
will six pillers of self esteem book help me in eliminating neediness in my life ?

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I imagine it will help yeah, I'm reading the book and taking it pretty seriously and I have to say, it does help to bring agency back to yourself for one thing I've noticed. It's been a weird one because I find that I can access thoughts that don't even really feel like my own, yet they are. In terms of neediness, it won't eliminate it but from what I've noticed, if you take the book seriously, it will really help you to be able to either act appropriately when feeling needy or be able to deal with it when you're feeling it. You're also much more likely to actually get what you're feeling needy about haha

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The book itself won't if that's what you mean lol.

That book is only going to TELL you how to dependent fully on yourself and be fully happy with yourself instead of being dependent on other people. 

To actually not be needy will require practice with actual partners/relationships/dating scenarios. 

Memento Mori

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@Etagnwo What is the right idea then? How do you date someone or be friends with someone at that without being needy? I feel a great need for other's in my life. I hate being alone. 

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42 minutes ago, ctzonka said:

@Etagnwo What is the right idea then? How do you date someone or be friends with someone at that without being needy? I feel a great need for other's in my life. I hate being alone. 

To get rid of neediness,be alone.

Embrace the aloneness, be in the present moment. Face these fears. Hehehehe 

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the book will or will not be read

your intention of better self-esteem is now, doing good!

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Etagnwo Thank you for the advice! I think that we can lower our neediness but never truly eliminate it. For me, self-esteem plays a big role in it and it is very hard for me to be alone. I think as self-esteem rises I will be able to lower this neediness and understand it, but not eliminate it. 

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I didn't like that book at all. Self-steem is such a fucked up concept.

Self-steem hardens the walls of your ego and build more distance from other people.

If you are in a spiritual path, read Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff. It will resonate way more with you.

It will build a healthier view of yourself that doesn't depend on any skill or feature.

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