
Thoughts on weed

25 posts in this topic

At first it feels nice, then you build up tolerance and get addicted like what happened to me. That's not nice, you become unmotivated and it just messes with your body and mind. On monday I shall quit all smoking for good and go into apsolute solitude, which is now possible since I have got rid of my toxic friends. Lastly I would say that smoking was worth it since it opened my mind extremely much, but it's time has ended now, it's not the same anymore. So it is best to quit.

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Enjoy it while it lasts, the weed high changes slowly but noticeable from when you begin to if you are a couple years in. For me it went into the direction where it made me more and more paranoid and self conscious so I stopped without a problem because I didnt enjoy the high anymore after it gave a panic attack one too many times. Ask any heavy smoker about this, they will tell you the same.


If you have to take drugs its one of the safest you can do though, many people smoke daily without problems. Quitting it was never hard, even when I still enjoyed it. 

Edited by MM1988

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@kingroboto Marijuana has been very good for/to me.

You can judge the tree by the fruit on it. Decide and think for yourself.

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I feel like I get instant ADD when I smoke weed. It's super hard to focus on a single thing, but when I do, It's a super focus. 

It also seems to create some kind of distance between my true self and the ego. I can feel the cold, but I don't react to it. I can feel fear, but it doesn't really affect me. The curious thing is that this half ego-death (if that's actually the case) doesn't really happen the same way for me with other psychedelics. When I'm on shrooms, I'm either dead-dead or tripping balls.

That said, I am starting to acknowledge that my spiritual practices are getting totally dependent on marijuana, which is causing addiction.

It's a lovely tool, but I still would like to see someone explaining the spiritual effects better. Sadhguru is a master, but even masters sometimes talk about things they don't really know for sure.

Marijuana has a great value in many shamanic and yogic traditions to be dismissed.

Edited by Cudin

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