The Don

Positive Affirmations For Social Anxiety

4 posts in this topic

Hello guys.

I suffer from social anxiety and I would like you to suggest me a few positive affirmations to reprogram my subconscious beliefs.


Me on the road less traveled.

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The best way is to work on your first 3 chakras. 

For me, social anxiety in the past was due to heavy energetical attack from a little kid on the right side, plexus, lungs. 

Social anxiety just vanished after I tapped into the harmony of the body. Because in reality, social anxiety does not exist, what exists are traumas made by people into one, when one was not knowing about the self. So those wounds around people just hurt and one tends to avoid people, not because of a psychological thing, something traumatic in the body. 

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I know what would help you. There are some chants, each with a specific purpose, that when you listen to them or utter them create reverberations throughout the system. Thus gives wonderful benefits. Even can take you to enlightenment or open some new dimension. You don't need to utter them, just listening is okey, but you can chant also.

These chants have incredible impact on your psychological structure, your emotional structure, your energy structure, and in the atmosphere around you. After some time of listening to one of these chants you will start reverberating like that chant. That mantra can become your basic quality.

These mantras are selected by sadhguru to match different people.

More information here :)

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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May I suggest an unorthodox way of dealing with your social anxiety? Try not to push it away or cover it up with affirmations. Take that anxious energy and notice the possibility of channelling that into excitement. What is excitement? It's strong anticipation for an event. Don't treat the anxiety as something that shouldn't be there, because it's always going to find a way to come up to the surface. Comedy Improv groups practice channelling their nervous energy all the time, and there's an alertness and excitement that comes along with it. 

If your social anxiety is at a level that's strong to the point where you become paralyzed mentally and physically with fear, then try walking around in a venue with a lot of people and just allow your anxiety to come up. You don't need to approach anybody, Eventually your body will process that excess anxiety. Try it and see how it feels.

Freethinking Guru: Enlightenment for the Rational Mind


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