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Problem-solution section

6 posts in this topic

Can I propose a section for this forum:

problem-> solution

Where people can post solutions that worked for them for any problem they had?

Simple and straight to the point without the need of reading 100 other "useless" (not useless but u know what i mean :) ) posts? 


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Monika i was looking at the number of topics already on the forum, 13 pages i think, and looking at the titles of those topics tell a lot about forum members and where they are.  Monika, solutions only work for those who first can hear the solution without their programing and false belief system shutting it down,  most people hear according to what they believe, their belief limits their hearing,  Most will not go against their belief system to implement change.  Most already think they are more awake than they are.  Just reading other peoples text will tell you where they are by the questions and remarks that they make.  Once awakened the self realized not only know themselves but know all others as well.  To a self realized being, the lives of others is an open book, seen at a glance.  There is only a very small percentage of people who will ever take a real solution seriously doesn't matter that it is coming from a person who has walked the path ahead of them.  There are so many newage theories and philosophies today there is nothing but mass confusion.  I have been involved in two or three chat rooms on the internet for a number of years, talking about consciousness, personal growth, liberation from the insanity of the human condition and generally instead of taking you seriously, most who are running on programing and belief are just waiting to give you their opinion and instead of trying to understand the real solution that you are giving, they say well that is your belief or that is your opinion, they don't even realize that all they have is belief and opinion trying to talk to real life experience.  The reality is that only a handful of the people in your lifetime will awaken to the reality of life and who and what they are, most of it will be rationalized, intellectualized, and many will actually believe they are awake, in reality they have no idea what awake means, have no idea of the transformation that happens to a person when they awaken and become self realized.  Honestly most of it has become nothing more than a social forum with people expressing their opinions on things they know nothing about.  I know this may sound harsh to you and many others but once awakened you can no longer accept the nonsense and you cannot help people by giving them more nonsense, and when you give reality you get accused of being to harsh or talking over the heads of other people. 

I am not trying to discourage you, go for your solution forum, and when you do observe everything, the questions asked, the answers given, look for living experience and not opinions and belief, observe the difference.  The living experience of a human functioning as the fictitious identity that they have created, and the living experience of a human who has made the transition from the human being to the being of consciousness that we really are, are a world apart, but then they tell us there are many levels to all of this, that there are many paths, and journeys which never seem to have a real destination or expectation of arrival at a destination but leaves everyone with an excuse for where they are, and this is normal behavior in a world of human beings with fictitious identities.  I realize that all things change moment by moment and that consciousness is in a process of evolution, I also know that when reality sets in the illusions and dreams dissolve and everything changes because you are no longer a human being but a being of consciousness that observes life and functions from that space of being.

Having said all that, good luck with your proposal and your own personal growth.

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  On 4/8/2016 at 2:07 PM, Socrates said:

The solution is to stop asking people who spend their life seriously sifting through masses of amount of topic on internet and putting serious energy in their answers. As Charlie just said it useless excersise and only Charlie can really be awakened because they spent the time and effort surfing the web to get enlightened.

Reading forum material and introject other people's opinion is the fast track to mystical Enlightenment. But remembers, you need to live the stereotype. Anime and emo behaviours are a must. Plus a whole library of metaphysical jargon ready to slip off the tongue. 

Read twenty books and have two non dual experience then try to conceptualise that with the forum members so that you can memorize what enlightenment is. 

After that, start your own YouTube website. 

Maybe shave your head?

I hope this was useful.

Kindest regards

Socrates :D

And PS. Every other fucking word has to contain the letters E, G & O.

I was just reading your reply and wanted to tell you about my own awakening, it only came because i gave up enough of the physical life, to devote time to understanding myself on a deeper level being with the life force that is within myself, which is consciousness.  However i did give up a lot of my own life to help those who could not help themselves, and i suspect even that played a big role and that was by choice, but i think by the actions of showing compassion to those who had no means to help themselves, and giving to keep them from sliding through the cracks, it affected me on a much deeper level.  In reality those actions was coming from a deeper level of my own being, and at a point i began to understand that this physical body was not who i was.  Then over some time because of my desire and willingness to be open consciousness revealed a lot of things to me that much of this world still dont know or understand, and one day i suddenly became aware that a transition had happened within myself, and i sort of felt a separation from my physical body, that happens when you move into the moment of life within consciousness,  in a present aware state of being. 

Searching the web or reading others books and writings or clinging to gods and religions wont get you there, you have to reconnect with the real part of yourself, be there, observe life from there, and function from there, consciousness is the most powerful thing in existence and yet it cant be seen, it is the ground of all being, everything is formed from consciousness. It is who and what we are but most have become disassociated from it.  Being still, being quiet, in that space with the source of life that is within you is the key.  In the beginning it isnt easy it takes practice, but in the end, it will bring liberation and self realization.

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  On 2/7/2016 at 3:39 PM, MonikaBcn said:

Can I propose a section for this forum:

problem-> solution

Where people can post solutions that worked for them for any problem they had?

Simple and straight to the point without the need of reading 100 other "useless" (not useless but u know what i mean :) ) posts? 


if you do decide to start the section i would participate in it if you would like, but by now many know im a no nonsense kind of guy, that pretty much has to go straight to the heart of things.  I try to do it in a helpful way and in the right spirit, but it isnt always taken that way, but that depends on the ability of the hearer whether the hearer can hear or not and the attitude they take about it reveals the level they are on.  Just wanted to add this and let you know i would support your section. :)

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This forum is still freakin small. Bringing more structure into this forum would be like running an extra mile even though you just finished your marathon.

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oschi this marathon is never finished while in the body, and to talk about after the body dies would only be speculation or some remembering of being out of the body after death, but we cant even be sure that it isnt just a figment of your imagination,  so we wont go there.  One can achieve a state of being that liberates from the pain and misery of human beings and the world.  A state of peace, joy, and the opportunity to see the reality of things, and to possibly have a decision in what happens in your life, and you can be happy in knowing that you are the master over your identity and the insanity of this world. It doesnt happen by accident but it can be had.  Many are called but few are chosen.

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