Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-Thread

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Does anyone have any examples of a stage Yellow U.S. Politician (Other then Obama)? 

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15 hours ago, stevegan928 said:

I seems she is focused helping green transcend up to yellow and then turquoise.

very well said!

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Yo, this guy is yellow as fuck, you might wanna check him out! 


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Sadhguru is yellow, if you're watching a lot of his videos you will understand why, most of his speeches are repetitive.


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Proof that the culture is shifting toward yellow (at least in the US/anglophone countries)? I for one am optimistic.

P.S.: I know both Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson have arguably a lot of orange green in them. But this is a conversation between two people with opposing views who try not to attack each other and understand the opposing side's arguments as best as they can and work toward finding a common ground. A discussion where listeners don't pick sides and are more interested in the intellectual aspects. You'd have to accept that such an event is greatly characterized by yellow. It has very little green in it, maybe some orange, but there must be something other than pure personality cults drawing so many people in (even if that's not true, this could rather be a "come for orange, stay for yellow" situation, as both Harris and Peterson are more interested in the ideas than their personal benefit).

Also, this is by far not the only example, more and more people are listening to long-form media everyday where deep ideas are discussed (Joe Rogan's podcast, Sam Harris's podcast, Leo's videos, Dave Rubin's show, audiobooks).

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Kubrick and the film 2001

In your stage yellow video you describe what a "yellow" person might be like and that closely resembles Stanley Kubrick

- He is an individualist, preferring to have total control over his work, sometimes not getting along with others

- He never seeks attention and never appears in public

- His films (especially ones in his mid to late career) have very ambiguous messages, with no obvious ideology

- He is very mechanical in the way he directs: others may say he is "cold" or "mechanical"

- He would research extensively, reading many books when working on a film

- He isn't afraid to be a bit manipulative and rational if necessary

- But he isn't a misanthrope or a nihilist at all


(btw: screenprism is amazing for researching deeper meanings in movies: every one of their videos is quality)

I realize this film may have a lot of "turquoise", but two reasons why I think it qualifies for "yellow"

- we are made aware that science and technology is just a phase in human evolution: unless we evolve into the next stage, all the technological advancement in the world won't change the fact that we are just more evolved versions of the chimps at the start of the film

- it uses the concept of eternal recurrence: i think there are several infinite loops in the film, but the most significant one is Dave's regression into old age and death and then rebirth into something more evolved. As mentioned in the video, after destroying what man had created himself, we will be forced into a period of self reflection before we can be reborn into a more intelligent form.


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For all the gamers out there:D Surely it's not the whole channel that is yellow, but I find that especially this guy who does the commentary on this (and many other videos) has a highly impartial and yellow-like mindset.


Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  https://jackrhayes.de  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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Elliot Alderson. [ Solving world problems with systems thinking ]

Edited by Xenomorf
Add name of the character


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yellow with some personal issues

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I was thinking about a couple of examples of stage Yellow technology/science, that are both pretty cutting edge right now:

Deep learning/neural nets are an example of Stage Yellow/Tier 2 technology because they take a synthetic approach to solving problems, rather than a reductive approach like in most computer programming paradigms and even earlier iterations of artificial intelligence. When you try to disassemble a neural net to reductively understand how it comes to decisions, it becomes less and less meaningful. Neural nets are modelled or inspired by a very simplified version of how we think biological brains work, so of course a real brain is also very Stage Yellow. 

The study of the gut microbiome is a Yellow field of study because it tends to be less meaningful to look at any one species than when you look at the interactions between all the flora as a whole, and the host animal. This is true for all kinds of other ecological systems too. 

Not new or cutting edge really, but another tech example is a hologram. The image in a hologram isn't "stored" in any one place. When you cut a hologram in half, you get two smaller copies of the same image rather than two half-images. The information is encoded holistically.



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I didn't agree with Leo at first when he said Obama is yellow. He really isn't, think about the wars he started, the drone strikes, NSA surveillance, the promises he never kept, which all suggest he's your normal orange run-of-the-mill politician). He also supported identity politics during and near the end of his second term, which hints that he may have been transitioning into green (he also may have been somewhat green from the start considering his, albeit not adequate, support for the environment, healthcare and denuclearization). But I still couldn't see how he was yellow.

That's until now. I just saw this clip of him yesterday that suggests even though he may not have been yellow all along, he is now hopefully transitioning into yellow and that makes me happy (remember, this is a totally new thing that everyone's shocked by, he never said stuff like this before the election when he so desperately wanted Clinton to win, not a yellow attitude):



Also, for those who think Jordan Peterson is orange:


Edited by confused people

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If Medivh knew about SDi, he would have shifted into turquoise instead of bringing the Orcs into Azeroth, heh ? ^_^

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yellow transitioning to turquoise hip hop

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