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Powerful de-armoring tool

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So the muscles hold the mental tension/trauma, de-armoring is pressing the muscles to get in touch with your feeling nature to release.

The wertenberg wheel is a BDSM toy, (BDSM: aka bondage sex etc., which is an interesting practice to for the spiritual path in it's own right by the way, since it's about surrender to another through play/sex/pain)


Just roll it gently over someone's back/but/legs or whatever

I only tried it for a few minutes on my legs/but where I am quite tight and it had me semi-screaming/laughing like a wicked girl, triggering my manhood all over, literally amazing for energy release and opening into freedom. There was a girl next to me who was going absolutely bonkers, really cool also as a fun sexual tool.

have ordered one and might report more but see to just try it for yourself with someone, the thing is like 5 bucks from amazon.


Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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