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Hey guys, I've been researching a lot about fruitarianism lately and I'm very excited with the things I've seen.

I've been avoiding animal products for a long time now - about 8 years, but have never had a truly vegan diet. I've been experimenting with replacing cooked dinner for fruits, and it just feels great! I feel that this is the way to go, at least for me at my level of development.

If you contemplate about nutrition, you'll find out that cooking food is a really weird thing. Most animals eat the foods they are naturally attracted to. When I see a cow or a chicken, I don't feel like eating. If I spot a tangerine or a mango, that makes me salivate. When we eat fruits, we create a symbiotic relationship with the plants - we are feeding ourselves and helping the plants to spread their seeds. It's a win win - no suffering for any of the sides. 

My energy levels are increasing, I got rid of my thyroid daily T4 hormones, My poop doesn't even smell bad when I eat fruit all day long, for fuck's sake... 

It still takes a lot of discipline to maintain a diet like that. People will start thinking you are going insane - but if you are in the same boat as I am, you know that pretty much everyone is already insane. 

Anyone here has experience with raw vegan diets / fruitarianism?


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Tried it a couple of summers ago and my hair started to fall out, back to a balanced diet and my hair doesn’t fall out.

weird huh?

i think you need an incredibly strong mindset and willpower to do an all fruit diet. It’s worth it for sure, cos it was the healthiest I ever felt!

im gonna do it better next time round

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3 minutes ago, RawJudah said:

go and my hair started to fall out, back to a balanced diet and my hair doesn’t fall out.

weird huh?

Ye man, that's pretty weird, and good to know! My concerns are things like that, since it's a fairly "rare" kind of diet.

I've noticed that I started clinging back to cooked food in the winter. You have to eat so much fruit to get enough calories to keep you warm, specially if you live in a place where houses have no heating system whatsoever (Brazil).

Other concern I have is a curious case - Steve Jobs. When he died of pancreas cancer, he was on a fruitarian diet, as far as I have researched, but the dude had all sorts of crazy diet experimenting throughout his life.

I've seen people that have been doing this 30+ years and are doing great though... so yeah, pretty new area to explore 

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8 minutes ago, Etagnwo said:

Placebo? If your hair fell out but you felt great, surely something isn't making sense? 

Oh boy, it's not a placebo. The food you eat changes you completely. Try for yourself, you probably have never felt that well since childhood, I swear

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I feel great, energetically charged and much more sensitive when going all fruits and I love raw salads but I loose too much weight and it feels pretty uncomfortable visually. I love looking at myself in the mirror and I want to see a healthy look. I know it is probably just the transition phase or I am probably not consuming as much as I should but the most important factor for me is to not feel I am denying myself anything. So I still eat cooked simple veg meals. Meat very rarely, only a little taste sometimes when it is disguised (eg: salami). Dairy truly F***s me up, it is the worse!

Edited by SpyAquamarine

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Fruit is a high pranic food which is healthy in the Summer months, but in the Winter months you should have more steamed food like vegetables, and nuts because these foods create heat in the body, which balances with the coldness in the winter :) Simply by eating whatever is in season (from a local farmers market) is the best diet long term for balance according to Chinese medicine and Aryuveda. I would only go on a raw food diet for only a few years at most, otherwise disease is likely to develop in the body. Regardless, everyone can benefit greatly by eating much less than they are.

For me, I've been eating about 6-10 pieces of fruit daily for the last few 4 months and have felt magnificent. The heaviness I used to feel is gone, and their is an easiness in my mind, body and emotions that has slowly developed as a result of eating these simple foods. I've loved it so much that now I'm just eating 150 calories a day of spirulina, and flaxseed; and transitioning to a more breatharian type lifestyle. Much thanks has to be given to urine, the most highly pranic food, which has allowed me to eat so little, yet maintain the same weight that I had when eating 3000 calories per day.

As such, I'd only recommend fruitarianism as a way to transition to Breatharianism, or as a short term way to help the body detoxify. Remember fruitarianism is a new-age western concept that is not rooted in thousands of years of evidence where as Chinese medicine is for at least 5000 years by all written accounts. Veganism is also an incomplete western philosophy, as Indian yogis drink raw cows milk, and many people have honey because they are both full of life force energy.


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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You may enjoy reading this.

