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Has mudras any benefits for meditation ?

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We often see people who meditate or do yoga twisting their hands put together , has this any benefits or it just a part of the dogma ? 

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One important thing is that your shoulder and neck muscles can stay relaxed. Another is to have the right stimulus which helps a lot to eliminate every movement with some practice. It could make a huge difference to align your whole body properly.

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@Till Alright , so just working with my hands ( doing mudras )  can align my body properly or did i miss the point ? 

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It is just one part of the whole posture, but it is the most underestimated. I manage a small meditation group since two years and can tell from that experience, that many people do not make the progress in improving there practice because they just put there hands somewhere. In our hands end a lot of nerves, it could be a reason to distract you while meditating. 

If the whole body is aligned properly you can benefit a lot. There are a lot of videos on youtube for example of how to align yourself well. But remember that every body and even at every time your own body is in different condition. So to improve your posture is a continuous journey. 

But once you aligned yourself and started a session, than don'T spend thoughts about the posture.  

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They have benefits if one knows how to use the breath to awaken the energy in the legs, after... each finger of the hands and feet is directly connected to a specific wheel of energy/chakra. So to achieve a desired state of mind or state of bliss, there are specific mudras that one can discover playing with them and see what happens or learn about specific mudras in the books. 

As we all in different stages, wirings, experiences, I'd say: try out and experience what is better for you. As with foods. 

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