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Extreme Z7

Why Do My Job Applications Keep Getting Rejected?

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I don't post very often, let alone start topics asking for help. So when I do make one, you know I'm feeling very down about something.

So just a quick background, I'm a 21-year old guy from the Philippines. I've been unemployed for a year. I've never had a job in my life. And I have received 5 different rejections after interview processes and some of my initial applications have just been outright ignored by multiple other companies.

Too vague? alright. . . a little more specifics.

I am a fresh grad with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I am looking for either a Game Development position or just a regular Software Developer position would be nice. My main passions are Developing Games and Composing Electronic Music. And even without work, I work on personal projects by myself as a solo creator.

I would consider Music to be my main life purpose. But right now, I'm don't feel that I'm that skilled at it yet. So I'm hoping to get a job as a Programmer in the short term because I feel it would be easier since I already have a degree in Computer Science and I have had a lot of practice with programming.

I do have ideas in my mind why I've had these rejections in the past and what I need to improve.

  • My resume originally sucked, it doesn't suck as bad now but I'm still working to improve how it's presented.
  • I keep applying at companies I don't feel very passionate about but I can't help it because I feel very desperate to get employed.
  • I find it hard to tell what exactly the company really wants so I keep fucking up the HR interviews despite passing the technical exams.

Right now, I'm still living with my parents. They support me very well but not enough to allow me to able to construct the life I really want. I think that's what getting the salary for me is mostly about, being able to live independently from my parents because I've lived with them for 20+ years and I'm tired of their dysfunctional lifestyle.

In summary:

I need a hug :(

Edited by Extreme Z7

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Five rejections is not that much. Remember, you only need one success.

Possibly the HR people can tell that you already know that this is not your life-purpose. They can see that you're unsure about working there and maybe your attention is devided. 


- Maybe try to find and show some genuine excitement for programming? Like, it's something you studied, I'm sure you liked some of it. 

- Don't try to guess what they need, ask questions. In particular, if you only talk to HR people, ask if you can talk to your future boss or coworkers about your job specifically. Show that it matters to you what exactly  you'd be doing there, and with whom. All my IT friends complain about IT recruiters not knowing anything about the specifics - if they let you meet the team than you have both better chances and a much better idea of the proposed position - remember, you can also say no, an interview shouldn't be a one-sided interrogation.

- Don't go blind, ask people you know if their company has an opening. 

- If everything else fails, move to Europe, we've got a high demand for IT people ;) (just kidding)

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@Extreme Z7 brilliant question! Both of us have nearly the exact same problems and it is uncanny! I had been unemployed for just over a year until recently as well and have had probably over 17 denied application forms, over 10 didn't bother to even get back to me. I don't know much about software, game development or computer science but @Elisabeth seems to know what she is talking about! ;)

Know you are not alone with trying to escape from your parents and live alone (which would be like a paradise on earth for me as well) and trying to work on your LP while you try to keep financially stable. I am 19 and am pretty much in the same exact situation as you although I have JUST got employed now basically....and this was EXTREMELY lucky as this job didn't have many other people applying for it as it wasn't on the usual job sites where the endless masses of people apply for it (meaning tons of competition).

Basically, to get this job what I needed to do was volunteer (free labor) for 2 months at a dog walking place, which in short helped me get this dog walking job easily as I had the experience they wanted. I know you probably don't want to hear that as free labor sucks, I know, but it makes your resume/CV so much better because it shows you have had work experience, also try to cut down your resume to as concise as possible because lazy-ass employers only read up to like 2 pages worth...although I live in England so that is how it works over here just so you know. I got much more reception from employers when I cut down my resume because as I said, the lazy asses won't like to read anything they deem 'too long', even if that is something like 2 pages which of course you and me both know if not long. Hope this helps, get back if you need anymore help :) I know you have experience in Computer Science but employers only care about actual work experience you have, is what I have found. I know it is stupid, because you are obviously experienced in this field, but until you have volunteered or had a job working in it then it's going to be hard to get on the job ladder.

Also as for interviews, yes @Elisabeth again knows what she is talking about I would say. Just bullshit it, be all smiley and confidence, if you can fake that just to get the job. It isn't your LP but I am sure you can squeeze your way through it!

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21 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

I've never had a job in my life.

That's a problem right there. No work experience by 21? That's probably throwing up a red flag assuming you haven't been out curing cancer or something.

21 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

I would consider Music to be my main life purpose. But right now, I'm don't feel that I'm that skilled at it yet. So I'm hoping to get a job as a Programmer in the short term because I feel it would be easier since I already have a degree in Computer Science and I have had a lot of practice with programming.

This could be a problem. If music is your main passion and you're just looking to jump ships as soon as possible, why would anybody want to hire you? You don't even want to be there.

21 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:
  • My resume originally sucked, it doesn't suck as bad now but I'm still working to improve how it's presented.

Fix it and then throw your focus into social media.

I remember when I was in college, the standard advice was to hide your social media in order to get a job. Now it's the opposite.

As long as you have good content, you should be blasting your social media as much possible.

What makes good content? Content that your potential employer would want to see.

For example, let's say you're applying for a Game Development position. If I was you, I would immediately create a YouTube channel called GameDevLife or something like that and just talk about making video games.

This shows that you're passionate about game development, pro-active, creative and gives them a chance to get to know you far more than just looking at a piece of paper.

If you're worried that you won't be able to get a huge following, realize it's actually better that way from an employer's perspective. No one with a million followers on YouTube is looking for a entry level position in Game Development.

So literally you win just by creating the content.

I'd also do the same thing for Instagram and IGTV.

This advice goes for anyone reading this who is also looking for a job. Get on social media and create content.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Find some resume examples online and use them to design a really kick-ass resume.  Make it look awesome from a formatting standpoint.  Maybe have a black and white photo of you on the resume too.  There are ways you can leverage examples to create an awesome resume.  If your resume sucks, you’re gonna end up in the shit-pile with all the other mediocre people.  Make sure your Writing is error free.  Make sure your resume is pleasing to the eye and well-organized.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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put your heart into 100 applications 

it's a numbers game 

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Usually, rejection is when one does not bow the head down :) does not go with the flow and so on.

To get accepted on a job you will need to "lick their butts".

It is your choice to do your thing alone, and start some kind of a business, or do what you can to convince an employer to take you. 

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It sounds like your resume and interview skills require some improvement.  Consider a program like Toastmasters to improve your communication skills.  

It is not unreasonable to ask the people that previously interviewed you for constructive feedback on your application and what you could work on to increase your chance to become a candidate in the future.  

If that is not an option, ask a respected professional to do mock interviews with you. 

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