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Inevitable Thought Control Illusion

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Quick one here.


It is inevitable that all us living in the duality based reality see that we control our own thoughts.


In the infinite possibilities of the Absolute, there has to be this exact case - otherwise the set would not be Infinite.


You just happen to be currently witnessing this particular  iteration.


There exists also a version of reality in which the general population is born and due to the social consciousness level of that reality, is born and remains enlightened.


So again, (about thought control / free will illusion) when people often ask and say "well, it just totally feels like I have control, like look, I am gonna move my hand at will (*they move their hand). See I have control, how can you I don't? Or if you're saying that I don't then it sure feels impossible."


Actually jokes on them, they don't even exist :)

Love Is The Answer

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