
What do i need to do in order to go to hell?

42 posts in this topic

On 2018-07-07 at 2:59 AM, Brent said:

Alright, first off, most people seem only capable of thinking with the mind of the flesh, the subjective experience of which is a duality of pain and pleasure, with the illusion that both possess Being. IOWs, subjectively, you FEEL pain or pleasure and both FEEL real

The mind of the flesh, as it tries to interpret scripture, ends up with a theology where Heaven is the Paradise of ultimate pleasure, and Hell is the place of ultimate pain. This fleshly mind does not only effect Christians, but atheists, tree huggers, new agers seeking enlightenment, we ACT as if we are seeking higher ground but the truth is for almost all of us, is we are running from what we fear the most.

The Objective universe, the same universe God created, presents a different duality, it presents a duality of "something or nothing", light/dark, sound/silence, heat/cold, matter/space, truth/lies, knowledge/ignorance. 

In the big picture, God as Infinite Being, is the only true Something, while the Creation, that includes time and space and all the multiplicity of FORMS such as angels, ants, or souls, are created from NOTHING, and so NOTHINGness, is still the foundation of our beings, though for a while, as temporal Beings, we might appear as something. 

From dust to dust, out of nothing and into nothing, the Creation was created past, present and future all at once, birth and death are inseparable, that which is seen as the all consuming fire simply consumes everything, it is the universal collapse of time and space and the dissolution of all things created. Listen, souls, just like every "thing" created, will also dissolve, along with the context of time and space that has allowed for even their temporal existence. 

ONLY God, as the sum and soul of the infinite reality, possesses eternal Being. Do not confuse the Heavens where we might picture angels and such as if they are eternal. Superior to the flesh, sure, but so are the stars and yet this is all part of the Creation. So everything that is created, will also return unto the void from which it came.

Salvation, is where within this womb of the creation and its Created souls, God has sent a SEED of His own Nature, that SEED, through His death and dispersal, was able to share His divine nature with those souls who were infinitely dead, as they possessed merely a temporal nature and existence,

God enters into His own Creation, to share His own Nature, with those beings which He had created out of nothing, so that He Himself might become, the very source of their lives, and thus when Creation collapses in on itself, God will take His Children into His infinite care. I am sorry to say that Christianity today rarely, if at all understands their own scriptures, preferring the legal arrangement of a substitutional theology, But Christ didn't die simply to take our place, He gave His LIFE to pour it out, thus there is the Spiritual Birth. 

But if God has not chosen to save you, their is no eternal soul to punish. God might use pain to adjust and correct a person, but He has no ego for which He would be vindictive. God always moves towards the positive, never the negative. If there is a future, then pain might mean something, but retaliation with no positive outcome, that is abuse even in people. 

So is there a risk i am getting trapped in hell or not?

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here is a vid this guy just did which addresses the alleged "soul trap" and how to navigate your next experience upon dying.  The cliff notes:

-most of your mental faculties will be gone, and you'll have to operate without them.
-any spiritual growth you have accumulated will need to be "flexed" like a muscle, as you hold your own and make peace with the darkness and face it, rather than panicking and fleeing to comfort.  As you do this and hold a strong love vibration, you're "free to go" after a few moments (back to heaven/God).  But hardly anyone can accomplish this, apparently.

But none of us really have a clue.  Still all guesswork at this point.

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