Victor Mgazi

What does the Kundalini Awakening have to do with Spiritual Enlightenment?

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D oes anyone have knowledge about this? 

After a couple of weeks of research and learning more about spiritual awakening I'm afraid I've reached a dead end. 

If you have practiced a method that you think has benefited you in your spiritual path please share your knowledge. 

I'm willing to try anything at this point in time. 

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I'm currently in a very emotional state right now. After numerous attempts of meditation - I feel like I'm trying to achieve the impossible. 

Fear is the only drive I have now. 

So I'm trying to learn as much as I can about spiritual awakening before I'm caught up in the delusion again. 

It's very depressing. 

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@Victor Mgazi "What does the Kundalini Awakening have to do with Spiritual Enlightenment?"



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@Victor Mgazi Hey Victor! Sorry about your emotional difficulties, I hope you experience these emotional upheavals in the most effortless and beneficial way to your evolution. <3 

Kundalini awakening is the energy of the light of consciousness awakening inside of your body. 
You can look at it this way: There is the realization of the absolute, called self-realization or enlightenment. You could say it is the awakening of the mind, to the perception of an infinite source of all which we are all an extension of. 
Kundalini awakening is the source energy being embodied in the nervous system and emotional level, where all the energy and emotional leftovers from all kinds of lifetimes are released, so the truth of Source consciousness can be anchored and embodied. 

If you have a kundalini awakening, without first becoming self-realized, self-realization will be an inevitable part of the journey, as the nervous system assimilates over time to a new level of consciousness. 

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1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

What does the Kundalini Awakening have to do with Spiritual Enlightenment?

Most of the masters, most of the religions , don't talk about kundalini. It is not necessary to describe kundalini , it is not necessary that you will feel kundalini in your spiritual journey. 

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Is it possible that working with Kundalini is a better way for some people ? I Practice meditation for 3 years now and Yoga/Chi-Kung for 18 months. I feel that the effect of Kundalini are stronger on my state of consciouness then the practique of mediation/self-inquiry ? 

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2 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

D oes anyone have knowledge about this? 

After a couple of weeks of research and learning more about spiritual awakening I'm afraid I've reached a dead end. 

If you have practiced a method that you think has benefited you in your spiritual path please share your knowledge. 

I'm willing to try anything at this point in time. 

@Victor Mgazi Theravada Buddhism calls Kundalini awakening the Arising and Passing event. I think it is much more clear about what it is without so much dogma and superstition. 

Daniel Ingram wrote a book called Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha in which he described it in detail, what that stage looks like, how to move past that stage, what stage comes next (Equanimity) and how it fits into the progress towards enlightenment. One of the best books Ive read.

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1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

I'm currently in a very emotional state right now. After numerous attempts of meditation - I feel like I'm trying to achieve the impossible. 

Fear is the only drive I have now. 

So I'm trying to learn as much as I can about spiritual awakening before I'm caught up in the delusion again. 

It's very depressing. 

@Victor Mgazi If you have already experienced an Arising and Passing/Kundalini Awakening, you might be in the Dark Night stage. Its a difficult stage and knowledge on how to handle it is critical to move past it.

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1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

I feel like I'm trying to achieve the impossible. 

Not that every step leads to the goal, sometimes we are moving in just the opposite direction, but we learn from mistakes. The journey is vast, and you cannot be in a hurry. Everything takes its own time, impatience makes no sense.  If one is very much afraid that he may go astray, then there is no possibility of traveling. One should be ready to wait even if it takes eternity.

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3 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

If you have practiced a method that you think has benefited you in your spiritual path please share your knowledge.


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49 minutes ago, dynamics said:

Is it possible that working with Kundalini is a better way for some people ? I Practice meditation for 3 years now and Yoga/Chi-Kung for 18 months. I feel that the effect of Kundalini are stronger on my state of consciouness then the practique of mediation/self-inquiry ? 

How do you go about this meditation? Can you share the techniques that you apply. 

Is the ego as strong as it were when you first started or have you lost your sense of self? 

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1 hour ago, Matt8800 said:

@Victor Mgazi Theravada Buddhism calls Kundalini awakening the Arising and Passing event. I think it is much more clear about what it is without so much dogma and superstition. 

Daniel Ingram wrote a book called Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha in which he described it in detail, what that stage looks like, how to move past that stage, what stage comes next (Equanimity) and how it fits into the progress towards enlightenment. One of the best books Ive read.

Thanks for mentioning the book. I'll definitely look into it. 

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What is the goal of mediation in general? 

Sometimes I feel like I miss the whole point. 

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There is no universally agreed upon answer to that.

Some contemplative traditionds consider kundalini awakening as a significant milestone. Other traditions, including Buddhism, considers it as an irrelevant distraction. 


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1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

What is the goal of mediation in general? 

Sometimes I feel like I miss the whole point. 

Goals vary among practicioners.

Some chase mystical experiences or pleasant mental states.

Some practice in order to feel special/superior to "normal people" or as a part of something.

Some wants to improve cognitive abilities like focus and awareness. 

Some practice spiritual bypassing, as meditation is easier that dealing with the issues in their lives. Meditation/"spirituality" allows them to retreat into their own little worlds and avoid/delay the hard work necessary for dealing with messy, confusing real-life issues. 


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@Victor Mgazi I did lost a lot of sense of self and had somes mystical experience like pure love for walls and dust in my bedroom. My Ego is less strong and Im a more compassionate human being. Also I have less neurosis then 3 years ago. 

 I started with mindfulness meditation, just to practice being aware and calm my monkey mind, wich was really intense. After 6 months I concentrated on loving-kindness meditation wich helped me a lot to became more compationate to me and others. At that time I was orange with blue leftovers so learning to be more compationate toward myself and others was a game changer. 

Now when I meditate,  I self-Inquiry or practice of being aware of being aware. 

But my main practice is Yoga. I also use shamanic techniques wich I find really effective for me (shamanic breathing or shamanic transe)

I hope that can help you. Don't hesitate if others questions comes up. 

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Several books on my book list explain it. Look for the titles with "kundalini" in it.

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@dynamics Hi. Just a quick question on meditation. 

Do you experience any intuitional perceptions when practicing and if yes is it often? 

I ask because I cannot yet differentiate between the knowledge I receive intellectually and intuitively when meditating.                                                I was raising my concentration skills when I acquired the knowledge very suddenly. 

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Not sure what you mean by intuitional perception but yess I get somes intuition while meditating. And acquiring the knowledge very suddenly sounds like intuition. You just know that you know, and you could that explain the reasonning. 

I did others practices to develop my intuition 3 years ago like walking in the forest and only following my intuition to choose where to go. Obviously sometimes some rationnal decision making was sneeking in, but with times it was more and more easy to differentiate one and the other. 

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