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Steps to Knowledge - Post your practice notes if practicing

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What is Steps to Knowledge?

Steps to Knowledge is the Book of Inner Knowing. Its one-year study plan, which is divided into 365 “steps,” or lessons, is designed to enable students to learn to experience and to apply their Self-Knowledge, or Spiritual Power, in the world. Steps to Knowledge sets out to accomplish this task in a step-by-step manner as students are introduced to the essential ideas and practices which make such an undertaking possible. Practicing every day provides a solid foundation of experience and develops the thinking, perception and self-motivation necessary for both worldly success and spiritual advancement.

Here below are the first 28 Steps:                                                             (Steps include practice)

STEP 1. I am without Knowledge now.

STEP 2. Knowledge is with me, where am I? 

STEP 3. What do I really know? 

STEP 4. I want what I think I know. 

STEP 5. I believe what I want to believe. 

STEP 6. I have a true foundation in the world. 

STEP 7. Review.

STEP 8. Today I will be still. 

STEP 9. In stillness all things can be known. 

Why am I doing this anyway?

STEP 10. What is Knowledge? 

STEP 11. I am not apart from life. 

STEP 12. My individuality is to express life itself. 

STEP 13. I want to be separate to be unique. 

STEP 14. Review. 

STEP 15. I shall listen to my experience today. 

STEP 16. Beyond my mind is Knowledge. 

STEP 17. Today I want to hear the truth. 

STEP 18. Today I feel the truth arising within myself. 

STEP 19. Today I wish to see.

STEP 20. I will not let doubt and confusion slow my progress. 

STEP 21. Review.

STEP 22. I am Surrounded by the Teachers of God. 

STEP 23. I am loved surrounded and supported by the Teachers of God. 

STEP 24. I am worthy of God's love. 

STEP 25. I am at one with the greatest truth of life. 

STEP 26. My errors give birth to my Knowledge.

STEP 27. I have a Wisdom that I wish to discover.

STEP 28. Review.

The above link leads you directly to the Voice of Revelation.

"Knowledge represents the Deeper Spiritual Mind within you, the Mind that Knows. This Mind does not think how your surface mind thinks"


Whatever you do consistently requires less and less effort as you continue...

(Self inquiry will follow, to look at your experience objectively, in your Steps and in your whole life, in knowing the changes you need to make to your life, seeing it clearly, there comes a great certainty from this Knowledge, you begin to really look at the content of your experience, not what you think you should experience, what you are really experiencing. No more pretending. It all begins to fall away. You become self aware only when there is no alternative. Hiding hurts you and prevents you from finding your own true strength. Begin a deep looking and listening self-inquiry. You learn how to still your mind, become observant, look feel see and know, you see and hear things you have not seen or heard before, but with no ideas on top, and you begin to really know, with objective and expansive awareness)

Edited by Hotaka

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Notes on Steps from 1 to 28:

1. Really?                                                  So I know nothing

2. Here now.                                            Permanent

3. I am.                                                     Knowledge

4. I want.                                                  I

5. I believe.                                               Ego

6. I really know.                                      Trust

7. Review, I see nothing.                       Humility

8. Is.                                                          Stillness, being

9. This.                                                      Knowledge

?                                                                 What?

10. Nothing.                                             Nothing is what I know.

11. Am.                                                     (inarticulate sound)

12. Yes.                                                     Gets naked and starts running around

13. Yes.                                                     Puts clothes back on, and makeup for women

14. Again.                                                 Try again

15. Is.                                                        It is what it 15.

16. Right.                                                 Ouch to that one, EGO!

17.                                                            Shut up now.

18. Answer.                                              See Wisdom came through! - but that wasn't Knowledge!

19. Ok.                                                     Yes I need desire.

20. I won't.                                                 Don't be a bitch. Keep going.

21. Every time it happens again.            Let it be. I want to learn more.

22. Good.                                                 Oh someone please show me the Way!

23. Cool beans.                                        Cheers mates.

24. I am this.                                            Bloody hell I am.

25. Yes/No.                                              Sorry I am just navigating between opinions.

26. Indeed.                                               Shit I suck.

27. Yes I do.                                              And I need it real bad.

28. All over again.                                   There's some work to do.

Edited by Hotaka

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Sample Step:

Steps to Knowledge - The Book of Inner Knowing

Step 1

I am without Knowledge now.

