Dinesh Karki


2 posts in this topic

I recently heard of Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson debate about "Truth". So I search this topic in Reddit. Here is what I found.


Jordan Peterson definition of god. 

God is what sits at the top of the hierarchy of values’

‘God is what brings order out of chaos through the Logos’

‘God is the selection mechanism which judges which men are worthy’ and gives a few more definitions that I can’t remember'

Leo Gura definition of god.

'God= Infinite intelligent'

'God is consciousness. Consciousness is infinite and formless so you cannot grasp it with mind or language or science.'

'You are god and you can become god'



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God doesn't judge anything. And no man has worth.

It's JP's ego-mind that judges and creates hierarchies of value ;)

God sees no hierarchies. God sees no value. God just is.

God loves all those things JP loves to hate ;)


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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