
Why is enlightenment positive??

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Spirituality talks about enlightenment or reality or truth having positive or kind of higher consciousness qualities - like love, honesty, peace, joy, health, energy, patience, wisdom, true creativity, compassion, generosity, humility, humbleness etc... but why?

For some of these, like honesty, it seems obvious why living in truth would produce that. But for something like joy... why is enlightenment inherently joyful?  

Is it that identification with self produces all the negative 'opposite' qualities (like selfishness vs generosity), and getting rid of that identification means getting rid of those negatives? This doesn't really explain why reality is inherently loving or joyful though. Where does divine love come from?

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15 minutes ago, riplo said:

why is enlightenment inherently joyful?  

Love and blissfulness is your intrinsic nature, is not something that comes from anywhere. You have do many things; work really hard to become miserable.

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Because you're freed from the prison of emotions that come with being identified with a seperate self

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38 minutes ago, riplo said:

Where does divine love come from?

From one's true nature where suffering can't exist because Truth and Love destroy ignorance, separation, and resistance.

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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Eternal inwards climaxes make it. 

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It's inherently joyful, it comes naturally as you realize the true nature of yourself. There is no how or why, it just happens. Divine love comes from the divine, the creator. It isn't just love, it is also apsolute acceptance and understanding of who and what you are. The divine knows you, more than anything.

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If you want a scientific explanation I just can tell you that there are experiments made with buddhist monks which brains were monitored by electrodes. By being in a meditative-enlightened state certain brain areas were deactivated and other activated so the feelings and qualities by the meditator are these "joy, peace, compassion" that you talk about.

Maybe god designed us these way to make us more inclined to act positively instead of negative.

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Because you will discover who you are and you will stop bullshitting yourself.

You don't understand why everything is inherently loving because you don't know yourself.

Why people are running from misery? Why people want to be rich? Why they want to "grow" by all means? Why doing what you always like, in every situation, and reject the things that you dislike? Because you sense the misery of the ego. People don't articulate it, but they run from it because deep deep down they all know they dislike falsity and being miserable. It is that something mysteriously intelligent that Leo always talks about.

Love is something very very big. Love makes you humble. But you don't know what "humble" is, because you haven't experienced that yet. You only know what the society thinks about it. People are just "puppets". They only think they are individuals, that they have personal thoughts, but they don't. You must discover who you are to be an "individual".

All is pointing to one thing: yourself. Everything is for yourself, for you to grow, to become better, to become ultimately you, the real you. That's what "better" is. It is what you are, but without the bullshit. And the bullshit is consolidated by the many layers that were gathered throughout your life.

Your life is the road, the path. It has infinite ramifications. But, still, you decide where to go, always. Everything is part of the "plan", even this moment, and what we are doing second by second. Be always have choices, where to go, what to do, where to direct our eyes, our ears. You go by yourself always, and always where you exactly want.

Divine love makes you humble, and humble is the divine love. Humble is the divine. But the divine is also God, and it humbles you, but God is also yourself... and I can continue like this infinitely...

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Enlightenment is realising oneself as the infinite love. And love is beyond positive or negative, it is neutral.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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