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Sleep meditating?

5 posts in this topic

Has anyone tried to fall asleep while meditating? Apparently you can fall asleep in a meditative mode and meditate for long periods of hours. Wouldn't that be awesome to learn.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

What techeque did you use?

What was your success rate?

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Well I've had weird situations where couple of times on long sessions of like 3 hours or so, I will fall asleep towards the end for a couple more hours - but the transition does feel different. And when I wake up I feel incredibly rested though I guess that's not really strange.  I guess what's weird about it doesn't feel so much like 'falling alseep' or waking up.. at one point when your mind is completely empty and you are just there present without a single thought for long enough it's like you enter a suspended state.. anyways only happened three times so not a big sample size to draw any conclusions from.

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5 hours ago, Dogsbestfriend said:

Well I've had weird situations where couple of times on long sessions of like 3 hours or so, I will fall asleep towards the end for a couple more hours - but the transition does feel different. And when I wake up I feel incredibly rested though I guess that's not really strange.  I guess what's weird about it doesn't feel so much like 'falling alseep' or waking up.. at one point when your mind is completely empty and you are just there present without a single thought for long enough it's like you enter a suspended state.. anyways only happened three times so not a big sample size to draw any conclusions from.

@Dogsbestfriend I resonate with what you're saying. 

The were times when I managed to slip into sleep while meditating by accident. And it's true that meditation goes on in the sleep automatically, I experienced it.

The only problem is I can't do it intentionally.

That would be such a transforming process. To meditate for 8 hours every night

Osho talks about meditating in sleep here.


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Start meditating until you reach the sleeping state, being aware at the same time. 

It is a feeling of being dreaming, like a dream in a dream, but in any moment one can stand up and be fully awake. 

From experience, I'd say one has to awaken to a certain degree to be able to no fall asleep. Practice staying awake as much as you can, with coffee if necessary. 

I've experienced 2 weeks without sleep, only 5-10min naps in between 4-5h. Staying awake 2h before sunrise. Having the practice of sun gazing 30-50min, first hour in the morning or last hour in the evening. Do the sungazing 1 year, then one will be able to experience great meditation depths. Start with 10s and increase 10s daily. Moongazing as well, as much as you want.

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