THERE MUST BE A STARTING POINT at any juncture of development. You must start from where you are, not from where you want to be. You start here in the understanding that you are without Knowledge. That is not to say that Knowledge is not with you. It is simply to say that you are not with Knowledge. Knowledge is waiting for you to proceed. Knowledge is waiting to give itself to you. Therefore, you are beginning now to prepare to be in relationship with Knowledge, the greater aspect of mind that you have brought with you from your Ancient Home.

THREE TIMES TODAY SPEND 10 MINUTES thinking about what Knowledge is, not merely applying your own ideas, not merely applying your past understanding, but thinking about what Knowledge really is.

Practice 1: Three 10-minute practice periods.

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Right now I should be on Step 87 of my Second Round of Steps.

Am going to start again for you, and begin journaling in here. You as observers are accountability to this, so I will journey on and start again from where I am. Step 1. You have shown me how much I don't know and for this I will start again.

So now I am on Step 1, and I shall post my Journaling below. You are my accountability to this, I will do the necessary practices each day and share my insights whether brief or small it doesn't matter, I will share what I can in this journey of learning, whether it is directly relevant to the Step or not, I will post the number for the day and my insights for each day below in each of these posts. Whether it is relevant to you or not I will post it, for my own sake and yours to see of a journey of a student going through Steps, so here I go.

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@Hotaka Sweet. Great sharing. You might also like Course in Miracles. It’s similar, and offers excellent daily practices. Godspeed! Thanks in advance for sharing!



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Thank you Nahm for your support and appreciation of this accomplishment I am endeavouring to succeed in. And it is a hard task at that, I know this.

Thanks for sharing ACIM I have just started reading it, it is a required course, I may have to go through it, who knows, reading now.

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-What is Knowledge? Relationship I am    

-Seeing reflection of Self  things.           V

-Doing things.                                                not   seeing self

-Lack of opinion.                                  SEEING     reflected

-Lack of judgement.                           DUALITY

-Discernment.                                             I                             

-Being. Isness.                                          and                           no-being as well

-Not ideas beliefs or assumptions.

-Stillness. Nothing. Forgiveness. Courage.

-Stubbornness (at times). Flexibility.

         maybe more: perseverance

Commitment and trust as a result of inner knowing. Seeing change as a result of practice.

Notes are not altered. Formatting and scale are not exact due to the limitations of technology and my ability to use it.

Edited by Hotaka

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Asking myself what is Knowledge:

-Curiosity, ability to change quickly, seeing gaps in one's thoughts. Using the past appropriately and correctly. Listening to cues without superstition. Listening without coming to conclusions. Being patient. Missing out. Who cares. Not ambivalence, but seeing clearly. Not having or needing a choice. Not being distracted. Focusing. Listening. Challenging, when needed. Allowing for Knowledge or itself to arise. Not saying anything. Complete silence and stillness. Brightness openness clarity fearlessness. Love. Discovery. Revealing. Dancing. Pattern. Time. Space. Synchronicity. Luck. Coordination. Management. Savings. Library. Something else. Not repetition. Change. Stillness in change. Unity. Unitariness. Infinity. Zero. Nothingness. Selflessness. Elseness. Something else. How to See. How to Know. How to Hear. How to Listen. How to Learn. How to Know. How to go. Activation. Power. Amazement. Lack of stimulation. Honesty. Compassion. Ability. Adaptiveness. Intelligence.

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Add on to that one: "Being able to orient myself with full freedom to be who I really am."

Edited by Hotaka

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PRACTICE 3: 10 MINUTES (from last night), extra note, objective subjectivity, looking at the content of one's mind with objectivity.

I am without Knowledge now. 

