Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-Thread

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@Bernardo Carleial At 3:18:18 - 3:21:51, he gives a brilliant cultural-materialist explanation for the transition from Purple to Red and Orange to Green using nothing but plows and tractors xD. As Lex said, "that was just brilliant".

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 20/06/2021 at 10:55 AM, Loving Radiance said:

@Carl-Richard Your timestamps are weird. The vid is not that long.

He posted timestamps for Schmachtenberger interview, not for Buterin. It's 4h 15 min. 

"I thought if you are a Buddhist you gonna be nice"


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7 hours ago, PlayOnWords said:

Brian Eno on his concept of "Scenius".

@PlayOnWords I'm not sure what makes this specifically Yellow vs Green. It could probably fall into either category, but the fun play on words alone doesn't make it Yellow. Love Eno though!

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17 minutes ago, tuckerwphotography said:

but the fun play on words alone doesn't make it Yellow.



Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 6/23/2021 at 10:04 PM, tuckerwphotography said:

@PlayOnWords I'm not sure what makes this specifically Yellow vs Green. It could probably fall into either category, but the fun play on words alone doesn't make it Yellow. Love Eno though!

The ability to generate the insight and concept of "scenius" strikes me as Yellow-type thinking. He shows a lot of Green in this clip too, though.

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Often overlooked causes of spiritual regression are exposure to free glutamate and EMF's. For me personally the REID program has helped me a lot, but everyone walks their own path and what has a profound impact for one person might be negligible for another.

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On 23/06/2021 at 2:49 PM, PlayOnWords said:

Brian Eno on his concept of "Scenius".

haha, first thing I see when I open the thread is a video on UBI.

I'm starting to think "UBI and related ideas" is some sort of milestone that tells you you're Yellow.  Unfamiliar with UBI?  You've probably not gone through Yellow.

I remember a time when all I wanted to talk about was UBI (and related ideas), lol.  Anyone else?


Edit 1:  Just watched the vid.  Amazing example of Yellow!  Now THIS guy is 100% Yellow, perfect example.

Edit 2:  I actually appreciate you mentioning him, didn't know about him until now.  He's like an older version of me.  He looks, sounds and talks just like me, down to the accent, profession, style, and personality type! wth! lol

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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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A beautiful Documentary which clarifies a lot of the concepts expressed by Heidegger in his book "Being and Time, one of the most difficult books I've ever read in my life.

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TITLE: Ken Wilbers Collected Rants on Postmodernism and the Culture War

Stage yellow critique of stage green

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TITLE:  Jonathan Haidt w/ Prof. Adam Grant: Authors@Wharton - The Coddling of the American Mind


Edited by Raze

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TITLE: CCS 2020 8 Dec. Peter Turchin

TITLE: Cultural macroevolution: Understanding the rise of large-scale complex societies in human history


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