
Dark Room Retreats & 5-MeO-DMT

15 posts in this topic

Hi there,

I have read @Leo Gura post on his blog talking about the possibility of inducing 5 meo dmt like results by staying in a pitch black dark room for long enough.

Has anyone any new information or insight about that? and I'm also kindly requestiong @leo to consider doing the dark room retreat as he can tell us about his experience since he has tried multiple times 5meo



Edited by Amine
for tagging leo

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I have tried getting that effect from dark room meditation. Every time I felt it was time wasted. I would invest the required time if I was retiring to a life of solitude and meditation but I am not. 

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@S33K3R How long was your longest retreat in the dark?

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@Leo Gura When I was really seeking I would say I did 6 hours of meditation once a month for about a year. I was meditating regularly for 1 hour a day during that year. I did have amazing experiences. But I do turn to psychedelics when I am looking for that reservoir to burst.   

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@S33K3R That's not how you do a dark room retreat. :P You have to go like 10 days straight into total darkness and solitude, no interruptions, then it will work.

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Oh wow!! I was just doing dark room meditation hahaha :P

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  On 6/28/2018 at 6:06 PM, okulele said:

I have done 7 days darkroom retreat. Not at all like 5-MeO, but defenietly very powerful.


Did you make a custom dark room by yourself or did you rent one. If you did make it, what was the process, blankets on windows, was it pitch black, or did you have candles, sound, food stuff ?

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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I did a 7 day retreat earlier this year and felt 5meo like effects on and off from like the 5th day on.  Mostly it was during dreams, I had one very brief non-dual experience when waking from a dream (became the whole screen so to speak) and other than that i felt some 5meo like bliss (albeit subtle) during/around sleep at the end of the week. 

Apart from that I definitely had strong visions that begun on the 5th day (not sure which psychedelic chemical would be responsible here as apparently dmt doesn't get released till 10 days in the dark but who knows), sort of like scenes including figures/creatures moving around and also projected a full cave onto my apartment (no auditory hallucinations but they can appear after a bit longer i have read).  It like created a space for this cave sort of encompassed within the perimeter of my apartment but of course not perfectly accurate so it made it hard to move around.  then a cave ceiling that seemed to be 10m high with sharp rocks hanging from the top.  I was pretty blown away that it was happening to me and it was just getting more and more intense as the days went on.  I am hopefully going to do 10 days in September (still got the black garbage bags over my windows) because then I am sure I would have had some more 5meo like effects along with more vivid visions as colours and density was getting progressively more intense.

It is very gradual though.  The first 4 or 5 days all i got was the dark flashing white strobe like lights and weird pixelated light energy type stuff.  Then all of a sudden things appear in the peripherals and from there it opened up for me.  Probably the hallucinations are all just a distraction from the meditation etc but it was a bizzare experience i feel not many humans will ever have.  Not taught this stuff at school about the brain haha.  The figures were pretty creepy and often reaching out at me, but nothing too overwhelming as it still seemed just like a fake projector.  It didn't have like a presence in the room if that makes sense.

It was pitch black for me.  I cooked in the dark (all i eat is meat) and wore a blindfold to cover my eyes from the flame and used a timer.  You could somehow prep other sort of food im sure.  Then i covered black garbage bags over windows, but be careful with this because some of the paint is ripped from it, think you can use some sort of attachment sheet for the wall.  Covered every bit of light (even fire alarms etc) because your eyes become so adjusted that even the slightest dot makes a difference.  It was quite an effort doing it in my own apartment but still much better than paying to do it away.  Was nice knowing my bearings around the apartment as well.

It was bloody tough though of course, don't even have sight to distract you haha quite uncomfortable like you're entombed.


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@AMS Awesome work!

Sounds like fun ;)

I'm pretty sure this is how our ancestors, like the ancient Egyptian preists might have done it, but for much longer periods of time. Imagine spending a whole year inside a locked tomb. You will get some crazy spiritual insights that way.

It's the simplest spiritual technology imaginable.

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  On 6/29/2018 at 10:41 AM, Leo Gura said:

@AMS Awesome work!

Sounds like fun ;)

I'm pretty sure this is how our ancestors, like the ancient Egyptian preists might have done it, but for much longer periods of time. Imagine spending a whole year inside a locked tomb. You will get some crazy spiritual insights that way.

It's the simplest spiritual technology imaginable.

1 year must impact the health in on way or another. 

Im thinking this because now its winter and Im missing my vitamin D

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@cirkussmile That would not concern a badass Egyptian priest.

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@Amine I have hear about this dark room practice before. Mantak Chia, the taoist master tells about it and also the shamans do it. 

The one I feel drawn to is the shamanic way of doing it, they call it the master plant diet, by comsuming "pure" food(sattvic or whatever you would call it),  plant medicines, and stay alone in the jungle for days or months, no communication etc. Imagine the jungle full of animals and creatures, I think there's a lot to learn there. 

Still now I am sometimes a bit afraid of the dark, but I embracing it and learning to trust. I have seen many many things there. It would be nice to learn how to connect with the inner animal instinct and be comfortable with that. 

Pam Montgomery in Plant spirit healing wrote one chapter about how to navigate ourselves and trust ourselves in the dark, we can gain so much insight. 

Mantak chia also does the darkroom retreats and does the workshop about the experience of the darkroom etc. 

Edited by kateaa

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