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Two Deep Postulates

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1. a suicide bomber, after his death, will be in "heaven" and get his 72 virgins.

2. heaven with gardens, fruits, milk-lakes (Quran/Bible version of Heaven) exists.

about # 1 first.

How can this be? the bomber is claiming so many innocent lives - how can such a person go to heaven?

The answer: he goes to his version of heaven.

We know that from God's point of view, there is no good/evil - it's all one, no distinctions

So what appears to us in our experience is what we expect (law of attraction)
What really drives this manifestation to reality is the BELIEF in it. We expect to die when we go in the water and cannot breath, or jump off a sky-scraper... (sounds silly, i know) 
but this expectation is another word for blind-belief, without a shred of a doubt...

most suicide bombers/terrorists - especially in Afghanistan/Iraq etc are BRAINWASHED by another, promising heaven/72 virgins in the afterlife if they do this deed for the sake of God/Allah

what we must realize is that these persons reach levels of belief that is unbroken, it is a 100% surety for them. some of these were taught when they were young kids... they have been grown up as lamb for slaughterING - so to them, it is an absolute truth that the end result is heaven


their consiousness is clear - there is no guilt. only guilt needs to be gotten rid of. guilt/good/bad feelings are all illusiory...

so provided that they have 100% belief in the end result, that is what they will manifest/see after death. that due to his/her deed, she/he is now in heaven (in the way it is consturcted in their mind - with other souls also living in that place jsut as others live among us in this dream of the "world" )

and in that construct of heaven, he/she will live eternally - 

he/she may never recognize the true nature/essence of us (may eventually) but that is the reality in which she/he lives after death AS THEIR MIND EXPECTS IT TO

also. to those who practice law of attraction/manifestation. it only works if you have undying belief in the process


not just that, if i think about being rich or getting money outta nowhere, it will happen. if you somehow became aware of the mechanics of this, and did believe as strongly as you do about dying if jumping outta building, then you will manifest that reality infront of you almost instantly

about # 2

if one takes the pious/normal route to death and again, she/he is a believer of the heaven promised by Quran/bible - then that is where she/he will dwell


allow me to ask you this. sure all that would/could be another construct of reality which is all illusiory - but given the option, would you not take it?


that you can never die - live eternally in bliss and harmony - live with whoever you wish/will, marry or whatever as many women as you please (because that's the law of the land - in heaven, as we are told and as is constructed in your mind)


in short: one having not a firm enough believe may not get this version of heaven after life, it is ultimately our beliefs which define our reality


very important to note that this promised heaven is still illusiory but who will complain if one lives in eternal illusion if there is no pain, hungery, violence and nothing but fun,sex,food, no disease, no dirt, peace

the higher level of full transesnedant out of the illusion to the god-head / oneness state is still the most higher level but this path/end still awaits to those souls who would be having this experinince


knowing reality as all possiblities that can be, and all are now - then these states i describe above absoultely do exist. nothing can not exist. just the road-way, pathway to there needs to be taken - mechanism and belief is the key

Love Is The Answer

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