Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Yellow Examples Mega-Thread

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Rewatching the Episode on Yellow and making a honest self assesment on the pointers that shows how Yellow you are or not. 

At 1:21:57 Leo goes on questions:

Are you solid on Yellow or not?

  • Are you non-judmental?
  • Have you stop with Demonizing,Debating,Moralizing,Blaming,Scapegoating,Cruzading? Ranting?
  • Are you able to be impartial?
  • Can you see the world via lower stages or you think lower stages should not exist?
  • Do you see how every perspective have something to learn? No that you would became a Nazi but to see from a Nazi Mindset?
  • Are you genuine in your enjoyment of looking the world via other perspectives?
  • Are you able to go Meta? Steping outside from the dynamic you are imersed?
  • Do you see that mankind problems are not personal but systemic? 
  • Are you into study of the sytem?

How good you fit into this qualities?



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On 20/01/2023 at 4:31 AM, tuckerwphotography said:


Somehow this connect with the Meaning Crisis from Vervaeke

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I might be wrong about that video.

But his analysis in my view, even though he tends to focus on brain activity, seems very holistic, talking about  individual and collective consciousness, and about the pros and cons of it, in a very "down to earth" manner.

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Been on the search for stage yellow businesses as inspiration for my own business.

Some of these might not be totally yellow, I don't know their internal workings, but for what they proport to be online it's a good start.

Here's a few of my favorites:

Ben & Jerry's
Novo Nordisk
Interface Inc

If it qualifies as a B-corp, it's probably stage yellow.

Edited by Staples

God and I worked things out

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This channel is textbook yellow. really good tier 2 social, cultural analysis. 

Edited by TrustTheProcess

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On 5/25/2024 at 3:27 AM, TrustTheProcess said:

This channel is textbook yellow. really good tier 2 social, cultural analysis. 

The analysis, logic and premises are good and potentially yellow... and then the conclusion is bizarre. Because there is an additional premise that the left won't support what is supported by US imperialism. Right, of course, every leftist sided with Russia, right. And the mainstream, who are oblivious to the benefit of having Israel as the scapegoat, are obviously going to make it illegal to criticize Israel in the future, I mean duh.

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Physicist, Inventor, Engineer, Consciousness Researcher


Edited by CARDOZZO

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On 13/04/2024 at 6:18 AM, Reciprocality said:

just listen

Imagine How many Amazing Works are out there waiting to be Published and Found by Intelligent Minds.

And in other side the Book Shops are full of Horseshit that get Funded because is what is Sell 

She Talk about the Influence of David Hume conception of Self and how did it shaped many things.

my reserch on GPT

David Hume was a significant philosopher, but his influence spans many areas. Are you interested in his impact on philosophy, history, economics, or another specific field?

How did he influence economics?

David Hume made several key contributions to economics. He is well-known for his ideas on money and trade, particularly his “price-specie flow mechanism,” which describes how gold and silver flow between nations in relation to trade balances. He also discussed economic concepts like the demand for money, inflation, and interest rates. His thoughts laid the groundwork for classical economics and influenced economists like Adam Smith. Would you like more detailed information on any specific economic theory of Hume?

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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Play dumb: a prototype of Spiral Wizardry.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Edited by Raze

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Edited by Raze

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Peter Joseph

„The new human rights movement“ BenBella Books 2017

Zeitgeist Movie Series 

And newly „Zeitgeist: Requiem“ 

Culture in Decline, TV series


Interreflections, movie


Search him on YouTube and you’ll get a lot of stuff.

Edited by Rofl

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