
Psychadelics scare the shit out of me

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A month ago, I took 1.5g of psilocybin and as soon as I started to see some light visuals, I freaked out. To say that I have a strong resistance to not being in control would be a euphemism. It sucks because I would really love to heal the fear that lives inside me.

When I was 20, I developed an arrhythmia problem that led me to take a dozen trips to the hospital with a pulse hovering around 250. Each time I was in the ambulance, I felt incredibly powerless and terrified. From my perspective, I was always a coin flip away from death.

Today, I’m 32 and in perfect physical health but whenever I take a drug that alter my physiology or state of consciousness, I become panicky. It’s incredibly hard to stay with the fear when it arises.

What should I do?

Edited by martin_malin

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Take a large enough dose that you have no choice ;)

All fear is fear of ego-death. There is no exception.

All fear is illusion. But you won't know that until you're dead ;)

Mushrooms probably not the best substance for you if you're the fearful sort. AL-LAD or LSD would be better.

5-MeO would be great so you can get the ego-death out of the way in 5 minutes and enjoy life without ego for a while.

The only way to really beat fear is to face it. By not facing it you reinforce its reality. But easier daid than done. So take it at your own pace.

1.5g of mushrooms shouldn't be scary at all. They are quite fun at that dose. But if you go into it expecting the worst, you might get it. You gotta always do psychedelics in a chipper mood. If you feeling bad, don't do them till you feel good.

Learn how to control your state and pump yourself up a bit.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Not much to do man. 

Realize you dont have control and never had in the first place. This is what psychedelics shows people. 

Dont resist it and trust it. Start practicing let go. The things you are holding on to is pure suffering :)

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@martin_malin I literally could of written this myself. This is me also. Leo is absolutely spot on when he says...

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

All fear is fear of ego-death. There is no exception.

Practice surrender Martin. Letting go. When emotions arrise in the body do it then, when your tired, do it then, when you stub your toe so hard, do it then. 

@Leo Gura I'm interested what would differ between mushroom's and LSD?

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integrate this trip, it can take up to a year or two till you feel ready again to take the exact same dose

you wil have integrated the trip when the idea of tripping again arises excitement and curiosity

do psychedelics with a positive feeling

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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I have the same anxiety problem altough i never had heart problems so for me its a completely random fear induced by a panic attack I once had. I always checked my pulse while on LSD I couldnt chill out. When I do MDMA all the anxiety is gone, the whole experience is warm and gentle altough the drug is probably harder on the heart. Its really completely nuts. I dont know if its a good idea on shrooms but maybe 1 or 2 beers beforehand could help.

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@martin_malin Really feel for you bro. That is a rough. Just a suggestion, try to swap perspectives;  ‘psychedelics scare the shit out of me’ for ‘psychedelics shit the scare out of me’. Check this clip out...even MIchael who wrote a book on the subject shares your experience. Might feel good to relate.






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Psychedelics are not for everyone. You can take so big of a dose that you cant resist, as suggested, or you can wait until the curiosity to do a proper dose is too great to be put aside. Either way you will trip eventually. Forcing it too soon will influence your set (set/setting) and it might have unwanted consiquences. 

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@martin_malin what is the fear about? What are you thinking when the fear arises?

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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I would suggest DMT or 5-Meo if you want a more powerful experience that will blast your fears. Yes they will come up but shortly after you will know you either surrender and let go or experience extreme suffering which in most cases you will probably pass out if you hold on too long but something greater part of yourself always seems to take over and guide you that it will be okay.

Or you could take some raw cacao high quality grade dark chocolate and eat half a bar or make a rich hot chocolate beforehand or when coming up into the mushroom experience. There's so many positive and bliss inducing/love chemicals in cacao it has been used with psychedelics and mushrooms for thousands of years.

Some people with extreme cases of fear/anxiety use small doses of MDMA with Mushrooms. You'd have to research the most preferred timings for these kind of flips. Candyflip, Nexsusflips, Hippieflips ect..



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2 months ago, by brother tried to kill himself on 6g of mushrooms.

He tried to cut his wrist. But he tried with a key (not sharp enough)

He came to my room with his wrist bleeding and I was close to a panic a attack until I saw it wasnt so bad. (He didnt tell me he was going to take shrooms)

FFS, if you are going to do a high dose, GET A TRIP-SITTER

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The concept of Fear that it does not exist is that Pain is translated into Fear at the Mind level. Everything that the Mind had no experience with, will be translated to Fear. 

So in practicality, your Fear was based upon the very high pain in the Amen centre, middle of the brain. Like Leo said, DMT is a transparent drug and one will not feel that torture pain translated into fear. 

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It’s awareness.  Relative to homeostasis - hyperawareness - of “this human” “this body” “this mind”. That awareness can go all the way to the source.  During the hyperawareness the ego is freaking out. Beyond it, just the ineffable. 



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I take 5 AL-LADS or 1P-LSD (150ug per tab) when I have session and never once had a bad time. I've seen the pinnacle of highs and lows and embraced them both. Just an amazing experience. Psychedelics aren't for everyone. They will change you. You have to be truly into; Who am I? Where do I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going?

Going off topic:

Leo's video on "What Is Consciousness?" is the best video I've seen to date. It's very clear and easily to understand (if you've never tried pyschedelics it won't.)

I was first interested in pyschedelics when a red orb about 5mm in diameter materialised through the fabric of space and was suspended at X, Y, Z then disappeared through the follicle on my chin.

That was a mind blowing experience as well.

One thing that I can teach that I've learnt is that you have to be 100% on any decision you make. Whether that decision takes a moment or upto a lifetime.

I'll end with, be awake and in a positive mood when taking any mind altering substances as you'll be in for a ride.



Edited by Danelius
Spelling error.

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