
Autophagy - your body's incredible recycling ability

18 posts in this topic

Many of you might have heard this term before in relation to fasting or ketogenic diet. We knew that our bodies have incredible potential to regenerate itself and that pretty much most of our tissues are constantly being regenerated throughout life. This just reinforces the incredible benefits of deliberate fasting. 

Let's see what does research say: 

"Autophagy also plays a housekeeping role in removing misfolded or aggregated proteins, clearing damaged organelles, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and peroxisomes, as well as eliminating intracellular pathogens. Thus, autophagy is generally thought of as a survival mechanism, although its deregulation has been linked to non-apoptotic cell death ( meaning cells that don't follow the standard elimination protocol, often triggering tumour formation) . Autophagy can be either non-selective or selective in the removal of specific organelles, ribosomes and protein aggregates, although the mechanisms regulating aspects of selective autophagy are not fully worked out. In addition to elimination of intracellular aggregates and damaged organelles, autophagy promotes cellular senescence and cell surface antigen presentation, protects against genome instability and prevents necrosis, giving it a key role in preventing diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration, cardiomyopathy, diabetes, liver disease, autoimmune diseases and infections. "

How is it induced? 

1. Fasting (see "starvation" bellow)

"Autophagy is active at basal levels in most cell types where it is postulated to play a housekeeping role in maintaining the integrity of intracellular organelles and proteins. However, autophagy is strongly induced by starvation and is a key component of the adaptive response of cells and organisms to the nutrient deprivation that promotes survival until nutrients become available again "

2. Hypoxia (low serum oxygen levels) also stimulates autophagy by breaking down faulty cells and allowing other cells to use the residue material for ATP (cellular energy) production. 

3. Exercise as well as carb restriction ( means ketosis -> "means fasting or high fat diet) seem to promote it as well based on this article. https://greatist.com/live/autophagy-fasting-exercise


Although the process is yet to be fully examined, the data thus far indicate powerfull healing potency, disease prevention, macronutrient recycling (without actually having to eat them) and anti-ageing. 

"From the perspective of a cancer biologist, it remains controversial whether autophagy is tumour suppressive (through cell cycle arrest, promoting genome and organelle integrity, or through inhibition of necrosis and inflammation) or oncogenic (by promoting cell survival in the face of spontaneous or induced nutrient stress). In other diseases, such as neuropathies (Huntington's, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases) and ischaemic heart disease, autophagy is more widely accepted as beneficial given its role in eliminating ‘toxic assets’ and promoting cell viability. Thus, autophagy has emerged as a new and potent modulator of disease progression that is both scientifically intriguing and clinically relevant."

Primary source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2990190/  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3946160/



Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Charlotte glad you found it useful. It has helped me to push my last fast for further 12 hours by imaging all the "rebuilding " that is going on :) How's your fasting schedule going? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 The only thing with me Michael is... and I'll be honest here... I'm not exactly what you would call a person who takes scientific research to be the b all and end all if you know what I mean. I take any research with a pinch of salt, I wouldn't cling onto what their saying to be 'truth' if you get me. Although I still REALLY appreciate it and do take some points on board. 

Glad it helped you ♥️

I keeled over at 36 hours, reason being... Was my first fast and I should of intermittent fasted prior to this for experience and to see how my body would react, my energy levels depleted, completely. I had responsibilitys to still take care of and then meant me driving which turned out to be an absolutely stupid idea because it was dangerous. Also the same day I broke the fast I completely cut out caffeine which had even more adverse effects.

BUT, from the fast I've learnt and implemented some very valuable things. 

A) I only eat once a day now. Every 24 hours. One meal only. 

B) I ate too much prior.

C) caffeine no longer exists in my life and I'm completely free.

D) my hunger cravings I get now, I look and treat them completely different.

E) I now have more energy and I feel 'purer' inside. 

F) I'm losing weight. 

G) my concentration has increased

So yes, I caved in at 36 hours BUT I've take a lot with me as you can tell. 

Apologies for the long arse message back dude ?♥️

How did/is your fast going?

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@Charlotte excelent progress ! You have grown a lot in recent weeks / months! 36 hours is an incredible result for 1st time fasting, majority of the planet would not be able to do that and you should be proud of yourself. 

Well done on caffeine, that is a tough habit to shed just as it is to implement omad. You must have a willpower of a navy seal :) Keep up the excelent work, you will soon outgrow everyone around you ( if you haven't already)...and yes, that was an ORANGE statement :D 

Also, agreed on that research section, I am guilty of sometimes taking it too seriously forgetting there is more to life. 


Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

excelent progress ! You have grown a lot in recent weeks / months! 36 hours is an incredible result for 1st time fasting, majority of the planet would not be able to do that and you should be proud of yourself. 

You have absolutely no idea how much this means to me Michael, I was so so hard on myself for not reaching the 3 day mark, I felt like a failure, like I'd let the forum/myself down. Still did... until now ?.

