Pure Imagination

Don’t Underestimate 5-Meo-DMT

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If you try 5-meo (or any psychedelic), don’t underestimate how much it WILL change your consciousness. Even if you don’t realize it after coming down. You can’t unsee source after you have experienced it. You can convince yourself you’re the same person, but you’re not. So don’t take the decision to use psychedelics lightly, they will radically change you in ways that you can only pretend to understand. 

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@Pure Imagination Would agree. Haven't tried 5Meo, but Ayahuasca ripped me open pretty hard, brutal 6 month hangover.  I almost wish I hadnt done it at all... too much.  Prefer a more gradual, light-handed approach now.  

I look forward to new developments in psychedellics, where we can possibly fine-tune them and give you a controlled "gentle glimpse".  Let you dip your toes in first.

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Also don't underestimate meditation. It is always available and free.

For those who want to be reborn and let the old self die.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Pure Imagination  I totally agree. I experienced 5-MeO onec and although it was lightning fast and I remember almost nothing, it has been coming back consistently when I am falling asleep or just randomly. It opened some kind of magic gate inside of me for sure.

Edited by okulele

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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It's pretty fucking intense. Beyond anything possible. You get to sit next to Jesus/Buddha themselves vibrating at LOC1000 and beyond. You literally die and become One with everything in the Universe and beyond to Infinity...then you come back down and realize how ignorant you've been thinking it was all dissected into separate pieces. 

I would highly recommend plugging it if you have HCL, it's realllllly nice. 


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@Joseph Maynor Ehh let others figure that out for themselves, you just do you. No matter how much you say "that's just a belief and a concept, it's no where near the actual" you're just digging yourself into a hole, and ironically doing the same thing they are doing. What i learned on 5meo is that perceiving others as less realized/conscious than you are is purely ego and just a projection. You're completely alone on this journey to God.


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@Joseph Maynor K I may have gotten a bit excited there. All I'm getting at is that in my experience the path to enlightenment is a unilateral, personal, intimate thing. Thank you for sharing. 


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@Joseph Maynor can you tell me some examples what you mean with improperly interpreting the trips?

On psychedelics I think I could see reality more clearly than on anything else, because of loss of concepts. But this is just my experience

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

The idea that you need to ‘see reality more clearly’ is the trap.  Existential Truth is here right now.  Existential Truth is there when you’re sober.  That’s step one.  Step two is to embody Existential Truth. So Enlightenment is about first locating Existential Truth, and then slowly embodying it.

Nicely said.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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On 7.7.2018 at 8:01 AM, Pure Imagination said:

If you try 5-meo (or any psychedelic), don’t underestimate how much it WILL change your consciousness. Even if you don’t realize it after coming down. You can’t unsee source after you have experienced it. You can convince yourself you’re the same person, but you’re not. So don’t take the decision to use psychedelics lightly, they will radically change you in ways that you can only pretend to understand. 

People make claims that "it changed my life so much" and ask the details. They have nothing to share, only that it was great expereince. But most still keep old habbits and havent kicked their bad addictions. So what has then changed to those people? 

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@Germo you never took psychedelics, did you? Otherwise you would understand what has changed to those people

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Eh. Tad melodramatic. Yes 5-MeO awakening is insane. Yes all my awakenings prior were baby shit. But after coming down absolutely nothing changes tbh

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Can y'all elaborate on what traps lie in psychedelics, and what false/illusional insights might be derived from them?

About 90% of my spiritual growth has been derived from psychedelics. Now after Ive done about 20 trips my experience of life has changed completely.

So what psychedelic insights and learnings have you received that turned out to be wrong / harmful?

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@Darodos The mechanism of "delusion" is active in anything. The radical nature of psychedelic experiences happens to be extremely fertile ground where almost anything is prone to being hijacked by that mechanism and take on a life of its own.

There's not much you can do until you figure out what's true and what's not, and the only tool at your disposal for that, psychedelics or no psychedelics, is brutally honest scrutiny.

Psychedelics don't give you that. Their proper place is as with everything else, subordinate to honest scrutiny. Everything else comes after.

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I recently used 5meo. I've noticed a pretty massive shift in my baseline level of consciousness, to the level that I am having random glimpses, and my kriya practice has improved substantionally. These last few mornings during the month I can't help but feel a bleeding inside - familiar to the feeling of deep love - but towards absolutely nothing. It feels impossible to find an expression to it except to just surrender to it and let it be. I didn't even go that deep during the trip, but it was still the most beautiful experience I've ever had. 

I think that if I didn't have a conscious intention to reflect on the experience, and to hold mindfulness/awareness during the day + other practices, then I would return to almost as close to baseline as I was before. The experience echoes into your daily practices and you can deepen the experience if you intend to put your focus/energy into it.

Planning on another trip until I feel ready again

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I do have experienced a change. Always. They still are the number #1 tool for growth and change of ego. But hey maybe I just resonate too well with them and some people aren't able to get so much off them.

Let people do what they work for them anyways.

I don't judge people who don't take psychs and just do meditation. I expect the same treat.

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12 minutes ago, Tarzan said:

@Javfly33 Do you do other practices as well? or just psychs

Currently no, I don't do other practices, mainly because I found a new job and I don't find so much time and energy as I had before.

But before the new job I used to do 3 hours a day of Yoga and meditation.

Most people who preach " sober practices are more than enough" don't realize that most people in the west just don't have time to do them. Meditation, self inquiry, yoga, imo they are potent practices when done long and intensely enough. Meditation or Yoga for Enlightement purposes is not supposed to be 1 hour a day. Hell not even for healing which ime happens also because of a high states of conscioussness. Yes of course they can heal, is just takes too damn time doing the amount you can do while maintaining a full time job

I would laugh if I have to get all the healing and insights that I had until, doing 1 hour meditation and 20 self inquiry a day. Like...lol. No way.

Edited by Javfly33

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17 hours ago, Germo said:

People make claims that "it changed my life so much" and ask the details. They have nothing to share, only that it was great expereince. But most still keep old habbits and havent kicked their bad addictions. So what has then changed to those people? 

Theres plenty of examples of people changing their habits and bad addictions after having used psychedelics. I've seen, read and heard of lots of cases of this. However, when people say that psychedelics changed their life they are not really talking about changing habits or addictions. What they're talking about is a shift in context for life in general, or a specific moment/event in their life. Life is seen through a new lense. So the content can largely stay the same, the personality unchanged for example, which is why giving details is sometimes very difficult. But the underlying context for life in general or for a specific traumatic experience has radically shifted. This is why Leo has referred to awakening as a radical recontextualisation. 

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