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Trip Report: First timer Changa (DMT-infused smoking blend)

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Hello there fellow explorers.

I've been gathering some guts to do this for quite some time. I ll'try to start linearly and chronologically, the difficultly of this is obvious, a lot of things in DMT-space happen out of time space, out of logic and the list goes on.

I did this with a trusted person I recently met. We quickly became friends and resonated in many areas. I felt I could completely trust him on this.He had done this more than few times, so that was enough for me. 

We went at a comfortable place, played some lofy hip-hop and chilled. He took the pipe, filled it with Changa, slowly, while we chilled and talked he explained me the process, I've been reading and watching a lot about this before so we could understand each-other quite well on the technical part at least. Thus when I was ready, we began. 

We prepared, there was an overwhelming fear present on my side, like facing into the face of certain and inevitable death, a voice screaming in the back of my head not to do it, cancel it, say another time, also that void in the chest... I decided to proceed anyway, I've been very burned up for this, fear was the expected reaction, so I am not canceling it despite it. DMT of any quality is very hard to find in my country, yet alone shared for free. Most of the stuff that is found here is quite rare, expensive and garbage. I was not missing this one.

I held he pipe, while he did melt/evaporate the Changa, the advice was, try to fill yourself as much as you can, hold as much as you can, and than exhale. Than try the same thing with the second shot, and if you manage the third. I also told him -If I do not want to take more, beg,force and remind me. As any first timer I had no clue what awaited, and what was my personal measure/amount. So I did just that, inhaled and inhaled slowly, tried not to let any smoke to escape from the pipe. I am guessing that the inhalation process lasted about 30 secs, it was slow and controlled, I do cardio and weightlifting, am also a nonsmoker, so this thing wasn't the really a  problem. At the peak of the inhalation, things kind of started to happen, there were some ... laggings, like some of his words lagged, something like "s-s-s-s-s-s", "f-f-f-f-f-" and than the other part of the word is somehow lost, the motion that he was doing was like some-kind of a loop animation, snapping at the beginning of it. It didn't seem weird, my consciousness was altered.

After this huge filled breath, held as much as I could (witch I later discovered, was called heroic breath) I exhaled ....he did not tell me that the hammer hits the head when you exhale, he did not want to frighten me.

At the point of exaltation It was just like someone took my hard drive and all my RAM ripped it off and ate it. Ate like everything!!. Only the observer part remained and the intent or the will part should I call it. Everything around me was moving, was very blurry and de-focused, it was extremely stretched, even my friend. I had a feeling like I was falling backwards chaotically, not in a straight line but moving in all directions. Only the pipe in-front of me ( there was nothing holding it, HD pipe floating in space, jiggling a little right and left) and my friends eyes remained not de-focused and also weirdly HD sharp and following me as I was falling. There was some oriental and middle eastern like feeling to the whole vibe. I could only remember that i was supposed to do something and that I should trust him, i felt i could trust him, it was just like i knew him, from long ago. very distant feeling. Reminded me of me being born, or being a baby and all these entities are above me, caring about me, that realization was gained afterwards. In the present moment i had only intent and consciousness. 

He was trying to get me to have another shot. Was saying - inhale, I had no clue what those words meant, what is the action, where should the air go, It was all very unfamiliar and panicky, the pipe was floating in front of me like mad, I was chasing it with my mouth. I used extreme will to find where my hand was. I could not see it but had awareness, and it was like it was perfectly cut in a perfect line, about 5/10 cm above the wrist. there was nothing going on towards the body. I was blowing into the pipe and inhaling, causing a little chaos for my friend, because i didn't know what breathe in means. when i managed to take some in, he would say: hold it, hold it!! but the air was coming out because there were no lungs or where ever I was supposed to hold the air. I took my other imagined hand, witch was also cut in a straight line and tossed it with intent towards my nose so i can hold the nose. OFC, the nose was also cut in straight lines, and was floating, not attached to anything. The smoke was coming out in waves, HD white waves i did not menage to stop it. While this chaotic thing was happening. In the background was extremely loud music, not like it was playing in the room ,but like it was everywhere, in my head, in the space itself. I was amazed to find after the DMT faded that there was no music at that time, (we shut the lofy hip-hop music down so I do this in silence, that was my choice) I also managed to quickly create a bastardized version of what i heard. It was like some kind of dark psy-trance, very specific, badly produced, badly composed, cringy, and was increasing its BPM until it all merged into one tone.