2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Well done on caffeine, that is a tough habit to shed just as it is to implement omad. You must have a willpower of a navy seal :) Keep up the excelent work, you will soon outgrow everyone around you ( if you haven't already)...and yes, that was an ORANGE statement :D 

Thank you so much Michael! Again... Means so much ? What do you mean outgrow? Could you define that a little more for me :)

2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Also, agreed on that research section, I am guilty of sometimes taking it too seriously forgetting there is more to life. 

I know what you mean here. What's funny with me is, I listen to any negative based research (more so) but positive... I question? ? Something I'll have to explore. 

Thank you again for such the lovely message Michael ♥️

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@Charlotte You have done so well! On my first fast I aimed for 10 days and got to 36 hours. Michael is right in saying you have strong willpower :) 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace Thank you thank you!! Your incredibly kind solace. :x

Well done by the way!!! I take my hat off to anybody who even attempts a fast. Was that your first and last fast? 

@Michael569 Tell me a little about yours if you don't mind ^_^

Edited by Charlotte

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@Charlotte Aww, thanks. This was my third fast. I loved the way I felt so much that I now am starting to fast for 3-4 days of the week on my water, with perhaps a herbal teas at night. The other days I shall eat super foods, and make fruit/vege juices! After you get past the hardest phases of detox, fasting really becomes enjoyable, and natural :) 

We are pure infinite beings of love, and knowing that is so, we do not need food when this infinite waterfall of love flows through us. The body just needs a little time to adapt with our minds knowingness that we are beings of light and love ?

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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17 hours ago, Charlotte said:

Thank you so much Michael! Again... Means so much ? What do you mean outgrow? Could you define that a little more for me

What i mean is that you have probably grown up around certain people and likely still hang out with some of them occasionaly, or members of your family would be great example, yet you see a widening abys between you and them. You meditating, learning about consciousness, learning to tame your emotions, breaking destructive habits, cleaning up your diet and them being stuck in the same spot, filled with hate, regret, with head in the past, complaining about everything possible. Doing the stupid shit all over and making same mistakes, chasing sex and approval....I know how incredibly judgemental this sounds but this is something what I am noticing in my life and I have hardly grown in comparison with other people on this forum. 

13 hours ago, Charlotte said:

Tell me a little about yours if you don't mind

Mine is usually once or twice a week for 24 hour period purely on water and herbal teas. Clearly for cleansing purposes, and giving body some rest. I am constantly shuffling these days around depending on work schedule as well. I've also got 1-2 days a week when I am 99% on raw vegan (mostly fruit) diet. The success of this one depends on how ripe the fruit is currently at Tesco/Waitrose. :D 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 Thanks for the info. I've read that autophagy start after the 3rd day for women and 4rd day for men, of a water-fast.

What do you think of coconut-water + water fasting ? Does it enable autophagy ?


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Although there are many perspectives such as that as long as you have less than 50 calories a day, your body will stay in ketosis/autophagy. I personally still see this as a Calorie restricted diet instead of a fast, and would highly recommend drinking only pure distilled water. Anything else is but a subtle attachment to food for emotional nourishment during the fast.

By the third day you won't want to eat. The first fast is the hardest, then it becomes fun.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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I've read that the 2nd week is twice more effective than the first week, and the 3rd twice more effective than the 2nd, no point going further than 3 weeks for most people.

I find it difficult after the 4rth day, because of craving for food (maybe that's because I have coconut water still). My mind come up with sentences like "common, there is nothing wrong with eating food" and I fail usually on 4th or 5th day.

Also, I've heard the voice of people around me saying "don't be too hard on yourself, it must feel natural" in a synchronicity kind of way, which I take seriously since I think it's my subconscious mind talking through others.

Edited by Soulbass

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On 28/06/2018 at 10:57 PM, Solace said:

@Charlotte Aww, thanks. This was my third fast. I loved the way I felt so much that I now am starting to fast for 3-4 days of the week on my water, with perhaps a herbal teas at night. The other days I shall eat super foods, and make fruit/vege juices! After you get past the hardest phases of detox, fasting really becomes enjoyable, and natural :) 

We are pure infinite beings of love, and knowing that is so, we do not need food when this infinite waterfall of love flows through us. The body just needs a little time to adapt with our minds knowingness that we are beings of light and love ?

Wow, 3-4 days a week, that's amazing. Do you find it gets easier the more of a habit it becomes? Amen to that brother ??

On 29/06/2018 at 10:38 AM, Michael569 said:

What i mean is that you have probably grown up around certain people and likely still hang out with some of them occasionaly, or members of your family would be great example, yet you see a widening abys between you and them. You meditating, learning about consciousness, learning to tame your emotions, breaking destructive habits, cleaning up your diet and them being stuck in the same spot, filled with hate, regret, with head in the past, complaining about everything possible. Doing the stupid shit all over and making same mistakes, chasing sex and approval....I know how incredibly judgemental this sounds but this is something what I am noticing in my life and I have hardly grown in comparison with other people on this forum. 

