
How to get a better understanding of non duality and God

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Over the past year I have been gaining an increasingly bigger understanding of God and struggle to see as much of a difference between what I call "myself" and the "rest of the universe" anymore.  However I still have massive room for improvement and would love to be able to get an even better understanding. My goal is to be able to realize these things throughout my day to day life and would like to become more conscious of this more often as they seem to bring me so much joy. I was wondering if anyone had any exercises/ tips and advice  for people that are also struggling with this. 

Edited by metwinn

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Forget about nonduality and god. Understand the duality in oneself. (the self) 


Edited by Faceless

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Do you meditate ? 

Do you do 'real Yoga' ?

Do you perform self inquiry ?

Have you taken psychedelics ? 

Have you read enough on Enlightenment?

Have you tried shamanic Breathing ?

 You are looking for enlightenment , try some of these techniques. Leo has Videos on them. 




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5 minutes ago, YogiLogan said:

Do you meditate ? 

Do you do 'real Yoga' ?

Do you perform self inquiry ?

Have you taken psychedelics ? 

Have you read enough on Enlightenment?

Have you tried shamanic Breathing ?

 You are looking for enlightenment , try some of these techniques. Leo has Videos on them. 




I have watched all of Leo's videos on the topic multiple times I meditate daily as well as read daily. I have taken LSD one time.

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Find a nice place to sit. Watch the things around you, the sensations arising in your awareness, and contemplate what they are, where one stops and another begins. A nice place to start is a quiet place, so that you won't get overwhelmed/distracted by a lot of change happening. Later you can go to crowded, noisy, 'chaotic' places and do the same. Go to the city centre, the main train station etc. At last you wont have to hold on to any sensation to try and understand what it is and how it is related to the rest. You will embody the understanding and therefore wont have to know by thought. 

Another thing you could try, is everytime you are having a conversation, argument, discussion etc., contemplate both/all sides of the issue. By doing this you will get in contact with the many-sided-ness of all events, and the illusion of a singular truth.

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@WindInTheLeaf that all sounds like great advice to me, in particular the last part because recently I have been noticing the ego arising in me that wants to believe that whatever I believe is true.

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