
What do i need to do in order to go to hell?

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Since you’re specifically asking about the afterlife, souls have apparently a life review after each incarnation. But instead of being judged by God, souls get to experience how they made everybody they met feel. So, if you mostly caused pain in others, it’s going to be hell.

Obviously, I have no idea if it’s true or not but I hope that’s how it works. I took that from the book Journey of Souls: a case studies of life between lives. A pretty entertaining and inspiring read.

Edited by martin_malin

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No afterlife, no hell, those notions are to scare the dormant to not become awakened. To maintain them in sleep and wait to die so they receive a reward, the most stupid thing humanity invented. 

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19 hours ago, Freakrik said:

What do i need to do in order to go to hell?

Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 

Ensure one way ticket to hell by becoming super rich !

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3 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 

Ensure one way ticket to hell by becoming super rich !


The rich can't be humble because true humbleness would mean giving up everything for God. 

But hey, at least they get to buy stuff :)

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NOTE: when i say hell i mean hell as in after death. Not the ego "hell" i am in right now 

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1 hour ago, zoey101 said:

Read this article, it might help. 

Hell is something really only discussed in religion, so the answer you seek is a religious one. 

not really. Leo has said that hell may be a very real thing in spirituality. Religion takes spirituality and twist it. I want an answer that is closer to the truth. Not religious dogma 

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26 minutes ago, Freakrik said:

Leo has said that hell may be a very real thing in spirituality.


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3 hours ago, Freakrik said:

not really. Leo has said that hell may be a very real thing in spirituality. Religion takes spirituality and twist it. I want an answer that is closer to the truth. Not religious dogma 

Spirituality, faith, religion, beliefs. It's all the same. Self-actualization, even though no one wants to really say it, is a religion of its own.


the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

The idea of reaching enlightenment to be one with everything and to become in-tune with your inner "god" is in itself a belief that is being shared and discussed (worshiped). Hell is a religious belief, period.  

But good luck on your search. 

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On 2018-06-29 at 5:05 AM, cirkussmile said:

You cant go to hell because there is no You. 

If you are scared of hell, why dont you find where You are first? 

You are talking so much about you but you have no idea who you are. Find out who you are and then see if you still have questions about this I and where this I fits in hell.


There is a projektion of me. And that projektion is Very afraid. If my projektion goes to hell Then the projektion would lose the ability to understand that it is just a projektion. And because of that suffer an untold suffer forever. All because that projektion wanted to play around with mystery method, Julien game and Speed seduction etc

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29 minutes ago, Freakrik said:

There is a projektion of me. And that projektion is Very afraid. If my projektion goes to hell Then the projektion would lose the ability to understand that it is just a projektion. And because of that suffer an untold suffer forever. All because that projektion wanted to play around with mystery method, Julien game and Speed seduction etc

Why do you focus on the projection off you?

It’s not you. 

Edited by cirkussmile

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Those who are sent to hell are so unconscious that they don't realize that they will be sent to hell. 

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All you need is bad karma or bad impressions. Meher baba described stages of hell in the hereafter. But personally, I don't really believe such thing, although it is a possibility.

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1 hour ago, Prabhaker said:


Those who are sent to hell are so unconscious that they don't realize that they will be sent to hell. 

Are you Sure? Can you Give me an example of person who has that low level of consciousness? 

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18 hours ago, Freakrik said:

Are you Sure? Can you Give me an example of person who has that low level of consciousness? 

Can Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong ever think that they will be sent to hell while they were killing millions of people? 

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On 6/29/2018 at 3:53 PM, Freakrik said:

NOTE: when i say hell i mean hell as in after death. Not the ego "hell" i am in right now 

Hell is a state of mind. The mind and the self doesn't die, only the body vessel does. Wherever you go there you are. Purify your mind and be free. Inquiry about your beliefs and see the false ones for what they are. 

So what are your beliefs about hell and are they really true? Do not be bothered about other people's beliefs, do not accept them as true. Just investigate your own beliefs, if you have fear, then you have some beliefs (most probably false because the fabric of reality is love, not fear). 


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Basically, what you're afraid of is suffering eternally. And because you don't know what the afterlife holds, you fear that it will be Hell and you want to know how to avoid it. I used to freak out a lot about the after life before I had my ego transcendence experiences. When I had them, I realized that I was in integral part of God and always had been and always would be. And as such, I was unshakably valid. And suffering and fears about what would happen to me after death completely vanished, still never again to return. It's one of the main things that has stuck with me pretty well from the experiences. 