Observations: I am Knowledge (see what I did there)

To become: I am Knowledge


Where I am is what matters the most. I am behind. Always. Not me is not a violation of me. Who knows where I am, I must listen to them. What am I doing? The greatest question in the World. What am I doing? I'm taking and giving the medicine to myself at the same time. I am with others. I must know this. Let this be known. Listen to the gap. Or gaps = same. Let two parallel lines run beside each other. Time is the same. It is sequential, but it equals everything in the end and the beginning. There is nothing to move. This is the truth. Leave it like this. Leave it.


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Now some extra notes on day 1. I feel that now my relationship with Steps to Knowledge has changed, because I have decided to take it seriously but also to follow my own place and direction in life to find and the community here, it has been a good refuge from the anti-enlightenment feeling I have been feeling lately, here I can be in an environment where my Knowledge or enlightenment is to a good purpose and not a subject of ridicule or ignorance, many people don't know what Enlightenment is, including Steps students and New Message students, have no clue what enlightenment it, and it astounds me because such an ancient practice in Steps to Knowledge is expected to take in hand it's own people without much effort, I think you guys, people seeking enlightenment are only the ones committed enough to take such a practice seriously, like me, to really want to do the work down to the molecular lever, the atomic level, or universal at the same time, zooming in and out like Shinzen Young. I am realising this universal consciousness the New Message speaks about is highly alternative, and shroom like in quality in regards to the many aspects of it that are organic and biological practical matters from a universal perspective of consciousness. In the sense that it is also inclusive of one's weird controversial paranormal illusory effects in consciousness, as well as one feeling unity with all life, and feeling the possibility that of course there are beings in outer space, and of course they are here creating bad vibes.

Here is something for people like me who have never felt at home in the world: Being a Greater Community Person.

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KNOWLEDGE IS WITH YOU, COMPLETELY, but it resides in a part of your mind to which you have not yet gained access. Knowledge represents your True Self, your True Mind and your true relationships in the universe. It also possesses your greater calling in the world and a perfect utilization of your nature, all of your inherent abilities and skills, even your limitations — all to be given for good in the world.

KNOWLEDGE IS WITH YOU, BUT WHERE ARE YOU? Today think about where you are. If you are not with Knowledge, where are you? Therefore, three times today, 10 minutes each, think about where you are, not just physically or geographically, but where you are in terms of your awareness of yourself in the world. Think very, very carefully. Do not allow your mind to distract you from this orientation. It is essential now at the beginning of your preparation to ask these questions very seriously.

Practice 2: Three 10-minute practice periods.

FIRST OBSERVATIONS: I am has become am I and moved to the end, Knowledge has moved to the beginning and is with me, but not I am, because it is a question to know where I am. I could say I am without Knowledge now, but where is that? There seems to be a mental realm of awareness in my sub or super conscious mind, that is more based on potentialities and waveforms, which is not 'me' (form) but is manifest whenever I shows up, more based on relationship with I, such as tendencies patterns and awareness phenomena, as well as how the world sees me and how I see myself seeing the world. and it's being is wherever it is, which could be smart useful and self aware (I) or intuitive in some-way, or dumb and ignorant. I am here, now. I don't know, but I must know, intention, awareness, Knowledge, that should work for me, if I work for it.

Edited by Hotaka

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-I don't know. Something Something Something. Three. Trinity. Circle of the three or triangle. Leave space. I don't know.

-                      0--------------------1----------------------2---------------------3-----------------------4------------------5

- The I is the confirmed number. Apparently stable through time.

- The I allows something to be fixed, while everything else is moving inside one's own mind. It is a measurement of fixation, to keep Knowledge alive. One scale even though everything is changing. It is based on time and quality. It enjoys quality, together with others who are the same.

- With Knowledge in stillness all the different I's at different time points are integrated.

- Knowledge is what realigns Knowledge.

- Knowledge is 'nothing'.

- The I navigates manifestation. I am potentialities in the future.

- I am here when I appear, not just there behind or ahead. I am here now. Am here. I. I am together with whatever comes.

- I am hiding cause I don't know myself. Let me know myself.

***Notes are same as in journal***


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PRACTICE 2: JOURNAL (Leo if this is in the wrong forum section can you please move it to journals, thank you)

STEP 2: Knowledge is with me, where am I?

