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Progress in Vipassana

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I came back from my second 10 day sit a couple of weeks ago and I understand the technique pretty well. I've gained enormous results just in the last month. Anybody else walking the path of dhamma? i have been doing 2 hour long sits a day. What I like about this technique is that it deals with the truth / your direct experience, moment to moment, no delusions, no mantra, no visualization, just sitting there and observing the reality pertaining moment to moment. A Magnifying glass onto the impermanent nature of reality / aka God and a very scientific, pragmatic process of spiritual purification. I can foresee how this is a highway to enlightenment, although its a long path, however very little traps you can fall into because the whole technique deals with awareness and equanimity, no chakras, kundalini or any other new age stuff, only direct truth pertaining to oneself moment to moment. I feel like this is a path alot of people are seeking, not to condemn any other techniques, I am dumbstruck by the purity of this technique. All comments / opinions are appreciated. 

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I like the presence and equanimity that vippassana teachers emanate. Wonderful beings :)

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I just got the confirmation to attain in a 10 day Vipassana in September. Super excited :-)

Was it hard for you? Did you consider to break it up? My meditation routine is like 20 to 40 mins a day. Is it a good idea to increase the amount of time to be better prepared? Do you have any other practical tips that you whish you knew before?

What's the difference between a duck?

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