
Thoughts on weed

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So I got into weed pretty late in life (30) it was pretty life changing for me when i got properly stoned for the first time because i realized that everything that i had been perceiving as 'real' is merely at the whim of bunch of chemicals in my brain, therefore they are not real or at best unreliable.

At first I thought I had found this wonder drug that made me more in tune with nature, improved my productivity, made me more creative, make even the mundane work interesting, cure my social anxiety and depression, and even improve my performance in bed.

Reflecting a year later, I think what actually happened is that the novelty factor of being in an altered state and doing something 'illegal' made life sort of interesting again  which knocked me out of my depression which then made me more productive and improve my work while also giving me confidence to express myself more freely to others. The issue was that i attributed all the positive changes in my life to the weed itself, then kept using more and more to the point where i would reach for the vape as soon as I wake up then pretty much go at it all day right up to bedtime. 

I've cut down on my usage to just once in the evening which wasn't too hard but I feel like I'm still not ready to cut out weed completely out of my life, simply because I feel like I don't have anything else to replace it with to fill the hole. 

Does anyone else have a similar experience with this substance? Would like to read about it

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Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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"Time to upgrade to LSD."

-- The Buddha 


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Today weed is strongly addictive. Proffesional developing of new strains disrupted natural cbd and thc balance, which was actualy counter acting addictive and strongly psychotic effects(look for mellow weed without much kick in it).

I am using weed for few years now and althou I can safely say that it impacted my life in many positive ways, I can also say that its something that you should outgrow(at least systematic use) as a person or it can do much dmg to your personal development.

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I'm a weed smoker too. And i don't know, think it is not a wrong thing, just need to be careful and that is all 

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@Leo Gura  Pfffft, LOL.  xD   And I've read where Ram Dass gave Maharaj-ji high doses of good LSD and it apparently objectively did nothing to him. Just went right on talking with his devotees like normal. 


And OP, my story of cannabis is similar. Got into it later in life than most, felt I'd found a great ally, swung too far into its use, cut back and here I am pondering whether it'd be a good idea to just ditch it completely. There's nothing at all wrong with the stuff, but like any substance, food, thought or activity, it can be overdone by us. Dammit, I do enjoy that shit, though!

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I always see weed and hallucinogenic drugs as tools to aid in one's self-discovery. It's  most effective for that purpose if that's the motivation of the person who is using it, although some people can stumble upon insights and perspectives from using these drugs on accident.

Just like with everything in life, moderation is best. People can get addicted to meditation as much as they can with weed. It can act as a way of filling a void, or as Sadghuru mentioned, a way of "hunting for experience". There's nothing inherently wrong with the use. It all depends on the motivations and statehood of the user.

Freethinking Guru: Enlightenment for the Rational Mind

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5 hours ago, PsiloPutty said:

Pfffft, LOL.  xD   And I've read where Ram Dass gave Maharaj-ji high doses of good LSD and it apparently objectively did nothing to him. Just went right on talking with his devotees like normal

That's why after LSD you upgrade to 5-MeO ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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waiting for my order of magic truffles in the mail.....

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@Leo Gura  Nope, this is the only known pic of him after doing 5-meo. He's like "Cute medicine there....what else ya got?"  xD




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These are what the ancients and wise ones call The Teacher Plants. You are meant to learn from the "High" as you gain the realizations and apply them to day to day life so you can replicate the "high" naturally. Yes it is possible or the experience wouldn't work at all if it wasn't possible within to begin with.

You realize under psychedelics this is the more natural state and you always wonder how do i forget this and you notice how integrated with the mind/ego you are. Well the truth is, Unless you are vibrating at that frequency naturally it is impossible to remember the state so you must apply what you learned during the experience then gradually and eventually you will be there naturally and sooner or later the high will be less and less amazing as it becomes more and more natural to you on a day to day basis thus eventually you won't need it anymore.

Of course it doesn't have to be exactly like the first/best experience because you are constantly changing/growing, like an awakening everything is so amazing at first but eventually you become used to it and it becomes natural to you until the next way and it continues on and on until infinity.

Go with the flow, Trust the process.

Edited by pluto


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When you truly let go and come back to true self you realize you are always enlightened and in that state, always in pure joy and inner-peace but you were holding onto the ego/mind and choosing to hold on to a particular idea/perspective/view which prevents you for seeing what is, as it is.

In other words you were holding onto particular channel the mind creates which interferes with the whole perspective of your inner-peace. Once you completely surrender you realize you were always enjoying yourself when you look back now through "a greater perspective" but you chose not to because you forget how to let go as you become so integrated in the mind and its illusions.

Its like a TV you are constantly changing channels in search for a dopamine release but once you truly let go the TV turns completely off and you have the infinite release :) Realizing you are always eternally operating in this NOW but choosing otherwise.


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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's why after LSD you upgrade to 5-MeO ;)


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Then you discover the potential of the flying dragon inside, and no DMT nor LSD nor Cannabis nor MDMA will beat the experience :D

Becoming Super Saiyan the body will make his own DMT with all the goody natural chemicals in huge quantities if you know how ;) 

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21 hours ago, Salvijus said:


very revealing, thanks for that.

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11 hours ago, rounder said:


"Time to upgrade to LSD."

-- Me



Thought it may be a useful thread for you ^_^

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Very similar to my experience. Started weed at a low point in my life, and to be "sensible" I did a bit of research into it, particularly on how addictive it is. I read countless testements of how non addictive it is, including from close friends who smoked. I was sceptical but not really in a place to care. Weed played a very positive part in my life overall but I now definitely under no illusions about weed not been addictive. Everyone I know who smokes does it close to everyday and spends a significant amount of money on it. 

I managed to stay as just a social smoker, never actually buying it myself but regularly find myself smoking more than I would like. It's like I'm surrounded by people who want to get me high haha?, and I'm currently too weak not to join in haha. 

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Wow, just had a profound experience with weed today. I intentionally held out as long as I could before smoking again, despite the anxiety and depression reaching a boiling point. Finally when I felt that it was pointless to resist, I went for my vaporizer stick and just let it loose. The shift in my mood was so swift, the way it unfolded before me allowed me to reconnect me with the spirit world. The path opened up in front of me and I received many new insights to solve my problems. What this experience has taught me is that for optimal integration with the plant Matrix, one must exercise moderation when consuming the plant. My error was that I was over-indulging myself by not allowing myself to feel the pain and suffering of life. The information is given to you through the contrast of the Mind. There is no contrast if you are high all the time. I guess the plant and I will have to be allies for a bit longer until my life situation gets better. Yes I wrote this while super high. I'll probably read this back later and think what the f*** was I thinking.

Edited by kingroboto

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I use it primarily as a depression medication. I would say I use it for sleep but have bad insomnia that only medication makes me tired, but still blaze before bed. In LA it's legal to smoke weed by the way. I use delivery service 'cause it is fast, efficient and safe.

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