Quote from before: 'Right now I should be on Step 87 of my Second Round of Steps.' Yes I should, but now is also an awareness that I need to go back to redo what I have not done properly yet. I should be, connected with now, is wrong, there are no shoulds, unless I feel like I must go somewhere, then in the now, I can see it in the course of time, and not in the course of belief. So now I am here to do what I need to do now, Step 2, not 87, because I know I need to do it, now.

Where am I? First answer is Here, now.

Now let me share JOURNAL PRACTICE 2:


I am who I am.

This is the era of the individual.

Marylin Monroe was an individual.

(I had a trip about this)


                                                                                                                                                       #TRIP IS HAPPENING (NOW)


All thoughts happen in the now.

All my conflicts happen now.                                                                                                                  (PRACTICE 2-STEP 2)

I am now in this moment.

I am now not in the past. (even if thinking, neural activity is occurring now!)

The past is living within me now and I can now choose to have a correct relationship with it.

I want to make videos, if people are willing to watch, maybe of my review. I don't want to leave anything bad behind, but, I will try one today and upload it - about enlightenment, I cannot teach the Way of Knowledge, but I can share my experience of it, or my current interaction with it. With this moment. Other people are in this moment and they may recognise this with me. We can do this together.

We can joke together. I am now in my mind, and have always been, but I need to realise my-self. I need to know who I am so that I am self-conscious. I need to learn the interaction between past and present and eliminate it if necessary to increase my perspective. Not with power, but with skilful-means and compassion. Not with energy, but with wisdom, to increase my Knowledge and capacity for Knowledge in myself and the world itself. It is occurring within me, past and future, what do I do with this now?


Extra notes: I am not that I am, I am who I am, I have gone beyond substance, to pure identity because I have purpose in the world.

I am that I am as well, but without Knowledge. I need to realign myself to come into full expression and not just be in the clouds.

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"Right now I should be on Step 87 of my Second Round of Steps.

Am going to start again for you, and begin journaling in here. You as observers are accountability to this, so I will journey on and start again from where I am. Step 1. You have shown me how much I don't know and for this I will start again.

So now I am on Step 1, and I shall post my Journaling below. You are my accountability to this, I will do the necessary practices each day and share my insights whether brief or small it doesn't matter, I will share what I can in this journey of learning, whether it is directly relevant to the Step or not, I will post the number for the day and my insights for each day below in each of these posts. Whether it is relevant to you or not I will post it, for my own sake and yours to see of a journey of a student going through Steps, so here I go."

There is no 'right' now, now is always right, never wrong, that is impossible, and it is, really.

Should is a bad word because it implies bad for whatever is not doing it.

'Am going to start again for you' my individuality is not traveling with you, only my presence, in it's action in the present, independently of self-dentity and what it thinks it is doing. I don't need a narrator, thank you, voice on my shoulder.

Where I am, that is inside practice, independently of Step, so Step can be used to realign I, to wherever it really is, with am, with a bit of work.

I will and I go, I am looking for dynamic movement and momentum to lead me to my final destination, which is infinite really.

It's more about what I want, than what I think I should do.

I know I must do what I want, I can't help it, but it helps me.

There are no buts, only for the mind there are, and it will have many, because this curriculum will be challenging for it to follow and for it to have the humility to follow ME.

Let's leave it at that, enough talking, I am where I am now, which is in a restless chaotic mind, I trust that Knowledge is with me, now, NOW!


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Basically I was practicing this morning, and really I should have done this last night, I realised I have a big ego and a big I and well, they get in the way a lot and are the cause of most of my fear. But I have also realised that my EGO is something that needs to be cultivated, because it is a load of shit that you should be humble etc.. Who gives a crap if you look good by being all nice? It does nothing, it serves no person, you look disgusting, and you are a fucking puritan, with no self-respect. There is a way out of this tunnel and that is by following what you know, and that sets your sails straight and pushes out of the way anything that doesn't fit, in your life as a whole, an integral whole, I realise I have been fragmented and separated, and I must be whole and only one EGO in order to be my Self, one and only for all, and so distil the ego in stillness and let the essence evaporate through you.


