Revolutionary Think

Are most employers unreliable sociopaths?

15 posts in this topic

Seriously this has really been getting on my nerves. So I just finished a teachers assistant job and finished my 300 hours in CAD/CAM 3D printing I called a phone number and this guy had an orthodontic lab and he wanted me to help him with the 3D models and I was so ecstatic. I go to his office no resume, no application, no interview none of that. He just gets me familiar with the software. He tells me that I'm on call but, he'll mostly need me on Wednesdays and Saturdays. So I help him out with a few of his cases then I get a call from him on Monday telling me he needs me but, only for two hours. Unfortunately for me his business is like 45 minutes to an hour away so I call and tell him to please get back to me on a day he needs me more for two hours. Then I usually go to him on Wednesday he tells me maybe I should come on another day because he only has 2 hours of work on a Wednesday too. Then Saturday and next Wednesday roll around and I hear nothing from him. So I call other Dental labs in my area one of them responds to me and tell me to come in on a training day for Monday. Then when it's time for me to learn the designing the guy I'm supposed to be learning it from is too busy to teach me because he's working on rush cases for about 4 hours. Finally only an hour and a half of the day remains and he tells me to just play around with the technology and I have to probably come back for another training day. Then the owner of the lab tells me for sure he'll get back to me tomorrow with the answer. Tomorrow passes and he hasn't gotten back. On Wednesday I give him a call and the secretary says he's going to be in back to back meetings. Then it's Thursday don't hear anything back. Then Today finally rolls around and I call him and the secretary says where she can send me that check for the training day and they don't want me. I tell her that I didn't even get a chance to train but, the secretary says it's ok because they found someone else. 

OK when all is said and done this really isn't the first time and it was much worse when I was in my early twenties. I don't know if any of you here are employer or personal hire people but, since you're on this forum you're different. Some employers to me are sick in the head. They are narcissistic entitled jerks who care about no one else but, themselves. Not willing to give you a chance and not treating you with the dignity and respect you treat them with. You're just raw material to them a cog that isn't even worthy to be part of their machine. Every time I go through an event like this it brings back the traumas of how terrible and soul crushingly depressing job hunting is it's honestly sickening. Were people always so stage Orange that they weren't willing to give a new generation of workers a chance. I mean for crying out loud I know factory jobs aren't amazing but, you could live a relatively decent life with a high school diploma in the past. I have a bachelor's degree and 6 months of vocational training plus 300 hours of teacher's assisting and I am still treated not that well. What the hell is wrong with people and why do they treat job seekers and people who have been working for them for a while with such little dignity and respect. Seriously what's going on here? 

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9 hours ago, Revolutionary Think said:

Seriously what's going on here? 

What's going on here is that you're massively projecting.

They're doing what's best for them, same as you are. Only things didn't go the way you wanted and now you're hurt. The anger is a coverup.

I'm not saying you're wrong for feeling this way or that the system isn't screwed up. I never wanted to be an employee.

But this is happening because there's a lesson for you to learn.

9 hours ago, Revolutionary Think said:

Some employers to me are sick in the head. They are narcissistic entitled jerks who care about no one else but, themselves. Not willing to give you a chance and not treating you with the dignity and respect you treat them with.

Really sit down, take a deep breath and try and be impartial about this.

Is that honestly true? You really don't think these people have families to feed or want to be a good person? Or are you being emotional?

I would challenge you to come up with five genuine positive things you can actually believe about the people you're railing against.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum I'm projecting? I never had a job candidate to abuse and I never lied to someone and kept them in the dark as to what's going on. Try again. 

I think that most of these employers might be caught in stage orange but, maybe it's the society around them and the way they grew up. I understand that everyone goes through struggles and hard times like these employers I'm railing against but, the problem comes in when deception and less than courteousness behavior become a norm in our society especially the people most others rely on for a living. Maybe you should also have a bit of sympathy for the people going through a hard time as well. 

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 The seed might be two hour shifts. The tree might be owning your own business doing exactly what you want.  How lucky are you to find the folks doing this work are  overworked and disheveled. I would be elated that my competition is minimal  and the demand is high. You are projecting the entire universe, maybe start with looking at attitude and perspective.  if God gives you lemons, sell lemonade. 



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@Nahm I guess nothing in life is guaranteed so you just need to go with the flow sometimes. I let my past traumas and angers get the best of me from time to time so next time I'll take that two hour shift and try to make it the best two hours ever. Even if it's not fair I just have to know that it's also not fair for some people to have a genetic disorder or an inherited cancer so I'll just be glad with what I have. 

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@Revolutionary Think Right on man. Let em be past traumas and angers. You learned. You’re the better for it now. Now you get to have fun. I started with a job counting empty bottle returns, and separating them into bins to be returned to each company. Those bottles all still had beer residue in them and so did most of the customers. I flipped those empties over my shoulders & into the bins like Tom freakin Cruise in Cocktail. $3.35 an hour. I loved it. Got a second job too (paper route), subcontracted it to another kid. I was 13 and I needed to buy clothes. Attitude is everything. 



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Dont be an employee for that company. Present yourself as a contractor that charges a flat fee just to show up then an hourly fee afterwards. That will make the company value your travel time more. 

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On 7/2/2018 at 7:32 PM, Revolutionary Think said:

Thank was enough to make you financially independent? 

Enough to get an apartment & car, and get life started. 



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