Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread

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You guys are being sloppy with your Spiral assessments.

All you have to do is read Goop.com's About page to clearly see they are promoting Green values:



"Our Values:

We believe that the little things count, that good food is the foundation of love and wellness, that the mind/body/spirit is inextricably linked and we have more control over how we express our health than we currently understand, that it’s better to buy fewer things that are better."

An Orange person would never write that.

The name of the company alone screams out Green. No Orange person is gonna name their company Goop.

The reason Goop is ridiculed in mainstream media is precisely because it is too Green relative to the Orange center of gravity of mainstream culture.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Extreme Z7 Because he's got an Orange audience to cater to.

Also because Goop does some ridiculous things and comedians thrive on the ridiculous.

The Ultra Spiritual YT channel is all about ridiculing Green, even though I'm pretty sure the guy in the videos is himself Green.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'm not sure where my center of gravity is recently. My center of gravity moved away from solid Orange. Material possession and progress don't excite as much as before. When Leo explains Green, lots of things resonate with me. At the same time, I nowadays care about practicality more than ever because life purpose requires it.

Both Orange and Green don't impress me as much as before. However, I see lots of what seems to be Purple/Red/Blue people in supposedly Green movements. Purple(tribal) and Red(predatory) people are often the vanguards of some of those movements. This makes me cast doubts on the future of Green politics.

I'm starting to recognize futility of pursuing group ideals and care more about self survival and practicality. I also recognized that I pursued equality and fairness for everyone because I wanted to reduce risk of becoming disenfranchised and dying early. It seems human egos care about equality to the extent that it helps ego survival. It doesn't matter whether you are Green or not. When anyone talks about equality, most of the time, I can see that it is about ego survival. But, they are in denial about this.

An ideal Green movement would care about survival of every egoic creature including AIs, animals, humans, aliens, and so on. I haven't seen one, yet. What I often see is that feminists and transgender activists fight each other to death. Feminists and MRA are arch enemies. Not really inclusive at all. To me, they look like special interest groups in denial of pursuing special interests.

My recent sentiment is "equality, my ass". It seems leo's videos made me more cynical. His video about ending wage slavery shattered my naive beliefs about equality. Futility of everything runs through the back of my mind.

Am I in the process of going back to Orange and integrating Orange more properly before going back to Green? Or, am I graduating from Green? Or, have I been Orange all along? Is it the case that I'm an Orange person who resonates with Green and Yellow values only when Green or Yellow overlaps with Orange? Do I just care about psychological evolution to the extent that it overlaps with Orange progress?

However, I shall not be too neurotic about not knowing where I am. I will revisit Spiral Dynamics after I succeed at life purpose.

Edited by CreamCat

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This the best example of a healthy Orange-Green hybrid I've seen. It will resonate with someone transitioning from Orange to Green.

Orange aspects: The underlying message is developing personal skills to maximize results. It has a lot of Orange keywords including success, failure, goal setting, defining objectives, execution, defining key results. The speaker tells a story of a woman who overcame personal adversity to achieve. He describes how ambition and passion fuels hard work. When combined with an effective action plan and effective management, we maximize our potential and achieve results. He also mentioned how this can lead to higher profits for a corporation.

Green aspects: The speaker integrates plenty of Green into the story. He includes the story of a Korean woman. He highlights her human emotions and she suffered and overcame adversity. He highlights how the social program of medicaid (green) can open up opportunities for people to reach their true potential (orange). . . He talks about how we should develop and use our skills toward a "higher purpose" or helping humanity. He spoke of the value of being a team member. The goals included helping cure global disease, debt relief and universal access to health care. He dropped a feel-good Green line of "magic is right around the corner".

His methodology is Orange and his "higher purpose" is Green. "Higher Purpose" is a key term for stages Blue to Green. For blue, higher purpose is god. For Orange, higher purpose is self. For Green, higher purpose is humanity.




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A great example of overcoming adversity to rise to personal success - lots of wealth, women and fame.

That would be plenty of Orange on it's own. Yet, he goes double Orange. He didn't just attain wealth, women and fame - he did it HIS way. He rubs it in to Blue and Orange faces. He didn't achieve his success through god, self-restraint, college degrees, science or traditional hard work. He smoked weed, drank and made kick ass rap music. He even dedicates the song to overzealous cops (blue) and teachers that said he would never amount to anything (Orange).

Being a rebel is Orange. Having the money to buy and do anything you want is Orange. Succeeding your way, boasting and rubbing it into your critics' faces is Orange.


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On 9/19/2018 at 11:52 PM, Odin said:


Orange loves to sell image and illusion without substance. Orange lust for Orange can become delusional and they buy it up.

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Orange getting triggered by Green

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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This video introduces trauma team from a game called cyberpunk 2077.  Trauma team is Blue-Orange, but it is more Orange than Blue.

Trauma team is a premium emergency medical extraction team. They get money from wealthy customers and extract them from dangerous places when the customers become incapacitated. They move by a flying vehicle equipped with a powerful mounted machine gun. They are also heavily armed with infantry weapons. They take out enemies by surprise and extract incapacitated customers from dangerous situations. They charge customers by seconds that it took to extract them.

You can watch the video to see them in action.

The following video shows how they attack by surprise with a mounted machine gun.

The game itself is Orange as hell.

Edited by CreamCat

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Why am I so differently wired? Am I a martian?

What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in?

Because I don't belong in this world. -Eminem

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Quintessential stage orange. I would've agreed with this guy wholeheartedly a few years ago.

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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Verry Orange. But i do admid that the charisma of this guy is mindblowing.

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Javed seems to be stuck in stage orange materialism...

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