
"You Manifested in Form to Discover This"

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Had to share this special Mooji satsang it is so powerful.


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@Nahm I'm at a loss for words too. :):) You saw that one already? Love it!

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12.25 "nothing ever happened" my favorite insight into life.

It's funny if you listen to mooji speak you start self-enquiry automatically :D you can't escape it if you really paying attention to him :)

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I love that guy, and that video was wonderful to watch. I like his style, he's playful, insightful and....normal.   xD   LOL, for some reason Awakening seems more possible when I listen to someone like him, instead of someone who speaks cryptically and looks "outta my league." 

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@Mikael89 It's a subtle thing that gets easily overshadowed by the play of the mind and worldly activity. I see it in myself. Like today I'm busy doing things and it gets easily forgotten in activity. Than I remember and it all comes back again. I guess the cool thing about it is each time that happens it's like having a mini awakening when you realize you have been asleep.

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