
Understanding The Senses (poem)

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The Five Gates


Surely our eyes are aflutter with light

Yet the thunder resounding, escapes from their sight

Our ears are awakened to the slightest of sounds

But a smile from a friend, it can nary be found

To see, to hear, to taste, and to touch

Each sense being bound by its own design, inasmuch

To know only itself, and to all else be blind

Circumscribed in its view, by its own nature confined


Knit within the body wherein our souls now reside

Five fountains of knowledge, so defining our lives

How much more of the world might there really be

If between light and sound, we had senses to see

Could it be then that this world, is more whole and complete

Awash by all the Heavens, replete with many angels just out of reach

And these gates we supposed, would enlighten our minds

Are forever blind to the prose, as they can discern only rhyme


And the soul that we are, and its form in between

Cast down and out of Eden, into darkness unseen

To sweat and to toil, beneath the shadow of death

And its many sins presumed hidden, by this mantle of flesh

Will in death find greater dimension, from the senses then released

Freed from this worlds subtractions, so will our vision greatly increase

And our judgment revealed upon us, as we see though different eyes

Naked have we been all our lives, and likewise, our motives and our lies


So then who is more blind, than the man who can see

Lost within a forest, so he perceives only leaves

Who is more empty, than the man who thinks himself full

And who is more wise, than the senseless old fool

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@Brent That is amazing, very very beautiful ;)9_9

This poem describes this so beautifully, these sensory limitations they cannot comprehend the full spectrum of the devine absolute. Wow!

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