Fruit today isn't as nutritious as it used to be but its not really that hard to supplement with nuts/seeds and some super/micro-greens/algae for extra minerals. It also depends on your spiritual development and understanding, some people thrive on less as they are spiritual tuned, some are more tuned into physically thus need more mineral richness for energy/function.


How leaves fall from the tree to decompose into humus and return key minerals back to the soil which provides optimum information/nourishment for the tree is similar to urine and humans. In Ancient times when human needed healing he was suggested by elders to drink his/her own water. This is the most natural substance for one self as it comes from the natural infinite intelligence of creation/perfection.

We are made perfect, its man who is blind and complicates things. Study Urine Therapy and the laws of nature.

Edited by pluto


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Fruit based diet is able to melt away majority of diseases, be it cancerous or autoimmue. The healing potential of fruits is endless. I've tried it for couple weeks only and saw significant improvement in my allergies that are otherwise rampant throughout whole year. Look up Dr Morse, he and his team have been curing people for 40 years with herbs and fruits. 

Not sure if it is the most sustainable diet over a long term, there are people who thrive on it though.  I believe some protein and polyunsaturated fats are necessary for optimal function of every system in the body. 

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People are advocating drinking your own urine? Really?

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@Sea Life is much more mysterious, strange, and intriguing than you first thought. There are many things in this reality that are rooted in love and oneness, yet go against the core beliefs that society has. Such is the nature with urine. I always have explored where others would not dare go just to see what the true potential of a human being can be, and the depth of love it can express. 

I prefer to let experience speak from here on in. Urine has detoxified my entire physical body, and I know this because I do not go to the bathroom anymore. When I did liquids would come out, but now that my body is entirely clean, there is very few positively charged inorganic molecules in my intestines for the negatively charged urine to wash away in my intestines, hence not going to the bathroom :) Also I'm at the start of an experiment where I'm living off of urine, sunlight and love; this is in response to my recent urine fasts where I felt amazingly energised, without any need to eat, so naturally why should I eat when I feel completely stated by urine? In addition, I sleep for 2 hours every night, sometimes I do not sleep and just meditate instead, and use the time I sleep to meditate and keep surrendering to the light of God within my heart. (As a side note, studies have shown that one hour of meditation is equal to 8 hours of sleep). I am full of energy all day, and it is consistent no matter the time of day. And best of all the urine tastes delicious, a beautiful sweetness, a subtle coconut water taste. So its been pretty amazing. I'm grateful that I decided to explore the unknown even if it went against my strongest and most beloved beliefs at the time. It was hard to begin with because of my beliefs, and the initial detox symptoms and the taste was unpleasant; but with anything abundantly good, it takes work, dedication and perseverance which led me to where I am today; completely independent and whole as I am now. Fully self-sustaining on what my body produces.

I hope that opens your mind. I have been drinking urine exclusively for almost 4 months (instead of water), and this is what has happened. Other things too like visions and what not have happened due to the decalcification of the pineal gland, coupled with meditation. Check my journal for more specifics.

Love and Oneness my friend.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace That's what I'm talking about. I love when people go unapologetic about their attainments. No fear of being judged as a wacko by other wackos. 

Great stuff!

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@SpyAquamarine ❤️

@Cudin We are all perfect, and we are all nuts; there is no distinction :) Thank you for your nice reply.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Very interesting!

I find that with full time work, a high raw/high fruit can be hard to do because of prep time and the actual amount of time it takes to eat the calories needed to fuel yourself for the day. I guess there are psychological barriers there to, as we are quite conditioned to eating higher calorie foods, thus arriving at satiation earlier. The closer you are to the equator high fruit becomes much more viable, although, I do not think this way of eating is 100% optimal as it appears to me to be more of a cleansing/short term diet. Not to suggest that you are this way inclined, but I get a little turned off by the religious/dogmatic attitude that some people have in regards to FULLY raw/fruitarian. I know Andreas Moritz has suggested that raw foods diets are appropriate for only very few individuals. 

As far as longevity goes, Swami Sivananda of India claims to have been born in 1896, making him currently 122 years old and eats only boiled foods (rice and dalh) and chillies. He has said that since poor people cannot afford fruit, he will not eat it. He does yoga daily and travels all over India. I am planning to meet with him in a couple of months.

Just wondering, with the high fruit have you had any detox symptoms come up or flushed out any mucoid plaque or anything like that? 

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