Mine is usually once or twice a week for 24 hour period purely on water and herbal teas. Clearly for cleansing purposes, and giving body some rest. I am constantly shuffling these days around depending on work schedule as well. I've also got 1-2 days a week when I am 99% on raw vegan (mostly fruit) diet. The success of this one depends on how ripe the fruit is currently at Tesco/Waitrose. :D 

I totally understand what you mean and agree with you. I feel compassion for them, if they need help I am here. I don't have friends per say, I left them behind because there lifestyle unfortunately just didn't fit in with mine, so I'd probably use that as an example. Family on the other hand is a little different, I accept them for who they are knowing I was in their shoes once myself and like I said I'm here for them if they'd like any advice or help, thank goodness my family is open minded to a degree, my mum especially, I feel my presence and perspective now helps her. 

That's really really good Michael, absolutely awesome! I'm yet to try a raw food diet, do you find it takes some getting used to? 

If people did this more often could you imagine the positive impact it could have on the NHS and their health. I wish this type of information was more widespread (fasting) rather than "make sure you cram 5 portion's of fruit and veg in a day" ?.

"The success of this one depends on how ripe the fruit is currently at Tesco/Waitrose."  ??

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Everything that stimulates the lymph system will have a carry over effect to autophagy as well because of increasing microcirculation.

Sweating through exercise, hot yoga, heat saunas, infrared saunas, red light therapy, rebounding, bouncing around – everything that keeps your blood flowing can at least help with autophagy.

Foods that stimulate autophagy include coffee, teas, Cayenne pepper, spirulina, activated charcoal, cruciferous vegetables, medicinal mushrooms, and spicy herbs.

Caloric restriction mimicing ingredients like Malabar tamarind (Hydroxycitrate), Berberine, Rapamycin trigger autophagy



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On 7/1/2018 at 8:21 PM, Charlotte said:

Wow, 3-4 days a week, that's amazing. Do you find it gets easier the more of a habit it becomes? Amen to that brother ??

It does. The body easily adapts to this eating schedule after the first few weeks, depending on how much detoxification is needed. And you start to feed more so on the love energy received abundantly through meditation, sunlight, light stretching, urine, and expressing love in any way.

It feels amazing. And I think heart-focused awareness especially was the key. Eating less is just a gift received from the core practice of love. 

Gentless with oneself, trust in your body, and consistency.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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30 minutes ago, Solace said:

It does. The body easily adapts to this eating schedule after the first few weeks, depending on how much detoxification is needed. And you start to feed more so on the love energy received abundantly through meditation, sunlight, light stretching, urine, and expressing love in any way.

It feels amazing. And I think heart-focused awareness especially was the key. Eating less is just a gift received from the core practice of love. 

Gentless with oneself, trust in your body, and consistency.

Humans never needed to eat to begin with ;) The problem is they have been conditioned to think they are on the same level of consciousness-vibratory-frequency as animals. Thus most humans still think they are animals(just a more evolved form) when the truth is we are a completely different species on our own. This is why eating less feels better once all the toxins are removed. The less i consume the more infinite i feel.

The last 10 thousand years most of us have been living and thinking as animals as we become what we consume on all levels, finally we are starting to become Human again..


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36 minutes ago, pluto said:

Humans never needed to eat to begin with ;) The problem is they have been conditioned to think they are on the same level of consciousness-vibratory-frequency as animals. Thus most humans still think they are animals(just a more evolved form) when the truth is we are a completely different species on our own. This is why eating less feels better once all the toxins are removed. The less i consume the more infinite i feel.

The last 10 thousand years most of us have been living and thinking as animals as we become what we consume on all levels, finally we are starting to become Human again..

It's amazing that we have the same thoughts. I knew there were people who know this wisdom, that we do not need to eat physical food. In fact scientific studies have shown that the amount of food that we eat (in kilograms) is exactly the same as the amount of food that comes out of our bodies. So what are we consuming then when we eat? Simply our bodies turn the non-physical energy of the food, into it's own life force energy it can use. And the energy of non-complex foods like fruit, and vegetables is easier to change than that of meats. How eye opening this is! This is why urine is so full of life force energy because it comes out of our body, not from somewhere outside of us and hence is a different energy.

The love of in our hearts can feed the physical body, the emotional body, and the mental body. Thus heart-centred anything (especially meditation) is the most nurturing meal on all levels, and all dimensions. Belief in your eternal nature, as the perfection of divinity having a human experience is all you need. That trust that you are God will open up those channels of love in your body, and it will overflow that there is so much to live on; thus creative expression begins to share this love with everyone. 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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