
I hate stage green so much!!!

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I'd rather revert back to blue than ascend to green. I can't take political correctness or social justice. I don't care about being inclusive or making others feel comfortable. I'm also pretty anti social and don't Want to be part of any group or community. Is there any hope for me to ascend?

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Maybe the transition to Stage Green isn't the right time for you. But if you feel like you want to transcend and you have gotten the insights of Stage Orange you can ascend. You've pointed out only some negative parts of Stage Green which you can find in every stage. So try to find positive aspects of Stage Green that resonate with you and cultivate them in your daily life. 

Edited by habibi87

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@Onecirrus none of that is green. These what you describe were just SOCIAL MANIFESTATIONS of green that happened in the collective we space in the past when green first emerged. 

Green is actually what you probably call "enlightenment". 

If you read the book the power of now you may transcend into green. 


Edited by White


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@Onecirrus If I was you I would not focus on spiral dynamics too much if you want to develop yourself. Do consciousness work, and see where it takes you. Spiral Dynamics is not useful for anyone pursuing enlightenment. I've talked more in depth about my thoughts on it here 

The idea that all human development follows this linear transition of stages is just absurd to me. Everyone is inherently different in their temperament and neurology. What is healthy for one person is unhealthy for another . Developmental milestones for one person are not developmental milestones for another. People need to meditate and connect themselves to reality and the present moment, and your body/mind will proceed to correct itself naturally, however that might manifest. Everyone needs to find their own path, and the evolution that people go through in finding their path may differ from Spiral Dynamics.

Sure there may be some value in looking into Spiral Dynamics, but I would recommend against taking the model too seriously. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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2 hours ago, Onecirrus said:

I'd rather revert back to blue than ascend to green. I can't take political correctness or social justice. I don't care about being inclusive or making others feel comfortable. I'm also pretty anti social and don't Want to be part of any group or community. Is there any hope for me to ascend?

If you go deep enough and ask yourself why you are so resistent to these ideals (Political correctedness and social justice) then you will find a way forward. 

Personally I do not consider myself politcally correct or label myself an sjw but I can certainly understand why someone would be. 

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@Onecirrus I'm curious, how old are you?

I suspect there are a lot of people (mostly autistic-type young males) in the world who feel like you, which is why speakers like JP, Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Stephen Molyneux, Trump, etc. have cult followings.

It would be interesting to learn more about how their followers really feel inside and why they get triggered by Green so much. Is it just a symptom of passing from Blue to Orange? Or is it something deeper like overabundance of testosterone, resentment towards women due to inability to get laid, lack of socialization due to an overly-digital lifestyle, autistic spectrum, etc?

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4 hours ago, Onecirrus said:

I'd rather revert back to blue than ascend to green. I can't take political correctness or social justice. I don't care about being inclusive or making others feel comfortable. I'm also pretty anti social and don't Want to be part of any group or community. Is there any hope for me to ascend?

I think you  got it backwards, SJ and PC are typical blue ideas invented by blue people for blue usage. This overtone of compassion and "caring" about people is total BS and only used to mask the deep underlying problems. Note that when talking to such person and talk in the "relativistic green" domain, they will instantly revert to authoritarian/absolutist blue. They wont talk green for one minute.

You know you are green, when you can radically shift perspectives to a degree you wont know which is the correct one, or is there such thing as correct-wrong perspective. Green people are extremely diverse in their perspectives and radical-openminded plus because of their ability to shift perspectives they become emphatic and genuinely care about people and try to help them, you can see it in their eyes. Witch is something you cant find in the PC and SJW types. It is safe to think of them as Feminine blue. 

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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@Leo Gura I am twenty years old.

I don't believe I have autism but green seems too emotional and pacifistic. I see emotions as a weakness and they have often caused me to sabotaged my own life. I also think to accept  and tolerate the views of others makes green seem like a doormat and to Submit to a group or community is to be a sheep. Its also unsettling to learn that sjw snowflakes are actually more developed than me. 

I have no idea about my testosterone levels, I don't believe I resent women more than anyone else, but you right on the money when it comes to socialization. Maybe orange just needs some friends.




