masters who i follow said reality is unknowable. we cannot give it a name... or describe it or explain it...

we can only become directly aware of it. and that's just the end of the search. no questions past that

that's as deep as it goes :) 

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