
How to finish what you started

6 posts in this topic

Would be really useful with a video on this. Without this skill you can't really do any personal development.

something called loss aversion may be useful to use as a technique to finish what one started.

some other ideas:

delayed gratification.


habits and routines.

Edited by BjarkeT

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@BjarkeT look up kylo ren. you're welcome.

Edited by Timothy

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@Timothy what have star wars to do with this? I already seen the movie but not sure how its supposed to help with this.

When i search for hes name nothing related to this comes up so i am a bit confused. 

It seems a bit unrelated. 

Edited by BjarkeT

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Contemplate  And visualize the importance of finish of projects  and the consenqueces on ones life  ! 

Or try the pre morten technique to avoid project failure   , Leo has a vídeo about this 

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No worries that make sense. Thanks for the infomation:) If I understand it correctly is it to do something authentic to help one being motivated to finish? 

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I recommend reading Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life, and may that be your final self help book ever.

I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized. It only promotes overthinking and nihilism which WON'T help you at all. Trust me, I was brainwashed for two years, too, but I'm free now, and I've never done better in life since I got out of Leo's grasp and read this book.  

This'll either shock you, or you'll dismiss me and tell me to "keep meditating deeper" and "stop critizising" (which is what Leo - the self proclaimed enlightened guy - teaches you to scare off people who genuinely threatens his business).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

Read the first response to this question carefully, and reconsider whether Actualized is either helping you a lot, or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut (the latter is the case).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult!

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