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10 minutes ago, Onecirrus said:

@Leo Gura I am twenty years old.

I don't believe I have autism but green seems too emotional and pacifistic. I see emotions as a weakness and they have often caused me to sabotaged my own life. I also think to accept  and tolerate the views of others makes green seem like a doormat and to Submit to a group or community is to be a sheep. Its also unsettling to learn that sjw snowflakes are actually more developed than me. 

I have no idea about my testosterone levels, I don't believe I resent women more than anyone else, but you right on the money when it comes to socialization. Maybe orange just needs some friends.

Right, that's pretty much what I suspected.

So what that tells me is, you're a typical young male in stage Orange who is still evolving and will eventually mature into Green.

Nothing abnormal here. You have been very thoroughly conditioned by our heavily Orange culture.

"Emotions as a weakness" is a very common idea these days with young men. It's part of Orange culture and trying to find your male identity. But as you mature as a male, you will soften and you will see the power of emotions.

In your 20's, you still haven't found yourself as a persona. (Never mind enlightenment.) So one of the ways young males go about finding themselves is striving to fit the "alpha" ideal. Which requires a denial of emotions, femininity, softness, vulnerability, crying, caring, empathy, community, cooperation, love, relationship, etc.

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@Joseph Maynor




Emotional sensitivity

group think

Political correctness

thats about it though




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1 hour ago, Onecirrus said:

@Joseph Maynor




Emotional sensitivity

group think

Political correctness

thats about it though




I find it really puzzling, where do people see greenness in political correctness. Wonder what Trotsky would say about it.

"If you immediately know the candle-light is fire then the meal was cooked along time ago"

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30 minutes ago, Clayman said:

I find it really puzzling, where do people see greenness in political correctness. Wonder what Trotsky would say about it.

Every color on the Spiral has its own version of political correctness:

Blue PC = banning vulgarity, sex, porn, blasphemy, banning criticism of the church/civilization

Orange PC = banning criticism of the evils of corporations

Green PC = banning racist speech, hate speech, cruel speech, banning criticism of Green

If you criticize Islam in Blue Saudi Arabia, they will kill you.

If you expose the evils of factory farming in Orange America, they will sue you.

If you call someone a racial slur in a Green organization, they will fire you.

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7 hours ago, Onecirrus said:

I'd rather revert back to blue than ascend to green. I can't take political correctness or social justice. I don't care about being inclusive or making others feel comfortable. I'm also pretty anti social and don't Want to be part of any group or community. Is there any hope for me to ascend?

I always viewed stage orange as social. And stage green as more antisocial actually. Stage Green often lives off-grid.

They are global in their heart but often physically separate from the rest of society.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Every color on the Spiral has its own version of political correctness:

Blue PC = banning vulgarity, sex, porn, blasphemy, banning criticism of the church/civilization

Orange PC = banning criticism of the evils of corporations

Green PC = banning racist speech, hate speech, cruel speech, banning criticism of Green

If you criticize Islam in Blue Saudi Arabia, they will kill you.

If you expose the evils of factory farming in Orange America, they will sue you.

If you call someone a racial slur in a Green organization, they will fire you.

This forum then is green

I used a racial slur and i got a warning 

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22 minutes ago, sarapr said:

This forum then is green

I used a racial slur and i got a warning 

No civilization is possible without rules. So get used to it.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No civilization is possible without rules. So get used to it.

Yeah but you're a gatekeeper. You're still fused with your social conditioning because you get enraged at people breaking your rules. Awake people actually get enraged at social injustices. Huge difference there because awake people know social airs and rituals are arbitrary

Edited by White


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@White I don't think awake people get "enraged" at anything at all. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Just now, lmfao said:

@White I don't think awake people get "enraged" at anything at all. 

You don't know what you're talking about then. 

Why don't you actually read the data I provided on patterns that awakened people all have in common?

Because you can't be bothered and just want to make a reality out of your own preferences and what you seen on Buddha at the gas pump? 


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2 minutes ago, Outer said:

@White Start a new topic man. That's what they are for.

What's the point? It's going to get censored anyway if it's not in agreement with blue and orange conditioning


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