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Top Strength: Modesty And Humility

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@Leo Gura Hi Leo and all you nice people here. I took the top strength questionnaire that you suggest in one of you video and I was depressed to see my top strength to be what I perceive to be a weakness: modesty and humility. Very disappointing. 

How can I look at this in a positive way? 



Edited by lala

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where is the questionnaire? I'd like to try it

And i'd say modesty and humility are strengths in that you don't feel the need to show off your ego to people, and by the looks of it, you aren't being modest and humble to give a self-image because you've said you don't like those traits, so that shows you're authentically not showing off your ego to people, it's a good strength for working on diminishing your ego as part of this personal development work and I suppose will help you get far in it.

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Humility is a powerful strength, it's only negative if you feel others are better or worse than you in some way. Humility is powerful because you can be standing next to a billionaire and easily connect with them, talk to them, because you see them as equal to you, no better. and this also goes for if you saw a bum on the streets who looked hard to even stare at, it would be no problem talking to him, connecting with him and learning from him. That would be no problem because again, you're Humble. You can learn from anyone no matter who they are, even pessimistic d-bags. They aren't better or worse than you, they are equal to you. Having humility always leaves room for growth which is very powerful, without humility, most people can get stuck.

Memento Mori

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@Saarah the questionnaire is at 

@Truth the problem is that I feel this strength is actually limiting me.  

I admire powerful leaders but at the same time I am afraid to stand out from the rest. I don't know whether I am afraid or I prefer not to. 

And I would also like to feel proud about my accomplishments. I don't find them worthy to even mention them to myself, let alone to other people. When I see people boasting with little insignificant achievements it gets on my nerves.

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@lala remember the things that bother you about other people are usually things you don't like about yourself. It is possible to feel proud and still be humble. It's a subtle balance. If you are letting fear of judgment limit you, then you do need to work on your self-esteem. Make sure you watch Leo's video How to stop caring what other people think, if you haven't. 

Why is it that you don't want to stand out? Are you ashamed of your accomplishments? Try being less harsh on yourself. Even getting out of bed can be an accomplishment (for example for someone who is clinically depressed). It's all about perspective & you can work to change yours.

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@lala I'd like more humility because I can be an opinionated arseole.  But I'm not here to boast about my petty achievements :)

You just gave yourself a clue to how you can be more of what you want.

Did you notice you are judging yourself for wanting to boast about your little achievements?

Yes, that's right. It's you.

Catch yourself doing it and try to invite the impulse to boast back into your awareness.

I promise the other will stop bothering you and you will grow in self appreciation.


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10 hours ago, lala said:

@Saarah the questionnaire is at 

@Truth the problem is that I feel this strength is actually limiting me.  

I admire powerful leaders but at the same time I am afraid to stand out from the rest. I don't know whether I am afraid or I prefer not to. 

And I would also like to feel proud about my accomplishments. I don't find them worthy to even mention them to myself, let alone to other people. When I see people boasting with little insignificant achievements it gets on my nerves.

That's because you have a weak ego, I had the same problem, I had to find my worth and my value before I could be grounded in what I believe in. The Life Purpose Course really helped among a lot of enlightenment experiences and contemplation. This helped me gain a stronger ego, it still needs work, but I'm grounded in my values, and what's meaningful to me. Cutting out victim mentality and negative thinking and doing mindfulness REALLY helped a lot with this. So if you want to have a strong ego, and grounded or (true humility) find your values, find what's meaningful to you, and don't be afraid to express yourself, and be yourself to the max 100% these topics go deep, so start looking into self image, and mindfulness, also how to stop being a victim.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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