After I failed to take more shots, I collapsed onto the sofa, I had my eyes closed. And somehow thought, Ive f####d up this time, you are dead dude, you should have listened to yourself while you had the chance. Everything was completely dark, populated by only few things. One of them was a spiral like hand, pointing a finger to what was then my right, it was almost as it had consciousness of a sheep..... it was moving right with some kind of "moooooooooooo" observant telepathic connection to me, it was watching me, but had no clue, nor cared about me, it was cartoonish like, and was made of 2 parallel stripes made out of the most stupid pink and dark green colors. The stripes had no thickness. Above it, to what would be my top right, was something morph-like 4 sided thing, , made out of many layers of 2d stripes, morphing all the time, it had very demanding consciousness, I felt like I dropped into its lawn, while it was just watching its sheep eat grass. Very demanding intent. Oh yea, and its stripes were made out of the most stupid red color I have ever seen. The colors didn't care, they were stupid. In the distance was a pink, almost magenta hexagon floating shape, also 2D, I had the impression that there was something inside of it. Also my view was like a fixed camera.I couldn't move it,i could just watch, I was very interested what was at the center of the hexagon ...but the demanding thing didn't let me proceed, it freaked me out. I was overblown with the demanding I wouldn't say telepathic, but presence would be better description. Few moments ago I was falling, music, chaos, blur, displacement. AAAAAAAAAA!! And now this. I just wanted it to end. 

I started opening my eyes and watching around but everything was displaced, And i had that strong feeling that everything was watching me. And that everything is me. Very surreal. But the substance wasn't lost it was the same room, just very displaced, for eg, my friend was sitting on a chair, and went towards the windows, his legs remained attached to the chair, the PC screen was weirdly attached to the table ect. I consistently checked and looked at my hands, just a habit from doing reality checks while astral projecting and lucid dreaming, nothing seemed to happen with them. My whole body vibrated, and my pulse was 1k bpm. I was afraid that I fucked something up, in my mind was something like. If you live, you are not doing this ever again, this was stupid move.(That's while returning to normal) I didn't hold the same opinion afterwards.

After I sobered up, and remembered everything I have forgotten. There was this surreal synchronicity feeling. Also it was like I bought the ticket to this place so secret, so small, but so profound, called earth and human existence. To be able to think, to want, to not want, to have opinion, to care, to hate, to suffer, to cry, to have a tooth ache, to be beaten, to share, to be selfish, to have a sense of space, of time, to say you are wrong, to listen, to smell, to be a musician, to be a parent, to be able to interact with plants, to interact with bricks even .... all of this was a huge privilege.The ticket to the best ride in the universe ..... This won't  last forever.... After this, I started to care way more about so many little things, and look at them with awe, how can this be, how is it possible.

The attached files are my bastardized attempts of the auditory and visual stuff that was happening. I could have made them better and in a way more accurate, but i felt no reason for doing so, they are in a way not even close to complete in the scope of the whole think. 

Also they were possible to make only because of their specific nature, visually these things were not very .. complex. 




Edited by Clayman

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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@Clayman Good work. Messy, but you gotta start somewhere.

Try some LSD for a less twisted and less disorienting experience.

The goal with psychedelics is to be able to contemplate on them. So you can figure stuff out rather than just being blasted into hyperspace -- which leaves you confused after you return.

You wanna contemplate questions like:

  • What am I?
  • Where did I come from?
  • What is intelligence?
  • What is God?
  • What is another?
  • What is language?
  • What is time?
  • What is the purpose of life?
  • etc.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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That's the idea LSD>Shrooms

This one was tense and disorientating at the time it was happening. A lot of terror in it... yes. but still when looking back at it I think it was beautiful. Maybe the most profound experience since my birth. Maybe.. same as my birth xD ...Am looking forward to more, even though i know I will s##t in my pants before I take that first shot.

And oh, yes. These questions still linger, this happened 4 mouths ago and I am still processing it. Not ready yet for another one. Actually its not the visual stuff that remained. That was just extremely weird and cool ...that's all. This state of no time, no mind, no body, no direction, no memory that is what remained. Even as I am reading the questions you posted, the hair all over my body comes up. Like a link is established between the state and the question itself xD

Edited by Clayman

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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Sounds like a wierd trip :D


anyone knows the difference between Changa and ”normal” DMT freebase? 

Edited by cirkussmile

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Changa is DMT + MAOi, just like Ayahuasca, but smoked.

DMT freebase is just dmt in a smokable form.

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