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Heartfulness Meditation (simplified Raj Yoga)?

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Has anyone here heard of or are currently doing a practice called Heartfulness meditation? here is an explanation on what it is (also read other posts by Brian Jones, as he has been doing this practice for 40 years and he talks about it a lot on quora).  In addition to its staple practice (which consists of a specific morning meditation, and a specific evening meditation, and a prayer) It uses something called Yogic Transmission (Pranahuki) in which someone transmits this energy to the recipient (i think it is done ideally 3 times) and is able to achieve significantly accelerated  spiritual growth (they are saying that now average people can have the access to the highest states of spirituality, and that it should al be for free as they don't charge anything). I know it sounds gimmicky as fuck, but i have been reading very good things about this practice so it actually seems legit.


I haven't tried it yet or anything but i do plan to, but I'm literally the king of procrastination so it'll be a while before I actually start doing it.

Edited by passerby

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