
About The Good Vs Evil Video

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What is worse, seeing your family get tortured, rapped and killed or that a meteorite destroys all life on earth tomorrow?

What would you choose? 

In hope that it never happens to anyone, I probably wouldn't give a fuck that a meteorite kills all life on earth after watching my family get tortured... and vice versa.¬¬

I believe that good things can emerge out of evil and vice versa. My parents would have never met without the second world war. We would never be born (as we are) without all the "stupid" things that humans thought and did in the past. We would probably never exist if a meteorite didn't strike the earth millions of years ago. Now was this meteorite a disaster? For the dinosaurs point of view sure! From an alien point of view it must have been an excellent scientific show to watch on their TV screens.

I'm happy to be alive, what about you? Are humans a good thing for planet earth.

Wanting to save poor people that are suffering, you might want to inject them a vaccines for protection that will give birth to disabled children, and some of them could die of cancer and would have never gotten sick in the first place, or you might save the next dictator that will kill millions...  Not saying with this that you shouldn't help people that are suffering!!! 

I love this quote:  "The road to hell is paved with good intentions!" 

It's the good old story of the Zen master, the farmer & the farmer's son that finds a horse and break his leg and can't go to war... 

For me good and bad are dependent to perspective and time. We are not capable of grasping the entire picture, the ripple effect of our daily actions. We only believe we do.

So my answer to the question does good and evil exist, it depends on how you look at it. From the perspective of unawareness it does. From the perspective of awareness, truth, enlightened states, no it doesn't. 

Our brain just doesn't have the capacity to take all what should be taken into consideration to make the final judgement. It just assumes it does.




Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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@Elektrisko Even in the most morally-despicable example your imagination can come up with, it's still NOT evil. The thing you're missing is that evil is a judgment made by an ego. And the ego is illusory to begin with, so all it's judgments are irrelevant.

The bottom line is, whatever your mind doesn't like about reality doesn't matter, because it's just a projection inside the mind.

This is not a "logical" point of view. This is how reality is if you're just conscious enough. Believe it or not, there are people who live from this place of non-judgment. All it really requires is raising your awareness to the point where you see that no thought is true. And every judgment of "evil" is just another thought.

In fact, not only will there be no evil seen, love will be felt for the morally-despicable character in your worst-imaginable examples. Because the fact is, reality has murders and rapists in it. And if you don't like it, that's your problem. That's you resisting what is.

But all this takes lots of personal development to see. Because your ego LOVES to judge. That's how it acquires a feeling of fake realness. Egos hate giving up their right to judge others. But that's exactly what's necessary if you want to reach psychological maturity. The little child in you has to realize that judging is a delusional game.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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