I am in stillness. But I am not pretending to be happy at all. I am highly serious. EXTREMELY SERIOUS. I am not deluding myself. I am going to feel the pain. All of it.

I am in pain. I am fragmented. I am ignorant, I can't even see one thing clearly. I can feel things, and that seems to be Knowledge with me, so I practice stillness, staying centred and collected, being channelled, funnelled, aligned, syphoned. I am opening my mind to the light that is already there, it is like a knife cutting through my awareness, I need to dig pretty strongly out of the cave to see it come through, but it is there already and I just need to see it. It is like a light of NOW, that is always there, and in some way represents the Divine reaching my awareness somehow.

The word SYPHON: from wiki: 'a tube used to convey liquid upwards from a reservoir and then down to a lower level of its own accord. Once the liquid has been forced into the tube, typically by suction or immersion, flow continues unaided.'

It seems the capillary action of my blood may be similar as well as the flow of ojas from the sacral chakra to the I. And the capillary may spread through the air like a breathing tree and interact with it's environment this way, through constant exchange of breathing and energy talk. So alchemical balance of liquid to vapour to liquid to ice. The solidity of my body is the ice part of this, and it comes through collapsing and aggregating like particles through a conscious attraction of intention aligned with higher orders of symmetrical and non changing geometry unless by perceptions.

There is a lot of learning to do on a personal level, and the pain and the fear are the locks to the KEY to my KNOWLEDGE.


I am weak right now, but strengthening by centring aggregating consolidating receiving channelling and syphoning, so my orientation is both qualitative as an essence exchanging language of archetype and also objective and measured, such as learning about daily routines etc. This seems to be mainly sacral chakra work, but is in some way interconnected with my nodes in other places, so as to create harmony through the body.

The knowing where I am is both an outer orientation and an inner orientation and is more simple and less ambitious than previously thought. It is much closer to me.

Just as typing this just now I had to solve a math problem based on how much energy everyone uses between my neighbour's house and us, with a fixed price for the 11 weeks it was, it was interesting, cause I realised I had to base my calculations on the assumption that everyone uses the same amount of energy. Standardisation is necessary for intuition if you want to keep track of the flow, you need a neutral baseline based on some kinds of basic assumptions.

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Step 3

What do I really know?

TODAY ASK YOURSELF WHAT YOU REALLY KNOW and distinguish what you know from what you think or hope for or want for yourself or your world, what you are afraid of, what you believe in, what you cherish and what you value. Distinguish this question from all such orientations to the very best of your ability and ask yourself, “What do I really know?”You must continuously examine whatever answers you give to this question to see if they represent your beliefs or assumptions or the beliefs or assumptions of other people or perhaps even of humanity at large.

THREE TIMES TODAY, FOR 10 MINUTES EACH, ask this question and think very seriously about your response and about the meaning of this question,“What do I really know?”

Practice 3: Three 10-minute practice periods.

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I am with the Presence.

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Today I realised that death is the only stable things, with life being interruptions in death as it is split apart into form and creating false flags of meaning. Giving meaning to life is simply a means of giving life force away from you, to form. This can be beneficial or negative, it's up to you how you use it. Without Knowledge of who you really are you have nothing. I know that I am enlightened because I am truly dead. I am not perfect because I am in a human body that needs to be cultivated correctly for my form to take place. This is done in a way that allows me to channel Spirit. Through me and into me it all happens. This is infusing life with me and reality with I itself in time through me in space double duality inside and outside me inside and around me, inside everywhere inside in a hole universe ahole which speaks the double language of double mathematics timing language double beyond double duality double screwed to double bee if it is fixed in one point. I am dead because I don't know what the fuck I am and I wonder about what the hell I bloody am. This is a great sign because it means I am Capital awakening and not satisfied with the form to be and in correspondence when between the bloody relative rugged ideas and beliefs I have decidedly deafeningly distinguished in the profound stillness of which life is found in Self of the fact that with true Knowledge of the whole inside out you cannot contend with a CAPITAL K. Bloody hell.

Like attracts like, so stop chasing mirrors, they are everywhere, so what is the point? They are always infinite, that is the point.

Edited by Hotaka

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