So, I realized that all of reality was Heaven and always would be even if outward appearances deceived. So, I can't tell you that there's not some other dimension or an infinite amount of other dimensions called "Hell". If reality is truly infinite it makes sense that everything exists. But I can tell you that everything is always going to be okay, and that suffering will always be an illusion and that God will always be there and you'll always be inextricable from God when all is said an done. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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On 2018-07-03 at 4:20 AM, Emerald said:

Basically, what you're afraid of is suffering eternally. And because you don't know what the afterlife holds, you fear that it will be Hell and you want to know how to avoid it. I used to freak out a lot about the after life before I had my ego transcendence experiences. When I had them, I realized that I was in integral part of God and always had been and always would be. And as such, I was unshakably valid. And suffering and fears about what would happen to me after death completely vanished, still never again to return. It's one of the main things that has stuck with me pretty well from the experiences. 

So, I realized that all of reality was Heaven and always would be even if outward appearances deceived. So, I can't tell you that there's not some other dimension or an infinite amount of other dimensions called "Hell". If reality is truly infinite it makes sense that everything exists. But I can tell you that everything is always going to be okay, and that suffering will always be an illusion and that God will always be there and you'll always be inextricable from God when all is said an done. 

Yes that is what i mean. Like the afterlife is a hellhole. And i want to know how to go there so i can avoid it. Many has said that ppl go there because they are low conscious. But after watching leos devil episode i am confused. Like most ppl are about 2% conscious. And "evil" ppl are 1% conscious. Does that mean that most ppl go to hell. Or can you even get to hell. Leo talked about famous religious ppl who may end up in a hell realm. Does he mean a real hell realm in afterlife or just normal suffering?


Edited by Freakrik

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On 6/28/2018 at 8:15 AM, Freakrik said:

I have seen ppl talking about hell recently. Me included, most of us wondering why do we go to hell etc. So What i asking now. If i wanted to go to hell in afterlife and not destroy my ego What do i need to do in order to go to hell? So i can avoid it?

Alright, first off, most people seem only capable of thinking with the mind of the flesh, the subjective experience of which is a duality of pain and pleasure, with the illusion that both possess Being. IOWs, subjectively, you FEEL pain or pleasure and both FEEL real

The mind of the flesh, as it tries to interpret scripture, ends up with a theology where Heaven is the Paradise of ultimate pleasure, and Hell is the place of ultimate pain. This fleshly mind does not only effect Christians, but atheists, tree huggers, new agers seeking enlightenment, we ACT as if we are seeking higher ground but the truth is for almost all of us, is we are running from what we fear the most.

The Objective universe, the same universe God created, presents a different duality, it presents a duality of "something or nothing", light/dark, sound/silence, heat/cold, matter/space, truth/lies, knowledge/ignorance. 

In the big picture, God as Infinite Being, is the only true Something, while the Creation, that includes time and space and all the multiplicity of FORMS such as angels, ants, or souls, are created from NOTHING, and so NOTHINGness, is still the foundation of our beings, though for a while, as temporal Beings, we might appear as something. 

From dust to dust, out of nothing and into nothing, the Creation was created past, present and future all at once, birth and death are inseparable, that which is seen as the all consuming fire simply consumes everything, it is the universal collapse of time and space and the dissolution of all things created. Listen, souls, just like every "thing" created, will also dissolve, along with the context of time and space that has allowed for even their temporal existence. 

ONLY God, as the sum and soul of the infinite reality, possesses eternal Being. Do not confuse the Heavens where we might picture angels and such as if they are eternal. Superior to the flesh, sure, but so are the stars and yet this is all part of the Creation. So everything that is created, will also return unto the void from which it came.

Salvation, is where within this womb of the creation and its Created souls, God has sent a SEED of His own Nature, that SEED, through His death and dispersal, was able to share His divine nature with those souls who were infinitely dead, as they possessed merely a temporal nature and existence,

God enters into His own Creation, to share His own Nature, with those beings which He had created out of nothing, so that He Himself might become, the very source of their lives, and thus when Creation collapses in on itself, God will take His Children into His infinite care. I am sorry to say that Christianity today rarely, if at all understands their own scriptures, preferring the legal arrangement of a substitutional theology, But Christ didn't die simply to take our place, He gave His LIFE to pour it out, thus there is the Spiritual Birth. 

But if God has not chosen to save you, their is no eternal soul to punish. God might use pain to adjust and correct a person, but He has no ego for which He would be vindictive. God always moves towards the positive, never the negative. If there is a future, then pain might mean something, but retaliation with no positive outcome, that is abuse even in people. 

Edited by Brent

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