
Direct Experince

22 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Quanty said:
  1. Time is irrelevant, it slows down with the inner acceleration of energy. 

One can experience in 30min, thousands of years of experience. Depending on the magnitude of inner synchronicity. 

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@RendHeaven @Victor Mgazi

Thank you, RendHeaven for your detailed reply. I think you more succinctly expressed a deeper layer of my question about direct experience: “how do I know I’m not being delusional?” But also, as you suggest, the same question could be asked of one who denies direct experience in support of rational thought and data. It is also possible that with sufficient direct experience (e.g. enlightenment experience(s)), one will no longer doubt the truth of such experience. But even then, that doesn’t mean it is true, right?

Or perhaps at that point, making a true vs. false distinction becomes subjective, as Victor Mgazi seems to suggest (please correct me if I am misinterpreting your thoughts).


It seems reasonable, as Faceless suggests, that even direct experience is subjective, since it comes from one’s thoughts regarding their own perceptions. In that case, just reflecting on one’s own perceptions (or memories at that point) would be subjective. That makes communication difficult, since we must have thoughts on our perceptions to translate them into words and put them in this forum, for example, as tsuki mentions.


Thanks everyone for your input.

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