
Quitting wasteful Internet use - cold turkey or gradual?

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I waste lots of time on the Internet. It's pretty much the only addiction I have ( that doesn't mean I'm in a good situation) . Although within that you get YouTube addiction, porn addiction, anime addiction, Netflix addiction and etc. It's something which I've been "struggling with" for a long time because I use the Internet as my main pastime. 

Things have gotten worse for me recently since I just finished school. I have two YouTube accounts, and here's the stats from just one of them. I took this screenshot a few moments ago. 


And if I really want to overcome addiction, what do I need to do. Is it to go cold turkey? Because I've had a meditation habit for almost half a year now but nothing has fundamentally changed in this regard. 

I remember Leo's video on overcoming addiction. As far as I can tell, that video advocates for you to be mindful of the void you try to hide through addiction. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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I have been going through an internet cleanse myself. I've been spending 8 hours on here would you believe! The key is to firstly remove every device you don't need: most people only need a phone, but keep a laptop if you feel you are mature enough for it. Then I removed everything on there that was distracting me such as FaceBook (still keeping messenger to hang out with friends, not message them), and removing unhealthy youtube subscriptions (I replaced these youtube subscriptions with relaxing or educational channels). Once deleting almost everything, and setting up the internet with healthy bookmarks etc. I then committed to using it for less than 20 minutes each day apart from once a week where I watch I Leo's video or on a very special occasion where a loving, beautiful teacher such as Matt Kahn has posted. Most importantly I committed to only looking at content that made me feel more peaceful, that anchored love, and made me feel more at one with God; cutting out all forms of mindless entertainment. Again you don't need any social media accounts at all, just as long as you can connect with friends such as with messenger. And even then, I have notifications turned on so I see all important messages from friends on my lock screen instead of opening the app or site :) 

After this process which doesn't take long, it's time to find what you truly love to do! Do whatever makes you feel calm, excited, and peaceful, and happy; and don't be afraid to explore new things. As the saying gos you don't know if you like something until you've tried it; just like you don't know what you're favourite food is until you've tried every fruit, and vegetable, and nut. Through out this you will experience strong emotional backlashes as your mind is used to this mindless entertainment you've engaged with. It will take months and maybe years to completely rewire this pattern of seeking instant gratification. And this is important, don't go find a new addiction, instead do things you love to do, which is easier said than done, I know.

It's a process, you have years to align yourself more with the purity, oneness and perfection of your soul that only does exciting things just for the sake of expressing itself. We are both at the start of this process my friend. I look at my friends and they spend all day on their phones and the internet and inside, without any spiritual practice of love in their life. It makes me sad, but also makes me realise just how far I've evolved which is also inspiring. So know that you are already doing way better than 99% of society just by questioning this, and that whatever you do, everything is always perfect.

Remember it's so important, so important to find something you love. For me it's focusing on my heart, saying loving things to myself, being with friends and family, travelling, playing my guitar and violin. That will help you. And naturally from there you will attract a more loving reality, and ultimately be living your life purpose and realise yourself as love. Or you don't have to, your choice.

Best of luck. Prepare for the biggest backlash of your existence, and really set those healthy boundaries. The internet is not the problem, only your lack of anchoring true love into your life. The internet addiction is just a result of a lack of anchoring love. 

Vision is important to. In your case you've spent almost 2 days when you were awake out of 7 days on the internet. Imagine what would happen if you used those 2 whole days to anchor more love in any way you want, like going to a yoga studio, or going outside in the sun, or having lunch with friends, all while embracing everything as divinity. That would be powerful, and something your Grandchildren would be proud of too. The internet is a virtual world, live in the real world.

Some ideas for YouTube is to bookmark your subscriptions page, so you only see the videos from inspiring, loving and peaceful channels you resonate with. With Actualized.org I've bookmarked my journal so I always see that first. This really helps with the subconscious mind, just like cleaning your room and placing some beautiful green plants in there, with crystals. It is much healthier :) 

Also consider only using any technology after your morning meditation, and use them in another room if possible or in one area of your room only such as a desk if this isn't possible. Have fun with this process and set it all up for success. Most important is to anchor love by doing what you enjoy like cooking as I've repeated but also cleaning your devices up, and your room helps too. Infinite amount of ways to do this.

Simply overwhelm the addiction with things you love to do. Easy, right?

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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