Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-Thread

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We went from this to "There is a conflict and Israel has to admit they are wrong."

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1 hour ago, numbersinarow said:

We went from this to "There is a conflict and Israel has to admit they are wrong."

This position is taken by Leo considering the current genocidal circumstances in Gaza. Systemic thinking is fluid and practical enough to make black-white distinctions if it requires it. You are not going to extinguish a fire by analyzing all the actors & circumstances which caused the fire. First you need a water bucket.

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On 10/15/2024 at 6:59 PM, Loving Radiance said:

This position is taken by Leo considering the current genocidal circumstances in Gaza.


I can't get behind this because why would someone change a universal rule because "Well now this side has gotten worse, so now I'm taking sides and breaking a universal rule."

And what precisely is the circumstance which means that we need an immediate bucket, and not analysis? Trump is the best example of this mentality. "Hamas wants peace and Israel wants to keep going." Just a complete detachment from the context of the fact that Hamas is explicitly genocidal and that Gazans salute Hitler. A complete detachment from the fact that Hamas wants to manipulate the public image because that's the #1 point of terrorism. And this ultimately amounts to saying that a certain race of people or a certain country shouldn't be able to defend itself, or at the very least deserves to be more shamed for minor moral failings during it's defense, than people who throw LGBTQ members off buildings or salute hitler.

All 3 of these attitudes are below SD tier 2. They'd all qualify for examples of how stage blue thinks.

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@numbersinarow It's not about taking sides and clinging to it, it's about what is more important for the current situation. A clear opinion is practical in dire times. The reality is that you cannot do analysis and build up civilization from understanding the systemic issues at hand when we are still in war with each other.

Universal rules in the relative domain are imagined. The rules we accept are based on survival, so we imagine them to be universal.

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The game "Alpha Centauri."

It's like civilization but in space.

All the factions are very clearly modelled after SD stages, except for the free information UN one, but that one could be argued to be influenced by purple.

And then there are psychic research options based on concepts from real life philosophers.

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On 8.7.2018 at 9:13 AM, Leo Gura said:

Elon Musk

@Leo Gura I think it is time to delete Elon Musk from Stage Yellow 😅

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6 hours ago, Leeo_SA said:

@Leo Gura I think it is time to delete Elon Musk from Stage Yellow 😅

Yes it very much so is.

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Edited by ryoko

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Joscha Bach - Self Models of Loving Grace (Computer Science, Spirituality, Minds, AI, Metaphysics)


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"We offer transformational higher education for people ready to make a positive contribution towards solving current global challenges. We believe that the fundamental nature of these challenges requires the development of our inner qualities and competencies in tandem with academic study. From healing past traumas to working with consciousness to co-create the future and the radical collaboration needed to make impact at scale; all are grounded in a lived experience of interconnectedness.

The quality of the space from which we create solutions will define the breadth, depth and effectiveness of their impact. Go deep to go far, as we like to say."


"At Ubiquity we offer a broad selection of graduate degree programs that focus on the inner transformation needed to make a positive difference in the world today. We have our own in-house Wisdom Studies degrees, drawing on the depths of the wisdom traditions to inform our action for the future. We also offer a number of degrees with partners in the field of transformational learning. The partner provides most of the course content and we provide core coursework and the thesis or dissertation writing support.

We believe that taking the time to research a topic properly and produce a well-grounded piece of work through a Master’s thesis or PhD dissertation is what our world needs right now – providing the depth and trust amidst all the surface snippets and stories out there that no-one knows how to evaluate. That is why at Ubiquity we insist that your writing includes your reflections on your own inner journey – unlike materialist universities where you’re not even allowed to start a sentence with “I”, Ubiquity University Publishing completes the cycle and supports our graduates to get your work out into the world."



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Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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23 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:


"We offer transformational higher education for people ready to make a positive contribution towards solving current global challenges. We believe that the fundamental nature of these challenges requires the development of our inner qualities and competencies in tandem with academic study. From healing past traumas to working with consciousness to co-create the future and the radical collaboration needed to make impact at scale; all are grounded in a lived experience of interconnectedness.

The quality of the space from which we create solutions will define the breadth, depth and effectiveness of their impact. Go deep to go far, as we like to say."


"At Ubiquity we offer a broad selection of graduate degree programs that focus on the inner transformation needed to make a positive difference in the world today. We have our own in-house Wisdom Studies degrees, drawing on the depths of the wisdom traditions to inform our action for the future. We also offer a number of degrees with partners in the field of transformational learning. The partner provides most of the course content and we provide core coursework and the thesis or dissertation writing support.

We believe that taking the time to research a topic properly and produce a well-grounded piece of work through a Master’s thesis or PhD dissertation is what our world needs right now – providing the depth and trust amidst all the surface snippets and stories out there that no-one knows how to evaluate. That is why at Ubiquity we insist that your writing includes your reflections on your own inner journey – unlike materialist universities where you’re not even allowed to start a sentence with “I”, Ubiquity University Publishing completes the cycle and supports our graduates to get your work out into the world."



The founder or cofunder of the university, Peter Merry is coral...

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On 08/07/2018 at 10:13 AM, Leo Gura said:

 George Soros

Hi guys, I have no idea who George Soros is, and browsing the web and asking AI gave me unclear answers. Currently in my country there are maybe more than half of the population who hate with all their being this Soros guy. Those people are in my eyes stage red/blue rednecks and fanatic Christians. It's basically like a MAGA movement who blame everything bad that has ever happened on this George Soros guy. I've made an opinion about him like this liberal, progressive philanthropist person who gave money to developing countries to help developing countries become more progressive.  
I want to know your opinion. Who is this guy and why the MAGA people make conspiracy theories about him and why they hate him so much?

https://x.com/DanyBalan7 - Please follow me on twitter! 

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@Daniel Balan He gets the hate from MAGA people because he advocates for green values using his money, like for LGBTQ+ rights, refugee aid, criminal justice reform, democratic movement, humane and rational immigration policies and international cooperation. In general, he is also seen as part of conspiracies because he is a Jewish billionaire philanthropist who influences global politics. Notice the bias in the conspiratorial thinking: the Koch brothers are also billionaires who influence global politics but get no hate cause they stand for conservative values. Soros is seen as satanic for the pre-modern worldview cause the pluralistic values he advocates for are seen as alien and as a thread for identity.

As I read under a video essay, "conspiracism is pre-modern thought applied to post-modern politics."

Edited by Loving Radiance

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Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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I removed a lot of names from the list of Yellow examples.

I was too liberal in classifying people as Yellow. It's quite hard to find pure examples of Yellow.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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